FILM index

FILM INDEX continued

Marianna Ucria i IS) iRobei-i l'ane/u. Iialv. WW) limanuelle l.aborit. Roberto Herlit/ka. Philippe Noiret. HIS IIIIIIs, Sumptuous historical epic set in l.\‘tli :

centurv Ital) and revolving around a I:- xear-old dumb gii'l who is married on ti) her uncle tNoiret). Part of the Italian Film I'exttx';il (iluxgiixs (it"I. lidinbtirghi Iiiliiiliiitixc‘.

The Mask 0f Zorro iI’(I) t:\l;irttn (‘aint‘beIL IIS. W98) Antonio Itanderax. (litherine [eta .Ionex. Authonx llopkinx. I37 nuns. .\x a piece in old-school matinee hokum. l'lii' .Ilmt ()1 /m m Ilaxhex its blade with the best oI them. but it‘s .ilxo clever enough to draw in a new audience bx plundering everx niauitextation ot‘ the action-adveiiture formula. I)ui)term|ine: (‘arnegie Hall.

The Mattei Affair I IS) tl'raiicesco Roxt. Ital). ll)": ) (iian .\I.n'ia \olonte. lingi Stpiar/iua. I’etei' li.tItI\\IIl. l|\ minx Adopting a semi«dtx‘umentarx nt'vle. Roxi examines the tile oI socialist oil magnate tinrico .\lattei. once considered the most [‘IHKL'I'IIII Italian since Augustus ('aesar. Part ot the Italian l’IlIII I~cxiixal I.(II|II‘tlt'}lII' l'iIiiihouxe.

Men Behind Bars I IN )(iiaiicarlo l’lanta. Ital}. I‘I‘IHI .\laxxin)o l)e l‘i'ancox ich. (iianni (ax ina. Said ’Iaghnaoui ll" minx 'I‘hix expose oI Ilie coirupt and inept iiidicial

s} xtem centres around the arrest ol .i pi'oiiiinent politician who is then imprisoned with a group ot’ pettx criminals I’art ot the Italian I'ilm textual. (ilaxgow (ll-'I'. Ifdinbuigh: I-iliiihouxe

Message In A Bottle I l “I ll iiix \latidokt. I'S. I‘N‘l) ls’til‘ltl \\ right Penn. Ixe‘. iii (‘oxtneiy Paul Newman I13 minx \ew xpapei iexeai. he) lieiexa i\\ iiglit I’eiin) ix Illtll:_'tl'c'xl bx .I love note III a bottle xhe lindx \xaxhed up on the xlioie Iler xeaich lot the sender ol thix iiiixxiv e brings her into contact ith iiioiiiiiing widower and boat-builder (iaiict Blake «(‘oxtneri It all makcx loi a pietlictablc and iintlenianding ioiiiaiice. in which \e‘wiiian .ix Ixex 'x dad .ilnioxt xtealx the show See piexiew and

It“. iew (ieneral icIeaxe.

The Mighty Il’(i) il’eter ('helxom. t8. I‘NX) Shaion Stone. (ieiia Row lantlx. Ilarrs Dean Stanton. 9‘) minx 'l'wo nipperx combine to beci-iiie one c'lll\.IlI\‘tI\ champion ol the oppi'exxed called I'i‘eak the \lightv Younger x iewerx. on the other hand. will tap into the boxx' imagination. btit might be disturbed bx the lieart--i'eiuliiig scenes towards the end Stirling.


Mighty Joe t Pt i ) - Ron l'ndei'w ood. t'S. I908) (‘harli/e 'I heron. liill l’axtoii I l-I miiis. \Vliiche‘. er \‘.a_\ xou cut it. .I/ie/i/i .lm' ix iuxt anotliei big iiionkex moxie IIexpiIe iiitiiiitelx moie \i‘t‘IIlstIc‘JlCtI etl'ects than its l‘l-I‘l pi‘edecesxoi. tliix \eixioii ix tar lexx involving oi eiiteitaining piedictable _\ou would think the monkex mote it (ieiiei‘al release

