I 0' Neill's South Britlgc. I0pm. l‘rcc. Live lrish-thcmctl music.

I Finnegan's Wake Victoria Street. 336 38l6. ()pin—3tun. l-tcc. Iriin thcnic pith with livc music.

I Alan Hunter and Friends Waterloo Bull'ct. \V'titci‘loo Place. 556 7507. 9pm. lil'c‘c‘.

I Sandy Bell's liori'cst Rotitl. 335 375l. 9pm. l~'i'cc. Scots/Irish session.

I Thistle Hotel Mttiior Place 335 (ilJ-l. 0piti--initlitigltt. l-‘rcc. l.i\'c Scottish music.


I Shore Music Tim Shorc litir. Shore. l.cith. 335 375 l. ()pin. l'i‘cc. Instt‘itincntttl to”; music.

I Traditional Session Thc 't‘ttss. Higlt Stt'cct. 556 6338. 8pm. l‘rcc.

I The Hebrides Mttt'kct Street. 220 43l3. ‘)pin. l'l‘c‘c‘. l.t\c music.

I Tron Ceilidh House Hitntcr Squtirc. 336 0931. 3pm. l'i‘cc. liisti‘itmcnttil folk \cssttitt.

I O'Neill's South lii'itlgc. 9pm. l‘i'cc. lrish thcnic pith. l.i\c htttttls.

I Biddy Milligan's (ii-tissiiitti-kci. 330 I346. ()plll. l‘i'cc. l.i\'c music.

I Scruffy Murphy’s (icoigc I\" Bridge. 335 I68 I. ()pin. l‘t'cc. l.iyc Irish music. I Finnegan's Wake Victoria 80ch 336 38 l6. ()pm "Zitlll. l-rcc. li‘ish tlictnc pith with li\ c music.

I Whistle Binkies Nttltliy Street. 557 5l l4 l0.30piii -ltttc. l‘rcc. l.i\*c roots/folk htinils.

I Ensign Ewart l.tiwnintirkct. top til High Sticct. 335 71-10. 0pm. l'rcc. l.iyc litlk \Illgc‘ts.

I West End Hotel l’ttltnci‘stott l’lttcc. 335 3656. 9pm. l-rcc. Accordion music in tltc htii.

I Royal Oak lnlirititity Stt'ccl. 557 3976. 9pm till ltitc. l-i’cc. Inl’ortiitil scssioii.


I Traditional Song Session 't‘lic 'lktss. Higlt Sti'cct. 556 6338. 3pm. l‘rcc.

I Sandy Brechin and Friends l-Lnsigit liwtirt. l.tiwiimtirkct. top of High Strcct. 335 74-10. 9 -l lptn. l‘l'c‘t‘. .-\ccot'i|ionist iii tiii opcti \L‘\\10ll.

I Sandy Bell’s hit-rest Rtititl. 225 375 I. Al'tcrnoon l'roin lpm. l‘i‘cc. Session in tltc ltttnoits loll. pith.

I Finnegan's Wake Victoria Street. 336 38l6. 9pm -3tttn. l‘rcc. lt'ish tltcmc pith witli liyc music.

I Royal Oak lnttt‘tntit'y Strcct. 557 3976. 3pm. l‘t‘cc. :\ttil_\ (‘liitngL lllptii -ltitc. lnlorintil titiistc itpsttitt's tittil tlow iisttttrs.


I Finnegan's Wake \'tctoi‘iti Slt‘cct. 336 38l6. Uptii~3ttni l-t'cc. ll'l\ll thcnic pith w'ith li\ c music.

I Fiddler's Arms (iitissiiitirkct. 33‘) 3665. 9pm. l-rcc. lnstiiinicnttil scssion. I Tron Ceilidh House Huntcr Sqittit'c. High Sti'cct. 336 0‘)“ WITH]. l‘t'cc. Scssioii.


I Session Smitty Hcll's. l-oi-icst Rotitl. 335 375l. ‘)piit. l‘lt‘t‘.

I O'Neill's South Hittlgc. 0pm. l't'cc. lrislt llictnc pith. l.i\c htiittls.

I Finnegan’s Wake \‘icioi'iti Slicct. 336 38l6. 9pm ~3tiiii. l'icc. lll\ll thcnic pith with lt\c music

I Green Tree ( 'imgttli‘. :25 IBM. ()l‘lll. l-rcc. lnsttitiiicnttil. tittiittly ltislt.

I Tron Ceilidh House llittitci' Squtirc. Higlt Strcct. 336 003l. liilot'iiitil li\c ticoitstic \\‘\\lttll iiiost lllL'lll\.


I laquie Hanham ('otiitiion (iroitnils. Tho .\lotmtl. 7. 30pm. l‘i'cc, \cw /.ctiltiitil singcr/songwi'ttci.

I Folk Session \‘illttgc lint. South l~orth Sti‘cct. J78 78I0. Uplll. l'l't‘t‘.

