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Orbital play Barrowland, Glasgow, Sun 21 Mar



Glasgow I Rachel Stamp and The Room The Catlititise. l’nion Street. 248 6006. 8pm. £4.50 plus booking tee. Tickets from Missing Records. Wellington Street. 400 17% and Ripping Records. lidiiiburgh. (‘(’ booking: 0870 ()()l 0002. No age restriction on this slttm. (Elam ptiiik rock \\ itli ilie emphasis more on rock -\\ltti say that bright hair and .loaii .lett rule. Support from lidinburgh outiit The Room. I The Channel and Barricelo Nice ' Sleazy. Saucliieliall Street. 333 9037. 9pm. I Rattlers (hand (He ()pry. Paisley Road Toll. 42‘) 5390. 7.30pm. L250 it; 1.50 iiieiiibersi. Country. I Live Music Kilkeiinys. John Street.

552 3505. ‘)pm. l‘ree.


I Tasty aiid' lBiiaii Kellock Trio .la// .ltitltl. 8 Morrison Street. 22| I288. 8pm 3am. L3. See Sun 2 I.



I Backyard Babies, Famous Monsters and Fungus The (iarage. Sauchiehall Street. 332 l I20. 7pm. £7 plus booking lt‘t‘. Tickets lit'olti Missing Records. Wellington Street. 400 l77b and Ripping Records. lidinburgh. ('C‘ booking: 0870 (itll 0002. .\'o age restriction on this shoyy. Backyard Babies liaye syyalloyy ed the rock ‘n’ roll manual \yhole. They really like se\ and drugs too and would one day like to try some. Support l‘roiii l-'.iiiious Monsters \\ Iio t'eature e\-\\'hite Zombie bassist Sean Young in their line- tip.

I Entombed, Skinlab and Medulla Nocte The (’athouse. l,'iiioii Street. 2-l8 (i(i()(i_ 8pm. co plus booking lee. Tickets lroiii Missing Records. Wellington Street. 400 I77() and Ripping Records. lidinbtirgli. (‘(‘ hooking; HSth (i()l 0002. \t) :tgt‘ restriction on this slioyy. \\'holesoiiie deathJindtisti'ial/goth metal entertainment for all the laiiiily.

I The Blues Band and Eugene Hideaway Bridges Mother“ ell Concert Hall. (‘iyic Centre. Motheryyell. ()lb‘)8 2b75 15. 8pm. U250 l 9; I050). The Blues Band hay e been on the go for yoiiks. t'oriiied by Paul Jones and Toni Mc(iiiiiiness ol Maiit'red Mann \yay back when.

I The Radio Sweethearts lltt‘ Hui \ote ('at'e. King Street. 553 lb38. 8pm. L2 The Sueetheai'ts fortnightly diet or country rock.

I Jerry Lyons Acoustic Jam Nice ‘n' Slea/y. Saticliiehall Street. 333 9637. l)piii. Weekly iam session.


I Altered Beats 99 Jun .Ioiui. s Morrison Street. 22l I288. l0piii -3aiii. £3. See Mon 22.

I Jonathan Kemp (‘ommon (ii-outids. 2/.3 North littttk Street. 220 H H). 7.30m”. l‘lL'k‘. SL‘C .Mtilt 22.

I Bedford Falls \y’liistle ttiiikies.

Niddry Street. 557 5| l4. lipm. l'ree.

f I The Painbirds, The Jackals and

Solaris The Venue. ("alton Road. 557

' 3073. 8pm. £3. Three quid for three

' bands until three in the morning.

l m


1 I The Jeepseats and Perfect Blue The

l3ih Note Cale. King Street. 553 1638. 8pm. 1.2. I Anakin and Mixu Cavern Club.

Strathclyde liiiiyersity Union. John

Street. 5m 5023. 9pm. Free. Students and guests.

~ I Glasgow Songwriters Bltiekt‘rizirs.

i Bell Street. 552 502-1. ‘).l5pm. Free. Plus open mic guest spot. Arrive early to book

your space; priority will be given to first- time pc‘t'ltit'ltlc‘t's.


I The Dynamic Duo Show Jun. Joint. .s' Morrison Street. 22l I288. 10piii—3am.

£3. See Tue 23.

.' I Colin Campbell Common Grounds.

2/3 .\'ortli Bank Street. 220 H to. 7.30pm. liree. See Tue 23.

I Jim Kelly \\"..|. Christies. 27—31 West

Port. 228 3765. 9pm. Free.

' m


I Mixu and Montana Nice 'n‘ Sleazy.

Saucliiehall Street. 333 9037. 9pm. l‘irst

heat of Sleazys annual battle ol‘ the bands \\ itli one band still to be confirmed. Prizes include a days recording in ('hemikal t'nderground's studios. an 8-track digital mi\er. drum kit and cymbals. I000 CDs pressed plus a photo sesh aiitl desirable

t'oottyear troni Schuh.

I Valuta, The Gents and Bekerofka Bonkers Slioyy Bar. Hope Street. 248 5884. 0pm. l‘ree. \'aluta dig Weill-style

cabaret music.

I Doctor Pop, HFS, Blopoke and

Nerve The Temple. Pitt Street. 332 7532. 0pm. £3.50 tadyancei. £4 (door). .-\ line- up oi' local bands eiiibi‘acing the rock/punk spectrum.

I Lorna Brooks The Scotia. Stockwell Street. 552 868]. 8.30pm. Free. See l‘ri l‘).

i I Bronx l'ilares. Bath Street. 33l 5 lbl).

9pm. l‘ree. I Jonny Logue lirel. Ashton Lane. 342 .1906. 8pm. Free. Weekly acoustic set.

. Edinburgh

I Jacquie Hanham (‘ommon Grounds. 2/.3 North Bank Street. 220 NH). 7.30pm. l‘TL‘L‘. See \Vc‘tl 24.

I Cathie Rae's Jazz Singers Night Jazz. .loiiit. 8 Morrison Street. 22! I288.

l0piii -3;iiii. £4 (£3). See Wed 24.

I The Music Club 232 (‘anon's Gait. (‘anoiigate. 55b-l-18l. 0pm. Free. See \Vc‘tl 24.

I Ditch Whistle Binkies. Nidtlry Street.

557 5 l H. llpiii. l-i'ee.


i I Ben Lee g2. Sauchiehall Street. 35.3

3| l l. 7pm. £6 pltis booking fee. Tickets

_ l'roiii Missing Records. Wellington Street. 400 I776 and Ripping Records.

lidinbui‘gh. (‘C‘ booking: 0870 60] 0002.

See l‘roiitlines for this well-connected