Mimic i |.\) itiuillei'nio l)el Ioi'o.t S. I‘NS) .\lir.i Soi'xiiio. Ieieiiix \oithain. ('Iiailex S I)tltt(‘II Ill.< itiiiix tieitettcallx .Ilteied

insects designed to eradicate dixease x‘.lll'}lllt' t o.'ki‘o.icliex Iiaxe mutated and bred iii the tiiiuielx beneath \ew Yorl. \lexican illlt‘c'tul Ilel It'l')I III slat‘iist‘s Illi‘ll‘.‘k'\ i~l poetic beautx with xceiiex oI xtark terror. .\ xupei‘ioi big hug Illi)\lt‘ I Ilinbiirgli ('ainei), Modulations I I< - l.II.i I.c-.~.t s. Inns) 7% nuns l)III}Y-i|\x'ltilit'tIi‘.‘IIIIIt‘lIl.tIl1‘lI(II the liixtiujv oI elegti-HIIc IIItIxIc‘. Iioiii itx i)i'i_-,'iiix through its iioiiiatlr \lIlII tliiough llti‘tlL'lII culture (ilaxgow (il'l~

My Generation I I <) t\\ Illll.i labaie. liatx. I‘I‘I/H \il\ in I It lando. (.IJUKILI Anieiidola. liancexca \cii l’olitical drama in which a com ictetl teirorixt ix tiaiixteri'ed Iioni a Sicilian piixoii to \Iilan Iin route the apparentlx xxiiipathetic iIIIltt.II_\ escort attempt to manipulate tlieii prisoner into naming .iccoiiipli.'ex I’ai‘t oI the Italian l'IlIII I’t'\tI\;Il (ilaxgow (it"l' tidinburgh' lilmliouxe

My True Swedish Friend i I M l\IIt.'t‘lI/t' Salt-mine. Italx. l‘I“\) \ :nceii/o Saleiiuiie. Izva Ilei/igoxa, ('ailo ltucciixxi- ‘IX units A tlxing man imploiex liix best Iiieiid to let him sleep with liix }'t'l§‘t'ittl\ wile

"I IIIIllx

txupeiniodel IIei/ig'ova) Ile f'etx liix wish. but xcxeii IIII'Iltllx late: ix xtill III the bext ill



health and lindx unexpected Iatherhood looming ii) this euioxbale xex romp. Part or Ilie Italian l'ilm team). (ilaxgow. (it’l- Ildiiiburgh I‘ilmhouxe.

N6 l I St IRUI‘L‘I'I l.epagt‘. (i.tll.ltl.|. I‘)‘l.\‘) Anne-Marie (Kitlieiix. Alexis .\Iaitin. 5'5 IIIIlIs, AT) tlrziwx parallels between ()uebecoix

separatism and Japanese \oli tlireatre. lint the plot xti'andx. conceiiiing an actress

pei toi iiiing on stage iii I )\.l‘.K;l and her

l‘ox trientl. .in amateii t‘x‘lltlx .il .ictix ixt in \It‘IIII'Lfttl. lI.I\L‘ I‘t't‘lt \t“.‘. It ti'g‘t'tlle't' \\IIII .i xIxIIItII IILIIILI. \t‘ IIILIt tIIt‘ IIIc'tIIt'x I’t‘siIIILItt‘ liarnioiuouxl}. and otten I)il.iiioiixlx (ilaxgow' till l’diiibuigli. l'tlmlioiixe

0i LOSt Love I I5) I Michele |’.icido. IIaIx. I‘I‘IHMIioxaima .\le//ogi-.)rno. Iabii/io llcntivoglio. ls’occo I’apaleo "X iiunx Ii'iie xtoix and tiibute to the t outage and conviction of liliana l<oxxi who iixked alienation tron) her peers because oI her communist ideals and Ieminixt beliels. Part ol the Italian l-ilm I'L'\tl\.ll. (ilaxgow. (it’ll. lidinburgh: l’ilmliouxe

On The Waterfront it’( i) ililia Isa/an. t'S. IVS-I) Marlon liiando. lzxa Marie-Saint. Karl .\laldeii. III\‘ minx taking on gangster xupremo .I (‘obb‘x dominating influence in the New York dockei'x' union leads onI_x to tragedx lor Iti;iiido\ ex-boxei 'leii'x Mallo} in this earl} maxterpiece oI the Method school. lialinburgli: St liziile'x (‘eiiti‘e

The Opposite Of Sex 'lloii Rims. I's‘. I‘I‘NI (’liristina Ricci. \Iaitin Donovan. lixa Kiitli'i)'vx. Ills iiiiiix l..ixt xeeii gi\ing a I‘I'lllldlltl} understated pet Ioiiuance opposite a manic one bx \iiiceut (iallo in [iii/ml): N). Ricci continues to impress as lledee the xiiperxziiart teenager on the inn tiom her white tiaxh Iaunlx (ilaxgow (lioxxeuoi Ixii‘kcaldx Adam Smut)

Orphans l I.\'I Il’etel' \IIIII.III_ I ~I\'. l‘lWlt l)oug|ax Ilenxhall. (i.ll_\ lewix. Mephen \Ic(‘ole ‘H iiiiiix (In Illt‘ e oI their

