Test drive a supermodel

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' T0y0ta Pl‘l/O Dmx‘. Terms (iv-0 (:0lmltzons I. we \ ._ l |.TheFree Prize Draw isopenloallresidentsinlhelfK over T - .;. I '1 I l8 years of age. except employees of Toyota (GB) le.. their " ,. w n 1.. w « w .- i relatives or agents. 2. The prize is as stated. No cash . i 1,, . {y : l alternatives will be offered. 3. Closing dale for receipt of I entriesis Monday lZlhApril I999. 4.1'hefirsl drawn entry will .J '.~-, _l receiveuseofaToyaaYariscarforlhevvcekendofl‘hhflOlh , May I999 and two tickets for BBC Fashion Week Live. The " " .‘ , Yariswillbeckliveredloll'ieivinner'slocalToymadealership 9931(qu . : , l by SprnonFriday 2811: May l999amlmustbemmned by9am ' on Monday 3m May 1999. If) runners up will each receive a '0 '29 -:>.; x, ,L if; “9,: I“. 3, ~ pairoflickets for BBC Fashion Week Live. 5. liligibleentries must be made on the form attached. [)efaced. illegible or .. plumapiedemrieswillmxbeaecepled. Only one emryper y“. by“: .‘i; a”) (,5 1,} ,M~ , person No pinchase 6. Pmofofposling will not he ,I " '1' " ' I": 5'“ " retried as prod of delivery. and no resrxlmibilily will he accepted forenm'eswhicharr lost. delayed or damaged in [he post. 7. The resultoflhechaw is final and no correspnlancc

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