CLUBS listings

text llll Michael wvnne enoreogranned llll re Howard Iignting designed Inillatasna onivers musie llll Incidents oomnanll - leaturing Ill llnllll cleeton

in your race exnlosions (ll energy "lo Guardian

nrovoeqtitielii confrontational ' 1 the list

Wed 24 a 'llllll' 25 March Bum £1 [2.3.501

TllllllEllSE TIlEll'l'llE

camnridge St, Edinburgh

0131 223 1404mm“


Ian Pooley is the very serious guest at Pure at The Venue, Edinburgh, Fri 19 Mar

(itt'tSGOV-i' TUESDAYS continued

I Boogaloo at (‘lult Budda. llpitt Sant. L3 In: t. l'tee ltelure nttdnigltt. Cheek} student night at this inttittate \enue with student t'lteese tu please li'uitt .ltttt l)a liest and netteuttter (iraente ('. I Brazilica .tt ll;t\.ut.t. .Spttt ntiditight. l'ree. lira/than dance tttuste and euul littnt |;t// iiunt l).l .\l;teiu Ill this lxtrit'staurattt. l’t‘e-elub. I Buffo .tt lite l.‘~tlt .\'ute (‘lult Igruuitd tluurt. llpttt 3.1m. t; l. .ler l lrunt Him sunt hits the lurntaltles \s ttlt suttte littl\§ guitars. dult. drunt tk hass. ltip ltup and tuning unrelated eltunks ul‘ l'ulk tituste l'tunt aruund the glulte. I Burd Called Ger at Hit-l. Spin ntidntgltt. l’ree. \eu pt'et‘lttlt night ti'unt (ier pla} in): lnp ltup. lunk and ntelluts drunt iv ltass. I Club 99 at The liaiutt} liar tSti.ttlte'l}tlt- l‘nixerstt} l'niuitt, Spin ltntt. l-t‘ee. .\lust drinks are ‘Np and suu'w gut elasste pail} tunes l'ruttt l).l l’lttl. I Dub Night at The \Ltrtet} Bar. Spin itttdntgltt. l't'ee. Stmn' Dunaldsutt llttlll littl' ill and ttlllt‘l' llllL‘ estaltltsltntents tuund limit plttss duh. l’te elult. I Eden at Alaska. Ilpnt .iant. £3 (£3). -\ lx’unald ittutes his night that used tu l\_- in ’l'lte \elxcts \\llll lttntsel! tn tlte ‘.\ lute iuuitt pltt} tng student t‘lasstes and \tutt .\lel\'.t_\ upstairs lur tuitk} ltuuse. I Garden Of Eden .t: the Velvet lx’uunts. lipttt itllll. B t ill. llapp) ltuttsc nt tl‘e llltllll :‘uunt plus student pup I Pump at .-\tt'ltttus. llpnt idlll. £3 t£2t Ill \Lntt‘e \‘.llil it pupp} ittttlueek Itti\ ul EHHMl lllllt‘ \ll‘t‘\. I Shooting Stars ill lltL‘ (iaiage. lpttt iant L31 «L'It. Insane. drunken shenanigans cased .tlung nieel} it) the t'ltait} eltuuns ut'(it-its .tnd lain tn the I The Shimmy Club at Hettttet's. ll illl‘lll idlil. £3 t£l5llt R;t_\ittuttd l).t\ rcit's pail} -t} pe atlan at the straight night in this 3:41} \ettue. I Solo .11 I‘lte .lt‘llll‘lt'. llpnt iattt. £3 L2. Student night \\llll .\lt (‘lteese tu I l’lcase. .lllll l).t Rest -.r\ptn‘tittetttt l‘l linking lll\ pants that item tu the Temple :utned lts Stet is .-\nttd. I Hot Traxx .1! incl tittt' llptit .itittt. t- i Melt ('ltisstt' 'ills tunes tiunt liult l’eek i-lus v'llt'tll‘ ltuu/e. I T.|.T .tt liash Ill. illptt‘. ;.tlll. £3 t£3 l. \Itlxl'filllhll lll}.‘lll nurturing I).l l\’ttl_\ \\llll llllll\‘\' t lassit's .tnd I'utuie .tittlteitts III the nt.nn mum and (iltllltllllt‘ \\llll tull-un

student faves itt tlte seeund mum and an invisible DJ playing aeruss tlte board in tlte cave.


I 705 Wonderland at The Cathouse.

llpnt-3ant. £2 (£|.5()); l‘ree bel‘ure

ll.3()pnt. Silly 70s disco and funk.

I Bennet’s at Bennet's. ll.3()pnt—3ant.

£3.50 (£|.5()). 1)] Sara witlt upbeat

dance. Ga);

I Big Daddy at The l3th Nute Club

(upstairs). llpnt—3ant. £l. Big Daddy

ensures us he's presenting a ‘hall-nelson

ut t'uttk. jazz. ltip hop and petite beats’

every week so tltere you go. ntake of tltat

as vuu will.

I Bootie at Planet Peach.

llpnt-~3.l5attt. £3 (£3). Night of R&B.

ltip llup. l'unk. suul and swing from

Martin Hesketlt.

I Chopper at r\l'Cltle.\‘. l lpnt~3ant £3

«£2). (‘untntereial house and disco from

Matt Murtun.

I East Village Pharmacy at Yang.

(tplll--lllltllllglll. Night of ltip hop. breaks

and beats t‘runt Stewart and Leon. held in

eunjunetiun with C‘unerete Skates. Pre-


I FAB at Babaza. llplll—3zllit. £3 (£2).

[)1 Skud witlt t'unky ltuuse and garage

gruuves lur a cheery eruwd. Probably the |

husiest club iii tuwn tuttigltt.

I Jengaheads at The Living Ruunt.

‘)-l lpnt. l'i'ee. Jengaheads playing nu-

seltuul hreaks. electru. hreakbeat and

ltuuse. l’re~elub.

I Kraze at Vieturia‘s. ll).3l)plll—3ulll. £5.

Massive night uf eunttttereial dance tunes

l'runt Kensitas Club [)J ul' The Year Steve

l.uekie and Dave Yuung playing to an up-

l'ur-it eluh eruwd. 3

I Relax at The l.inte. llpnt—3ant. £3

it‘ll. Yuur chance in relive the eighties in

tltis euntntereial vettue.

I Rio at The Asylum tCaledunian

l'niversit)‘ L‘niun). l()pnt—3ant. Free.

(‘lassie Stls ttigltt l'runt DJ Paul with

cheap eweklttils.

I Shu Hirita at The (‘ul De Sac. |

S ~l Ipnt. Free. New jazzy drunt & bass

pre-eluh trunt treslt nante tu the circuit

Shu llirita.

I Souped Up at The Garage.

10.30pm» Rant. £3 (£2). lain llanlun with

puppy student guud tntte party tunes. I

I Two Tons Of Fun at (‘lub Budda. ;

I Ipnt 3am. £3. Chunky garage attd vucal l

ltuuse l'ruitt (ieut'l' Muntl‘urd attd Chris Harris.

I Universe Sculpting at The Cruss Bar. Opnt-tttidnigltt. liree. hip hup. breakbeats and jungle. l’re-elult.