
, \ become as lamentable as the new IIUE’S aforementioned fantasies. (MF)


CREATIVE AUTOBIOGRAPHY Frankie 30556, Comes DlSC uss 1011 Groups Prozac Diary . Home

iaLQLQam'Sh Hamllton Jerry Raine (Gollancz £9.99) it i @

Bridget Jones it ain’t. Nor should it be i ,. confused with Elizabeth Wurtzel’s


Prozac Nation self-indulgence is . ' . ' ' ' l I nowhere in this eloquent, informative " Sdmrddy 13m MdrCh at 1 “Odin r . ,. and intriguing combination of medical , .mmnmuwy...“ JANICE GALLOWAY S WHERE YOU HND II

report and personal account. CLASSICS DISCUSSION GROUP

P f. . When rozac was Irst Introduced, Thursday 18”] March at 6.30pm

relatively little was known about its , 1 , long-term effects, so when Slater EMILE ZOLA S THERE“; RAQUIN

began taking it in 1988 she was, in I effect, a guinea pig. This diary is an '_ account of ten years on the ’wonder l drug' and charts her transformation 1 from a depressive, compulsive, self- mutilating psychiatric disaster to a i ’normally' functioning person with an I

impressive list of accomplishments to TOP OSCAR DISCUSSIONS WITH CHAMPAGNE-[SH WINE her name writer, lecturer, doctor of

psychology and director of her Clinic. 1 , . , SCIENCE FICTION/FANTASY DISCUSSION GROUP This dramatic and SUdden leap from Wednesday 24th March at 7.30pm. madness to sanity brought its own ; You wouldn't want to fall into Jerry DAVID GEMMELLS HEROK. FANTASY LEGEND

problems her sexuality, creativity, and Raine’s bad books, not even for the identity were substantially altered. slightest offence. ln Smal/t/me, his SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS’ WORKSHOP Thursday I 1th March and Thursday 25m March at 8pm

Slater’s experiences of coming to terms debut novel, an easy-going bloke finds


Saturday 2()th March at 12.30pm. SEBASTIAN FAULK‘S BIRDSONG

FILM DISCUSSION GROUP Tuesday 23rd March at 7.30pm

with a life of relative normality are at ; himself at home among the criminal . . . . . . . , . times both painful and heartening but, underClass when he stalks the man who agiliom NIGHTLY WORKSHOP‘ WHLRL YOU ( AN Discuss YOUR above all, highly compelling. (KK) ' mugged him. In its follow-up, Frank/e I Bosser Comes Home, an accidental - . .- - . CONTEMPORARY MYSTERY : splash from a van going through a i, 1 off ollfeaturcd discussron group titles The Houdnu 6'” I puddle is enough to trigger a Spire” of ' untrl the date ofthe group meeting Martyn Bedford (Viking {1399) 5 events leading to multiple murder. l t t i Raine suggests that a dangerous,

1 often deadly, world exists a short breath

away from our everyday lives, and that , ; it only takes a seemingly I

inconsequential act to break down the r safety barrier. Frank/e Bosser doesn’t I 0 I e I S cast as sharp an eye on its social

backdrop as its predecessor; it also fails to maintain as steady a level of excitement, forcing the plot to tread water during an overlong middle

SIMON CALLow AT THE GFT Friday 5th March at 6.30pm

; seal?“ between the dlYe-ln-headllrst ONE OF BRITAIN‘S GREATEST SCREEN ANI) STAGE ACTORS DIS— , (05$ch and casually Violent climax- I CUSSES HIS NEW BOOK LOVE Is WHERE IT FALLS


5 POLITICAL ANTHOLOGY r Tu dd W M“ h at 7 n

CS ' ' C ' I

l Another Book To Burn: y p


The State Of Scotland IN WHERE THERE IS EVIL JN Reill (ed) (Bootle editions £9.99) L e . . 1 1 *Y 9 JOHNNY RODGER . _ , , l Thursday 25th March at 7pm . . . _ - Somet'me? 't 59‘9er YOU Shou'd Judge CONTEMPORARY GLASGOW - THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE ProfesSIonal prestIdIgItator (that’s 1 a book by Its cover. The caricature of a NINFTIFg magician to you and me) ’Red' meets f goose-stepping, fascist salute-waving ; J A hot-tempered Irish Rosa over a sleight- I Tony Blair which beams out from the E IAIN BANKS Of-hand trick in a pub in Oxford. A front of this collection is a pretty fair I Friday 76m Mmh great fuck becomes a greater sex life ; indication of the righteous anger l h

, . . . . . . , DISCUSSING SONGBOOK, A SELECTION OF HIS FAVOURITE MUSIC and soon they re lIVIng together and present WIthIn Its pages. Unfortunately, ,

he's in love. When Rosa dies a year ; it’s also a clue to the level of subtlety in MONICA LEWINSKY later in suspicious Circumstances, Red is § the arguments put forth. devastated but grief is displaced by an Referring to industrialists en masse as l insatiable desire to discover the truth. ’parasites’, to trade unions as tame Unfortunately, his investigations unions (clever wording, cheers) or to l confirm his worst fears about his ex a Peter Mandelson as ’Prince Of


double life, a past of sexual promiscuity Darkness’ smacks of hectoring rather and put his own life in danger. than debate, and ultimately

A graduate of Malcolm Bradbury's E undermines many of the points made. , ° prestigious Creative Writing MA, . The book Is at its best in the poetry, B O R D E R S

. . i Bedfords third novel plays on male I . . fantasises of the Madonna and the : Continued over page bOOks'musu°v'deo'cafi whore. Unfortunately, a run of the mill , murder mystery (with some tacked-on I * ***STAR KgT'NGSd' themes such as illusion and i * “1513" "‘9 - performance) outweighs the more I 111* 553%???“ - 98 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW G 1 38A involved interrogation of the male l *ir So-so psyche and the proceedings soon * p00l’ 0 l 41 222 7700

4-l8 Mar 1999 THE “ST 95