:‘iwx‘. It up oipliatix

iiiotlier'x liiiiei'al. Ii‘tII' expiexx tlieii giiel .ix \t-IIII‘. .‘louilx gatliei III the skiex 'I'Iie .ipocalxptic Illt'l‘xl .‘HItIt'\ to .I head as the nights ex eiitx xxx ii‘l out ;)I control l.exx the xi-cial icalixiii til Ken loacli. mere .i xiiii‘eal expressionzxiii which takes e\ei_\tlnii;‘ to itx ilit-gi. ;i| conclusion (lip/mm is a Iaiqe lulled bx \.I\IIit'\\. loxs and the notion ol l.IltIII_\ xolitlaiitx Nee

iex sew, ( ilaxgow (it I. I ltleoi) ()iiax lzthnbiiigli (amen

Painted Angels ) IFsiIon sander-xi S. IWN) Brenda I-iicker. lxt‘llx .\Ic(iillix. .\iiiia .\Iottram I III lIllII\. Revolx mg around live women piexided oxei bx brothel madam

II I‘Icket'l./'itIIIIi't/.-\IIQ1.'\ cntixex x the iiixecurities ol displaced women and their hardships as the) struggle to earn a crust through the sex liade III the 19th centui‘} .\meiican west .\ ieticxhing. non-male picture ot' the western lioiitier See iex less The Parent Trap it )l)t-nmx ()aaitl. Natasha Richardson. I.iiidxax l.ohaii. l5 iiiiiix. Iqu updated \eixion oI the Ila} Ie} .\lills original casts in the dual role ol' identical twinx .‘oiiipletelx unaw .iie oI each


QNNTEI} is r

E it

What a feeling: Vanessa L. Williams in Dance With Me

other'x existence until the) discover the truth at stIlIIIIICI' camp. Never having met the other parent. American Hallie and linglish Annie agree to swap identities. Iidinburgh: ()deon. Paisle): Showcase.

Patch Adams I I 3) i'I’om Shad} ac. US. PMS) Robin Williams. Monica I’ottei'. Philip Sexmoui‘ Ilottinan. IIS iiiiiix. 'I'he

epon} mous medic's philosoplt} that laughter

ix the best medicine brings him into conllict with the hospital authorities. Williams wears Iiix heart inst a little too obviousl} on his sleeve and. cast once again as the caring but unconventional doctor. it is impossible to excape a diagnosis here oI' terminal deia \ u. (ilaxgow: ()deon Qua}. Paisle}: Showcase. Payback i IN) I Brian Ilegeland. th. I‘NSI .\Iel ('iibson. (ii'egg Ileiii'x. Deborah Kara linger. Ill) iiiinx .-\n entertainingls erratic rehash ol IUoT‘x I’mm [flint/c. I’m/hick liltdx‘ (iibson good. it unlikel). in the Lee Marvin tougl) gu} role. Ilegeland's impressive directorial debut. while perhaps es en more cx nical than the earlier lilm. turns much more to coined} and works partlx as a send- up and pant} as an homage to John lioormans original. (ieneral release. Pleasantville illiitiarx Russ. I‘S. I098) lobe} Maguii'e. Reese \\'ithei‘spoon. William H. Mac}. IIJ minx thanks to a dodgx plot twist. ‘ItIx kids l)a\ id and Jennifer are zapped into l’li'tisu/ili /!/t'. an / l.ui (' /.!It'\-\I) le 50s sitcom. a monochrome world where sex. art and passion are unknown. II this was inst a gimmick moxie. It would be a brilliant one. but I’lmxuun illt' ix also a releiitlesxlx inventive coined}. lidinbiii'gh. (ameo

Plunkett And Macleane i I5) tlake Scott. t'tx'. I090) .lonn} Miller. Ix’obei't

(all) le. l.i\' 'l‘xler. ItIl nuns. When destitute gentleman .Ianiex .‘xlacleane and bankrupt apothecar_x turned thiel \‘Jill l’luiikett are thrown together in mid-l.\'th centiir) l.\IlltIUIl. the itdd Jutlple tlc‘c'ttle ti) pool their ct)mpleiiientarx talents to launch a new career-ax dashing highwax men. .\ hugelx enioxable i! emptx -lie.ided romp. (iL‘IIL‘l'JI release

The Polygraph i l5) iIx’obeit l.epage. (Xinada. I‘I.IIICL'."( it'IIII.I!l_\. I‘I‘Io) \Iarie Iii'axxai'il. Patrick (ioxette. Marta de .‘xledeii'ox. ‘I7 units A Iilminaker ix haunted b_\ the \ toleut death ol her friend two )t‘III's cattle) and decides to make a Iilm about the tiniexo|\ ed case. things take an unexpected turn when it becomes clear the lead actress knew the dead woman (ilasgow. (iI‘I‘. tidinburgh I-ilinhonse.

