.1\1i.'1ple1111't~1n I-lsthcr I-reud's semi- 1111111111ogiaplncal novel. director .\lackinnon \l\ 1.in captures the spirit ol time.1nd place 111 .1 work that Icayes a deep. lasting itiipiession. (ilasgow. (ii'osvetior

High Art:18111.1s.1(.‘111~11111cnko.1S. I999) .\II_\. Slieedy. Is’adl1a.\litchell. I’ati'icta (Inkscu I113 mins. .-\retreslii1.gl_\ intelligent tale 1)! daoxuetl lt‘slmttt ltl\C. wiitezfdii'ectoi (‘liolotleiikos debut feature (111.1111 ‘ic the coinpim t'oiiianct' between ambitious pi-ctuie editor Syd 1:\Iitchell) and once1111111111sphotographerl.11cy Iicrlincr 1Sizee.lj.t lac erwritten script has a \Itltllt'tl. .1:: Icss feel. but the scenes of sestial tensit-n 4.1111 IlL‘llIl‘llle.‘ desire between Syd and I u.’_\ achieve .111.1lp.1l)leei'ttl)c charge. Sec t‘ti'.11~\‘. .111.i 1'1-v1t'w (iiasgow (ili'l‘ Islinbtafii liliuliouse

The Horse Whisperer 1 1.31 11(1111e11 l{twlltn11. lib. l‘i‘)hi I<1n1111 l(tallt)ltL Isristin Scott 'I Iiottias. Sam Neill 1118111111» Redford :1.1I:1Iges se\1‘1.1I of liis la\ourite I‘.I\\11'Il\.‘l1‘I‘s’L‘Ill Iii'iush.nitlioi'Nicholas livans' best selling talent .111 equine shrink. :\\ w1:!11<e-h111d \ prc\11nis directorial e111111s Has 3\ .1 zine looking and intelligent lIlIIl, 1111:1111: =lic ‘.11|‘1‘IL‘ \.1lues ol‘east coast 111.11'.1.’1:‘.c cti‘iot' Scott Ili1-111.1s.1gainst the \11'1111~1:~all.\111e11..1111111.1l111esol \Iitlv.cs1c11.c1 I<e1I1oid l.1st KilliiitIe1.-\1'ts (it'l‘illt'

The Invisible Man l1’11: 1.11111-s \\'!1111e.1‘S.

I‘)‘~11(‘l.1111IeRains “I 111111s .\l;1sterful Illfi \VeHs'IJh'ul.lscunfllfl \\l11 sc c1pe1111‘-e111s an .111 111\ isilniity



Rains I!1\1\ll‘lt‘1.11111‘.:;'L‘s£111'I‘lil}t‘tllUl' laughs.5111suspense:1111Ithespecialellects .1ie supeii‘) for their tune I.1lini1urgl1: l1l:i:l:1‘tzse

The Island Of Dr Moreau a 13.1 11111111 l‘l‘.‘1.".1.'c‘l‘.llt‘1llit‘l. l S, I99'11\I.11'l11n lirautlo. \11IK11'111'1.I).1‘.1_I Ihew I1s 9S1nins.:\ \l1.t)?j.".‘: \111111l1lt's11111114111)\I.1tttl\‘.ltc1t';l geneticistispl.1yiit;'(i11dby splicing togetlzei .11.1ce1‘! human :111111111I hybrids. lite II (1 \\cIIs 111 \11 is updated to the near falls 1!.1' tint-111.1 lack of scares .1111Is-:t‘e:1.Ii.'1.i1111siy1=\e1'-1l1e-111p

pct”. 1:.1.1!:..~s '.s1:11 111.1111111 .1s the prune

111111112 ‘11:!

.‘1:‘.;~:'. 1.1.1111‘11:1._'ii (‘_1111e11

Jack Frost l’iivu I111} \ItlIcr.l S. I998) .‘vi1.-'11-.-11;.~.11.11.1s1-111. I’teston. Mark Addy. i. ‘. :. \tjsngt-ca: husband and father

I11. '1. l 11 s‘. .l11‘11\t'\ :11 yo on .1 road trip \\Illl liisl‘.1!.I:.11§1e1'1l1.111.1I111111I.1y \‘.1Ill his 11111.11. accident. lh”¢c\c:.he;\1\.ichanccIiibcng.H1C\h when lie1s31‘111.‘.'1'11.11e1l:is.e1'tii .1

.11111 is 1.11131 :11.1c.:1'

s111-‘.'-. :11..1. .1’1111 /1111.'|1.1s.1 sinil‘le.|)11eri|e cli.11111'11.11eight-uni! 11I1Is will e11|o\. ("lyicbauk \‘11'3'111

(ihsfwv i (i l( ll ad KIHHIJC likd

l'.tlllll"_il_.'il lr\111c:

\l.i;'1111111 I..11‘.'~. Ilaritrcltis \\1sl111\‘. .-\i‘row.