I Sandy BEH'S l'tit't'csl Riittil. 335 375 l. 9pm. Scssioit. Inc

I The Shore Bar the Show. It‘llll. 553 5080. ‘)piii. l'rcc. Scsstoii.

I Tron Ceilidh House lluntct‘ Siliitii‘c. High Sticct. 336 00H. litloi‘iiitil ll\t‘ ttcotisttc music most nights

I Finnegan's Wake \‘rctoiitt Sin-ct. 336 38I6. Upni 3ttiti. l-icc. ll'l\ll tliciiic pith with li\c itiitstc

classical &

opera listings

Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Clas5ica| listings compiled by Kelly Apter.



I Die Fledermaus RSAMI). I00 chli'cw Street. 333 5057. 7.|5pni. £8—-£l l. (.ilttsgow (irttnil ()pcrti pi‘cscttt .lohtitin Stt'ttuss's popitltu' \'icnncsc opct'cttti. ilii'cctcil hy Ktitc .\lc(‘till with musical ilircctioit lroiii l)ttntcl (iot'holtl.


I BT Scottish Ensemble ()iiccn's llttll. C‘lcrk Strcct. 667 7776. 7.45pm. £5 U). 'l‘ltc citscitthlc prcsciit Riclttuil Sti'tiuss's sorrow l‘itl rcsponsc to tltc tlcstt'uction ol' tltc opcrti houscs ol' .\liitttclt. \'ictitttt tinil l)rcstlcn during World War ll. .‘It’ltllllill'p/liH‘t'll itt ll\ ot‘tginttl \ci'sioit lot‘ strittg scptct. .-\lso oti tlic hill the Sti‘tittss's cqutilly ctnottotitil Sci/it iron: '(‘u/i/‘i‘t‘t‘iu' tintl Mtililcr's tii'i‘tingctitcnt ol' Hcctltiiyctrs Sir/'11: Qtttit'lt'l Ill / .l/t/iu/i

St Andrews

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Youngcr llttll. North Stt'cct. 0133-1 4746M). 7.45pm. £5.50 Lll. liinst Koytictc contlitcts tltc orclicstrtt lll liit)tlll..\ Si'Itt/i/to/iy .\‘n .\'\ .itttl .\‘\ttt/i/ti:/t\' .\’ti 4 ‘lIt/litt/t' hy .\lcnilclssohii with Scltuttitinit's I’M/to (VI/it (‘l/i'. soloist l’tiul l.cwts. coining lll hctwccn.



I Die Fledermaus RSI-nil). loo Rc‘llll’c‘W Sti‘cct. 333 505". 7. l 5pm.

L8- t'l l. Scc 'l'hu I5.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘ity llttll. ('tinillct‘iggs. 38" 55l I. 7 30pm.

£5 »£|6. Scc ’l'hit l5.

I 8T Scottish Ensemble Roy til ('oticcrl llttll. 3 Stiiicliichtill Slit-ct. 387 55 l l. 7.45pm. £5 U). Scc lltll l5.



I Die Fledermaus Rs.~\.\tl). too chl‘rcw Strcct. 333 5057. 3. l5pin tk 7.15pm.£8-tll.Scc'l‘hu I5,

I The Organist Entertains .-\ii (itlllL‘l'_\ is .\litscttni. Kcly ingrm c. .-\i'gy lc Sticct. 387 369‘). 3.30pm. l-‘tcc. .~\ light-Iictiitctl rcpct‘toirc l'rotii oi'gtintst l)tt\ ttl l’cckhum.

I Glasgow Philharmonic Male Voice Choir C‘ity llttll. (‘tiiitllct'iggs. 387 55l l. 7.30pm. £6. 'l‘hc choir cclcht‘titc their 74th titiituttl spring concct‘t \\ tilt gitcs‘t tirtis‘ts liionnutilti (iill tsopt'ttnoi. l)cnnts Htiggct'ty llctiori tititl ticcoinptintst ('ltitt'c Httslin.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Roytil (‘ottcci't llttll. 3 Stittchiclttill Stt‘cct. 387 55 l I. 7.30pm. £8 £3l, l’itinist .lotiiiitin .-\cliuctu‘t‘o ioins contliictor .ltimcs Loughrttn titiil tltc ot‘chcsti'tt l'oi' llt‘tihtns' l’uttio (‘mtt't'rtu .\'o3. iii ti pi'ogrtinttnc which ttlso inclittlcs tltc composch .S'int/t/tmri No.4.

I Hillhead Strings Youth Orchestra chry Wooil llttll. 73 (‘ltirctnont Strcct. 33‘) 306-1. 7.30pm. £6 (£3 L'3)'l‘lic oi'cltcstt'ti ol 8 ‘l-l-'\L‘i|l'-t)l(l.\ prcniicic ti ticw sitttc hy tltrcc young composcrs. iiispit'ctl hy ti intinitsct'ipt lounil iii St Andrew s w i'ittcii oyct‘ I000 yctirs tigo.


