The Sable Galler at Dundas Street Gallery: Gail Cat in Ttte l6—Sa' 27 Mar. A first solo exhibition of work by leading contemporary Soutlt African artist Gail Catlin. Her paintings combine liquid crystal with oil attd mixed media.


Lauriston Place. 22l 6()()(). Mon—Thu l()am—8pin: Fri l()aitt—5pnt: Sat l()atn-2piit.

Sculpture Student Exhibition Until Fri 5 Mar. (Sculpture Court ). Work by 2nd aitd 3rd year students.

Sculpture Exhibition Mott s~l-'t-i it) Matt. (Andrew Grant ). Sculpture by 3rd year students.

Drawing And Painting Student Exhibition Mon I5 -—l"ri 26 Mar. An exhibition of work by 2nd year students.


|8a l)tindas Street. 557 5227. Mon—Fri llaitt—-5pin: Sat lllitlil- l pitt.

Mixed Exhibition Until Tue I6 Mar. Paintings by regular gallery artists.


88 l.otliiaii Road. 228 2688. Daily l()ani- lllplii.

Eighteen Portraits tinttl Sat 27 Mar. Portrait paintings by David Howard.


University Of lidiitburglt. 9 George Square. 650 4 l 24. Mon-Thu

8.3()atn—9 iiti; l‘i'i 8.3()aiii~7pnt.

Smells like White Spirit Until Hi 5 Mar. Mixed media exhibition of work by final year Fine Art students.


35 Williatit Street. 225 2I96. Tue—l-ri llatn—5pitt; Sat llain—2prti.

Mixed Exhibition Uittil Wed 3| Mar. Mised media works by gallery artists.


45 Market Street. 225 2383. Mon—Sat l()ani-6pitt1Sutt noon—5pm.

New Paintings: Peter Doig/Udomsak Krisanamis Until Sat 27 Mar. I)e.solate and moody landscapes front Peter I)oig (nominated for the Turner Prize in I994) aitd intriguing arid visually teasing collages front the 'l‘ltai-borit. New York resident. Udoiitsak Ki‘isaitaiiiis.


George Square. lcaitipus of lidiitbtrrgh University). 447 7258. Mon —l‘i'i |()atti——4pm.

Nature In The City Until Hi I2 Mar. ()titdooi' sculptures by artists frortt Iidinbtirglt (‘ollege ol :\l'l aitd lidinburgli Uni\ersity.


22a l)tindas Street. 556 2I8 l . Tue-l'ri lt).3()atii—6pin; Sat l()aiti-—5ptn.

Petro Magro Sat (t—sttt 27 Mar. A retrospective esltibition celebrating the 80th birthday of this Ukrainian artist. This is his first solo exhibition iii the UK arid will feature still lifes and rural and industrial landscapes in oils and pastels. INGLEBY GALLERY 6 Carlton 'l‘errace. 556 444 l . Tue —Sat l()aitt—~6piit.

Patricia Macdonald and Susan Derges Until Sat 27 Mar. .-\ei'ial photographs by Patricia Macdonald revealing the abstract patterns on the surface of the land and sea and pltotograiits by Susan Derges. w lticlt are created by lay iitg photographic paper in the sea or my cr-bed.

Hylton Nel l’ittil Sat 27 .\lill'. (’erainics by Hylton Nel inspired by ancient (‘Itiita and l8tlt century langlaiid.


28 St Stephen Street. 226 5449. Moitnl-‘ri 9.30ant-5piti.

Jill Calder liittil .\lon l9 .-\pr. Drawings by .lill (‘aldet'. which illustrate Honor Fraser's musings iii The Sim/mu] ()n Sum/tit.

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D'ECOSSE 13 Randolph ('i'escent. 225 5366. Mon—Fri 9.3llani-6.3()pni: Sat 9.3()ain- l .3()pm.

Paris: Espaces Passes, Presents Vertiges Until Sat 27 Mar. An exhibition of twenty small photographs by Philip Grover. who spent a year iii Paris researching the l8th century.


82 Nicolson Street. 668 2232. Mon-Fri 10am—5pm.

Oli, Acquerelli, Pastelli Thu l8 Mar—Fri 9 Apr. Paintings by Renata Rampant.


66 Ctrtnberland Street. 558 9872. Iyloitul‘ri l()am—6pm; Sat l()ain—4ptn.

Patrick Caulfield Until Thu 25 Mar. An exhibition of prints by pop artist Patrick Caulfield. a contemporary of David Hockney. His works modern still lifes arid interiors —- are illustrated by twelve poems by I9th century French poet. Jules l.aforgue t I86()— I 887).