Pretty In Pink iI’(i)i.lohu Ilughex. I'S. lust») .\lo||_\ Ringwald. llarrx Dean Stanton. .lon (’rx er I)? nuns. lietter-than-average teen moxie Irom the dosen ot that genre. Ms Ringwald ix prett) in pink tor the Iiigli \c'IlUt‘l prom. but not betore she has undergone the pi'eiudice ol the kids trom the iich side ot town ller poppa. )0” see. ix so poor that she has out} a car. a telephone and an answering machine to call her own lidinburgh. ('ameo.

The Prince Of Egypt t t' I intend.)

i Chapman. Steve I-Iiekner. Simon Wells. US. I998) Voices of Val Kilmer. Ralph Iiiennes. Sandra Bullock. Michelle Pt‘eil‘t'ei'. 0‘) mins. The Iixodus story. animated for the big screen. With some artistic licence. it follows Moses from his discoxer)’ as a baby by Pharaoh's wile. through his formative _vear.s as a Royal Prince to his tall from grace

\\ hen he discovers his true Hebrew background. Iidinburgh: ABC. Irvine: Magnum.

Radio Freccia I IS) (Luciano l.igabue. Ital). I903) Stefano Accord. Luciano Federico. Alessio .‘xlodica. IIZ minx Italian rock star l.igabiie makes his film directing debut with an adaption ot‘ his own book ot‘ short stories about xinall town lite in thel‘)7t)x-. set to a glam rock soundtrack. Part of the Italian I'iIm l’estix'al. (ilax‘gow: (il’l'. lidinburgh: I-‘ilmhouse.

Rancho Notorious iI’(}i itiriiz. Lang. US. I052) Marlene Dietrich. Arthur Kennedy. \lel I5errer. h") minx. Another ol Lang's heroes w Im‘x lives are arbitraiI} transformed bx l'ate. Vern Haskell is a cow'haiid who sets out to revenge the murder iand liker rape) ot' his liancee. His best clue to their

\v hereaboutx is a ranch run b} t’oi'iner bar- room singer Altar Keane. Performances are excellent. particularly [)ietrieh who copes admirabe with a more mature role. lidinbui'gh; I-ilmhouse.

Rehearsal For War i IS) i.\Iario Martone. Ital). I093) Andrea Ren/i. Anna Bonaiuto. laia tone. I It) minx. Adapting his own stage production. .Vt'i‘t'li xteuliixl Hie/N's. Mai'tone asks what role can theatre pla} in controiiting the complex and tragic war in the lormer Yugoslav ia. Part of the Italian l-‘ilm I’extival. (Ilasgow: (it-'l‘. I-idinburgh: liilniliotixe.

Return To Paradise I IS) int-nee Robinson. t’S. I‘N‘h Vince Vaughn. Anne Ileche. Joaquin Phoenix. ltlt) minx. 'I‘hree )otiiig .-\mericanx meet and become t'riends in Mala} xia. eniox mg a live-xv eek id}ll ol cheap xex. cheap hash and tree sunshine. betore going their separate wax x. alter which one ol them is wi'ongliillv imprisoned and sentenced to death. \Vell-conxti'ucted. well-intentioned and co-wiitten b_\ It'll/mun" .x’ /‘x Bruce Robinson. See review. (ienei'al


The Rocky Horror Picture Show i IS) t.littI Sharman. tilx'. III-«'Sl'l‘iin ('ut‘r}. Susan Sarandon. Barr} Boxixxick. Meat I oat. Itlll minx. 'I'/.u' cult tilm to end all others. this rock spool on old horror mox iex has created a breed ol Rock) Iloi'i‘oi' era/iex. and packs them in at late shows ever) where. the film has itx moments. and ('urr) ix splendidlx camp as the bisexual I'irank N. l’ui'ter. lidinburgh; St Brides ('entre.

Romeo And Juliet l I 3) iltaz l.uhrmann. Australia/VS. l‘NbI l.eonardo DiCaprio. ('laii'e Danes. Pete t’oxtlethwaite. III) nuns. the Sir/i I.’\ Hill/mum directors treatment ol the Shakespeare traged} is a iiiagiiit'ieeiit riot ot colour. action and sex) teen romance. without an) need to sacril'ice the text. All intoxicating. breathtaking mix or ('atholic