STYLELIST new york

{ Some among you troqu

rather at: We Ho'r‘er Srmpson, and 'Mmm, beer' rs the sum. tota o” your Nev: York rngo Every of‘-ir(er‘.(e ario supe'rrtarket ("aro rras a range ot’ p()pula" Ame'rrar‘. beers rBudt'. e se', 1.1:E'er, e‘.( -, but tor a t":'s°.- Query "Troy rude se‘er Iron, heao along to O(l(li)’."8,’.'.l'1~( h r2as nie'ity ot’ shops a( "oss Sr otlaeo, \.'.';t"‘- arr/1e." b"a"< "es " Ed'rtburgri at H or: Street ‘7.20 3516, Queensterry Street 226 7589- am 'urttst eo P a<e 228 1642‘ ant: r: Glasgov.’ at Bytes Roarl 7339 3790 , \r‘r’oorlraeris Roar: 332 166% a"(: H tr "e Street 4221 11760

106 THE LIST .3

Mr rtzril


HI »r:.:rr '1" 1‘, ., rt ‘llITlir,’ ' '2‘ 1:1'1'1' llrtl w .r'v .- 4’, r‘.‘ l) I'.


" r' l:' it’ll: ;v

'.|'rl l l ill!) .'




8 I}!

Wrth your storrrat h (_ho( k-a-blotk and your

thrrst (; .en( 'red, rt's tr'vre

for sorrre serrous rrrovre- wat< hrng Head to the video store and lrarl Robert De Nrro's yellow (ab rrr laxr Driver, (r'oss 'Moort Rrver' ‘.'.rtrr Audrey Hepburn rn Breakfast At l'rffany’s, see the Errrprre State Burltlrng the alterrratr'xe way rrr King Kong, and bathe rl‘; Woody Allen's hyrr‘rrr to the 3K} Apple,Man/rattan if your eyes are (torog square, you rrtrght fancy a read Turn the pages of ftrrrer‘rrarr Psyr iro, Brig/ti l/q/rts, Bro (rty. and Hoof/re Of lhe Van/ties, and you're pra< trtally there

i l 3 r l.

After sa< " a "-e( iv( ‘.'.eel\'e'\o, you'o' t"r"-< rt's {It‘tt‘ to (ran. nto your bed a"<l "est your

traue no t)()(l No fear Nev. York s toe (:ty t"‘a‘. never sleeps af‘u' 'zettl‘er shouirlyou '.la'-\e rxe is a Sur‘oa, a‘ter"o(:r= at Body & Soul, He's. Yorle nest ( ub Pal. a ‘e.'.

(out ties together, '."ro.'. so"‘e olo (l-st o, tattr‘ ".oase, Jar? o" ‘.'asan o' Arrr‘a'u Tar“ Heloer‘ or‘ the system, ()“(l :)repa"e to get s.'.eat. 0‘ (ourse, you <a"'t (lr‘rrt'v; (ill olro, at Body 8‘ Sour, so you" new: to juice it baby lleao (logar‘: To":;o and Stone or Bru' ts‘reu Plate, l(l"‘t)ltl‘(;l‘ 229 298/ ar


ta" be yu'teu :'\le'.'.


\r'v’ell, by ll()\.'.‘ you've got more than a few holrrlay tales to tell, but don’t get taught out on the (letarls Fakrrrg rt rs all very well, but If you (arr't tell your l«.1a(y's from your rrrar e, Its not really gorng to ‘.‘.’()l'ls, rs rt ) Grab a guide and rrrerrtorrse rt - you (arx't go \.".'ron(t ‘ lonely Planet, lrrrre Out and Rough (turtles, who all publrslr exrellent (turtles to the (rty Perhaps rn you." \.'.'eel\err(l \.'~.orl(l of rrral:e-bel:ez'e, your hall \.'.rll be Br'oatl‘.'.'av, your krttherr lrrrres Square and the pot plant on the ‘.'.rlt(l()‘.'.‘ sr|| ( entral Park



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Getting there

Keep an eye out - there are always special travel deals to be found in newspapers, travel agents and on Teletext. But if money’s no object, we recommend Concorde for the ultimate jet-set experience.

By air:

Glasgow to New York rtn: £235 (minimum seven day stay, departing Mon—Thu).

Continental: 0800 776 464.

By air:

Edinburgh/Glasgow to New York rtn: £213 on Delta Arrlines (via Brussels).

STA Edrnburgh: 226 7747.

STA Glasgow: 338 6000.

By air:

Edinburgh/Glasgow to New Yorkrtn : £165 on Delta Airlines (via Brussels).

USIT Campus Edinburgh: 668 3303.

USlT Campus Glasgow: 3S7 0608/553 1818. By Concorde:

Edinburgh/Glasgow to New York rtn: £7,299. British Airways: 0345 222 111.