5 Nor'thuitibet'land Street Lane. 557 5454. Tue-Sat llant-—4.3()pitt.

Escape To The Sun Until l‘Tl I2 \lill'. Recent paintings by various artists including Barbara Baliiier'. .laiiies Spence. Claudia Petretti. Tom Watt. .-\nii Wegintiller and Robert Kelsey.


49 Bernard Street. l.eith. 467 7392. Tue-Fri llani--6piit; Sat ts Strit Haiti—3.30pm.

Landscapes By Fin Until l-‘ri l9 Mar. Paintings by Finlay Kenny.


65 The Shore. 553 5255. Tue--l-'ri llam—5piti; Sat llaiit-me.

Two Years On Uiitil Sat I3 Mar. Seveit graduates of I997 show new work.


3 High Street. S‘itisselbtirglt. 653 4432. Tue—Sat l()ani—5pin; Stiit rtoott~-4piti. Kate Philp Thu 4—Sat 2() Mar. Watercolour paintings by Kate Pliilp.


University Of lidirtburgh. (ieorge Square. 650 3384. Mon—'l'hu 9am— l()pnt: Fri-Sat 9am—5pm; Stiit nooii—5prtt: l)aily 9ani-—5pnt.

Edinburgh Worthies In Print Until Hi 26 Mar. A selection of works by staff arid students of the University of lidiuburgh pre l9()|. illustrated witlt photographs.

MALCOLM INNES GALLERY 4 l)undas Street. 558 9544/5. Mon l'l'l l()am—6pitt: Sat l()aitt— l pitt.

Stock Sale Until Sat 6 Mar. A w ide

selection of WW and 2()t|i century oils. watercolours and prints.

MATTHEW ARCHITECTURE GALLERY University of lidinburglt. 2t) (‘liaittbers Street. 650 2342. Mon-Fri l(){llli-‘i’ipltll Sat 8; Stiit I0.30am—2.30pm.

Faust Until Fri 5 Mar. Iiiglit large aitd fiye smaller charcoal drawings by Alan McGowan based on l‘tllnl Part ()II(‘ by .loltaiiit Wolfgang voti (ioclhc.

METROPOLE COFFEE HOUSE 33 Newington Road. 668 4999. Daily 9ain-— l()pin.

Natural Forms Until Mon l2 Apt: Abstract acrylic paintings inspired by-

; natural patterns by Susan Beasley.


Nile Grove. t‘ylorningside. For further

3 details call 447 669]. Hi l()aiii--7pitt; Sat


Photography Exhibition l‘t‘l )2 y Sat l3 Mar. An exhibition of photography by local photographers.

NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Bell'ord Road. 624 620i). Mon—Sat l()anr-5ptn; Strit 2—5pm. A display ol recent acquisitions by a line-up of big British names. including Damien llii'st. Racltel Wltitei'ead and Catherine Yass together with a display of works by prontinent 20th century artists. including Picasso. Matisse. Moore. Hockney aitd Bellany. Currently oit loan from a private

collection. seven large prints by l-Idvard Munch.

Henri Cartier-Bresson Portraits: Tete- A-Tete Sat l3 Mar—Sun 9 May. £3 (£1.50) includes entry to Avigdor Arikha. The first ever retrospective of Henri-Cartier- Bresson's portraits featuring over I2() photographs from a career spanning 6() years. l‘anious faces include Matisse. Jean Paul Sartre. Marilyn Monroe. Francis Bacon. Truman Capote. Martin Luther Kiiig and Lucian Freud. See l-‘i'otttliries. Avigdor Arikha Sat I3 Mar- Sun 9 May. £3 l .50) includes entry to llenri ('artier-

Bresson. The only showing outside Israel of

this retrospective exhibition devoted to the work of Avigdor Ariklta. The show brings together his childhood drawings of scenes iii the concentration camps at Molltilev. Ukraine. abstract work from the l95()s and I96()s. studies front life arid nature and paintings of public figures including I.ord Home and the Queen Mother.

NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. 624 62()(). Mon ‘Sat l()aiii~»6pttt; Stiii 2-~6pnt. A collection of works front the Renaissance to Post- liitpi'essionisiii. by artists including Raphael. Rembrandt. Poussin. Degas. Van (ioglt aitd Monet along with work by l8t|t aitd l9tli century Scottiin artists. Recently returned to display is 'l‘itiait's UNI/til .l/It/ ('ti/li'slu and Antonio (Itrioy as famous \Clllplttl't‘ Ilillt' I‘ll/'t't' (flirt ('.\.

Robert Adam: The Creative Mind tintil Strii 2| Mar. The work of architect attd designer Robert :\(l;tlll l I728 I792) is celebrated tn this exhibition. Adam is best known for his interior at Kedlestoii Hall in l)ei'by'sl‘.ire. and the show features 67 drawings pltts several Scottish commissions including a large model of Adams proposed design for Bariibougle (‘aslle on the I'ii‘tli ol l‘oi‘tlt.