Kings Of The Road11<1-\\'1111\\'1-11111~1's.\\'. 1; lintlzge: \'11_1.'Ie1.lii'111111

"'1 nuns \ businessman escaping 111-u: his 111-111estic :csponsibihties toilis up \‘.1131 .1 ':.1\.-II111_1.' _'111e111.1equipment


(iL'I 111.1'1‘1 I" i' (iaiv

:1 .111111Ij.sscjv wood the rural 11:111. 1.‘ E. -:1s1-s 1~1( 131111.111} li:1ll1.1nt i'oatl 1111~\1e:1.111‘1I1.11;be.111111'.‘onipaiisonwilli its \1111-11...11 Yllt‘tl‘.‘l\ Il1c episodic 11.11'1'1111\e .111111‘11~.1I.nit-institutin-.111e111.1tography Ilig‘hlj. 1111111e11‘.c11 Ixtlinluii'gli,

I11311I11 rise 1I zlzu ( illll\l‘

The Knowledge Of Healing 11'11111111/ 1<1-1.':111-.swan-11.11111. 199(1) 91) i11111s I)11c11111e111..:y c~..1111111111;.' the Tibetan .1ppi'1.f: \11.\ustr1au .‘11111'pzt‘11eui‘ and research

'11c.l;.:111' pl1.11111.;.1'1111c.1" :1; \11-1111.1.1i1tl.|e1us.1lein seek to .1111'1121‘11'.\\1'~1e111te.l111111111‘s \\lIll libetaii 1.1.1s1I1-1'1111u11111111-1111I11‘I).1I.11Iatnaautlhis pets1-11..L p21} s11 1.111. 111 |eu/111(‘I111ctlrak (Hnsf11: (ill

The Last Days Of Disco 1 l<11\\‘1111 Stilliii..1:.l S. 111'»11111.11-s1-111111y.Kate licck111~.1:c. ( '11::s l l:."c'lIl.'l1 I I .‘ tiiitis Sc‘.i_~.'11:.

.1111! lie. 1.111s.1le ;‘l.1_\ publishing tl\\l\ltilll\ 21.11 1111~1111e111 .ttiently cluI1 111 c.11l‘_. ‘~‘1- and their 111.1lc j. :1‘pic 1111'111Is 1‘. 111s .1111-111 iciaticnslng‘s . .11‘e1s .11111 the 1e.ttt1oii;uy subtext ~1I)1s11-.'y s /m/ 11.1/ [/11 liiillt/t (il.1s}")‘.‘. li11)\\1'1:1 Life Is Beautiful (La Vita E Bella) «1’1 11 nods-:1 l'i.‘lt:""! It.1l'. II‘IStls’oliei'to ’1e111;‘ 1: l1' 1.: I'.1.1s. 111 I I" unns .\ . 111s1'S111t'Ij. 11111

comedy .111 1-11 111-1.

.121 almost palpable sense of despair.

Well. that's what Italian writer-director-star Benigni has done in fashioning a poignant comic fable about the resilience of the human spirit and the power of the imagination. A humane and moving film. (ilasgow: ()deon City Centre. Showcase. Edinburgh: I'ilmhouse. ()deon. Paisley: Showcase.

Little Voice 1 l5) (Mark Herman. UK. I998) Jane Hon'ocks. Brenda Blethyn. Michael (.‘ainc. 97 mins. The sensational Horrocks recreates her acclaittied performance in Jim Cartwright‘s I992 hit play as a repressed Northern girl who reveals a remarkable gift for impersonating great pop divas. Stirling: .‘vlacRobert.

Lobey Dosser Event Celebration of the life of cartoonist Bud Neill. creator of Lobey Dosser featuring a screening of lint/gin Repaired Shunt/(11.1 A ll’ukt’ l'im‘ Burl Neill and an exhibition of artwork 111 Cafe Cosmo. (ittests include Russell Hunter and Una McLean. (ilangw: (il’l‘.