Queen Street. 624 620i). Moit- Sat

l(laiii -5pni: Stiit 3-5pm. A collection of portraits ol famous faces front the Hub century to present day. plus the national photography collection. New portraits for the 20th century collection include John Byrne's portrait of Robbie Coltrane.

Pro hets And Pilgrims: Ruskin, Proust An Northern Gothic t'ntil Sun 7 Mar. .-\ii esliibittoii exploring the influence of Victorian art critic and theorist .Ioltn Rtiskilt t l8|9 I900) the French writer Marcel Proust t l87l- 1922).

Artists By Artists lintil Stiii 7 Mar. (‘onteiiipoi'ai'y portraits in a \ariety of media by artists including (‘alunt (‘on tit. Stephen (‘oiiroy and liduardo I’aoloui. Raeburn's Rival: Archibald Skirving 1749-1819 l'ittil Mon 5 Apr. The first

e\ er e\ltibitioit deyoted to Scottish artist .-\rchibald Skirviiig's life arid work. Featuring pastels. miniatures. drawings. oils arid prints. the display draws parallels and contrasts w it|i Raebtir it's career.

THE NEW STREET EXHIBITION SPACE I4 New Street. 556 5204. Mon l'l'l

l lam ~9pitt; Sat ty Stilt tiooii 4pm. Metamorphosis tTntil wed 3| .\lttl'. Photography by Kii'sty Sltaiiks looking at the political and racial tensions iii contemporary Australian society and sculptural photographic works by Duncan Brentner. inspired by abstract light and colour. See i'ey iew.

NEW TOWN CONSERVATION CENTRE |3a I)tiitdas Street. 557 5222. Mon l-‘i‘i 9aitt- lpiit: 2 ~5piit.

Princes Street: Unexecuted Designs 1767-1999 l‘iitil Mon 29 Mar. Plans and designs for Princes Street which were neycr carried out.

OCEANEERING MULTIFLEX BUILDING Victoria I)ock. l.eitlt. 33 8897. Daily nooii- 6pm.

Made In Leith Stilt I4 .\l:ti' Sat 3 Apr. The (iceaiieei'ing Mtrltifles btiildiiig at Victoria Quay (due to be deiiiolislted) provides ait unusual exhibition space for this community protect of work by artists living and working in l.eith. l'eatut'iitg paintings. sculpture atid testiles by artists Kevin Dagg. .loaiine (‘aittpbell. l)avid

listings ART

Shearer. Chris Daly arid Simon Briggs among others. the show looks at the changing nature of l.eith.


75-79 Cumberland Street. 557 l()2(). Mon-Fri 10am-6pm; Sat l()atti—4pin. Sheila Mclnnes Until Thu 4 Mar. l-‘igurative paintings by this Edinburgh- based artist.

John Paul Landreau Until Thu 4 Mar. l-‘igurative ceramics.

Charles MacQueen Until Thu 4 Mar. Seitti-abstract landscapes attd seascapcs in oils.

Kim Hall Uiiiil Tlttt 25 Mar. Contemporary jewellery.

Andrew Hill Sat 6—Thu 25 Mar. Ceramic bottles arid bowls by Andrew Hill.

Whyn Lewis Sat 6—Thu 25 Mar. Oil on board paitttings of wltippets by Whyn l.ew'is.

Linda Farquharson Sat (i—Thu 25 Mar. Decorative sci'eeitprints by Linda l-"arquharsoit.


tWASPS) Patriothall Studios. off 48 Hamilton Place. 225 I289. Daily

I lain—5pm.

Ross Flemington and Paul Moore Sat 6-.Sat 13 Mar. Paintings attd mixed media works by Ross Heitiirtgton.


43 Candleittaker Row. 220 I91 l.Tue—Sat noon—5.30piti.

Dreamlands Until Sat 27 Mar. This group show brings together the work of three artists. Sarah Jones. Hannah Starkey and Frances Kearney.


(‘let'k Street. 667 7776. Mott—Sal l()ani—5.3()ptn.

Jennie Speirs Until Sat 27 Mar. Drawings. prints and collaborative works by Jennie Speirs and Keri Grant based on studies from corttemporary dance.

Continued over page

TALBOT RICE GALLERY University of Edinburgh Old College, South Bridge



a chance to see paintings and sculpture recently acquired by the 400 - year - old Fine Art Collection of the University of Edinburgh



an exhibition by Aurelio Amendola. in association with the Italian Institute.

Tuesday - Saturday 10-5

Please call 0131 650 2211 for further details.

4—18 Mar 1999 THE LIST79