Loved (l511lil'itt Dignam. US. 1999) William Hurt. Robin Wright Penn. 97 mins. District Attorney Hurt is com inccd that a man in a case he is trying has physically and psychologically manipulated each of his partners into attempting suicide. The defendant‘s wife has 111st been killed when she ran 111 front of a car' a former girlfriend is confined to a wheelchair. while another. Iledda 1\\'right I’enn). brought her swimming career to a halt after a similar ‘accitletil'. \lCtiiorise the illitne. becatise

w itliotit some sort of prepared synopsis. Dignam's film remains deliberately impenetrable. See review. Iidinbui'gh; Iiilmhouse.

Made In Britain 1 181 1:\|att Clarke. UK. I983) Tim Roth. 78 mins. Sout‘ed by bitter racism and the conservative credo - work hard. do well. get a job ~ fiercely intelligent |()-yeat‘-oltl skinhead 'I'revor slicks two fingers tip at the system at every opportunity. Unfortunately. the system uses its own violent methods to deal with the 'hooligan'. Screenings are followed with talks by The Lisl's editor. Alan .‘Vlorris‘on 1(ilasgow) and Filmhouse director Ken Ingles (Iidinburgh). (ilasgow: (iI’I‘. Iidinburgli: I-‘ilmhousc.

Madeline ll’)1[)aisy \‘on Scliet'ler. US. 1998) Frances McDormand. Nigel Hawthorne. Ilatty Jones. 89 mins. Madeline 1s a hybrid of the “adorable pt'e-teen childt‘ens' heroine. As intelligent as Matilda. she's also as precocious as l’ippi l.ongstocking and. like Annie. she's an orphan. \Vell-intentioncd but desperately dull. (ilasgow: Showcase. UCI (.‘Iydebank. lidinburgh: ABC Multiples. UCI. Iiast Is’ilbride: L‘CI. I.args: liarrfields. Paisley. Showcase.

A Man And A Woman ll)(i)1(‘ltllltlc I.elouch. I-‘rance. I9(1(1).lean-I.ouis 'I't‘intignant. .-\nouk Aimee. 11).”) mins. ‘I'his clnc love story of a racing driver and a script won both the Best lioreign l‘ilm ()scar and the I’aline I)'()r. 'Ihe theme song has become a kitschy loungecoi'e favourite. Iidinburgh; Iiilmhouse.

Man With A Movie Camera 1P0) (Dnga Vei‘lov. USSR. I939) 91) mins. \7erlov 's poetic account of the state of the Soviet Union employs vai‘iotts experiments with 111111 form superimposition. split screen 111 an exploration of the city scape. lit The Nursery perform a new score atid there‘s a discussion alter the screening. Edinburgh: I‘ilmhotise. Stirling: MacRobei't.

The Mask 0f Zorro (1’01 (Mat-1111 Campbell. LES. I998) Antonio Iiatidei‘as. ('aiherine Zeta Jones. Anthony Hopkins. 137 mins. .-\s a piece of old-school matinee hokuin. T/lt' illuvk ()f Zorro flashes its blade with the best of them. but it's also clever enough to draw 111 a new audience by plundering every inanilestatioii of the action-adventure formula. Iidinburgh: ()(lcon.

Mighty Joe 1l’(i) tRon Underwood. US. I998) ('hai'li/c 'I‘hei'on. Bill l’;l\lt)ll. I H Illllts. Whichever way you cut it. .‘llieliti Joe is last another big monkey movie Despite infinitely more sophisticated effects than its I949 predecessor. this version is far less involving or entertaining ~ its so predictable you would think the monkey wrote ll. (ieneral release.

Continued over page

index FILM

Jim 1111111511

1111 111111 Unleashed

Sat3Apr Tickets from £10.50

51111151 1111911

11 \ llfllIBIIIB

llll filillllllllll PIICIIIIII

Thurs8 & Sat IO Apr Tickets from £9.50


11 111111111 11111111111511 11952111311111 in 155111111111 11111) 11111 11251111115111): Pliuniuse

1111111 1111112

1.1111115 1111111051119 Les Hisétanles and H155 Editor 7115 GUARDIAN

Tues I3 to Sat 24 Apr Tickets from £8.00 . "

511111111 511210111111. 11111 51111151111112 11111191195 Wed 28 Apr Tickets from £10.50

111511111915 111111111911 [IE 11111111 111111

1.0105 11me 00009. 111911012115 1111111111111 112‘ THE HERALD

Thurs 29 Apr to Sat 1 May Tickets from £10.00

Box 011119 0131 539 1311011 511111115 0131 539 61115

1—15 Apt 1999 THE U3T27