I Cadenza Choir (it'cy li‘ttiis Kirk

(ii‘cy lt‘ttirs l’lticc. 668 30W. ".30ptn. £7

(£5 l. (irttlitiin l.o\ctt cotitlucts tltc choir itt ti pt‘ogrttminc ol' 30th ccittitt'y cltot‘til cltissics tnclittliiig I’lt (' Song-x (ll (‘lii/t/ltmu/ hy Rtittcr. Sort: /*ui'.-ll/tt'ttt'. l’ttttt'ml llm hy 'l’tocncr. lit/iii '/ittt.\ hy (iot'cclti. plus music hy Btuhct'. (’tisttls. Ritttci' tuitl .\lc(itiirc.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘lllc‘c‘ll‘s llttll. (ilt‘t‘lx 311114.067 7770. 7.-l5pin. £5 L'l8. Scc 'l'hu l5,


I Invitation Brass Band Contest (’tit'iicgtc llttll. litist l’ott. 0| 383 3H l 37. llttlll. L3 i Ll i. 'l’ickcts on tlooi'. litinils lioiti Scotltttiil tintl \ortlici‘ii li'cltititl cotitpctc lll this .ititiiitil coittpctition



I Paragon Ensemble (gust-it's llttll. (‘Ict‘k Sticct. 667 ~'776. 3.30pm. £5 Ell H.335“), ‘l'lli‘ L'll5t‘llll‘lk' c‘ttitlx tilt ti cltissictil lctist tot tltc l;l\l in that citt‘rciit 'Sttntltiy Hriiticli' \L‘IIL‘\. lt‘;lll|l'|ll_‘3 l’tilllc‘llc‘K Nit/tutti tor In 1‘ ( 'ltit't/tt't'i tittil Ill/u ' WIS/it. lltt‘ll's ('IIIt/ /’/t't ('\ ('ll Vl'I‘m 1/935ituttl l’ottcliicllt‘s Quintet/u.

I St Giles At Six St iiilcs‘ (iiilictlitil. Royttl .\ltli‘. 335‘)»l—13.6pttt. HIT A pci‘t'ot'nttincc l't'otii .-\lltll'L‘\\ lccs oti \ iolti.


I Stirling And District Choral Union .-\lhct't llttlls. |)utnhtirton Rotttl. lll786 47354.1. 7. 30pm. £8 iUii 'l‘hc chott'. l'oiti' soloists tintl tltc l‘l\'t‘ Stitlotitti ( )i‘clicstrti pcil'oiiit Htiytln's 'lt‘ /)t’lllll. .\lo/ttrt's ('ortuitiltint .lltiu titttl .loltti Rttltct'\

/\’t i/Illi'lll.

St Andrews

I Heisenberg Ensemble Younch llttll.

classical & opera MUSIC

North Street. (H.134 474610. 8pm. £5—£6 (£3). Vcrili's popultir Ri'i/ttit'ni gets ttitotlicr tiit'iiig.

' MONDAY 19 '


I Quantavoce lltirry Rttiiistlcn‘s. Ncwlitiycn lltii'hour. 55l 5566. 7pm.

L’ I650 iincluiling two-coitrsc iiictil ). Singct's troin Scottish ()pcrti pct‘l'ortn ti sclcction ol’ yoctil highlights from the classical world over iliiittcr.


I La boheme 'l‘hctiti'c Royal. 383 Hopc Sti'cct. 333 9000 7. l5pm. £3.50—-£~l5.50. Scottish ()pct'ti pc‘l‘lttl'lll Puccini's popultn' ttilc ot‘ young li)\t‘l‘_\ struggling to siii‘yiyc ti httrsh wtiitcr in Will ccittui‘y Paris.

I Cappella Nova Psalms Of Scotland (iltisgow (‘tithctli‘tiL (‘ttthctlrtil Stt'cct. 553 8 I98. 7.30pm. £6-tll

tE—l £7.50i. 'l'ltc \octil ctiscnihlc ttikc you on ti ittitstctil iottrncy tltrough Scotland‘s history. sitirtittg witlt 13th century pltiittsoiig. through l6th ccntury polyphony to ti pt'cscnt tltiy pt'ciiiicrc li‘oiii .lohn Hctirtic. /.(l('ltllll.\' \‘llllI.


I Edinburgh Quartet Rciil (’ottccrt llttll. liilinhitt'gh l'niycistty. Bristo Siiiitn‘c. 650 3433. l 10pm. l‘t'cc. Tllc‘ \yot'lil pi'cittici'c ol' tt iicw work hy litlwtit'il Htu'pcr plus licctltoycn's Qtttt/‘It'l [II If l‘tltl/ “Ii/IV “(Ir/)-

I Yoshikazu lwamoto and Joji Hirota Royal .\luscuni ()t Scoiltuttl. 3 (‘htinihcrs 8‘0ch 3-17 43 I”. OWN, lit‘cc. Yoshikazu lw.ttitoto titiil .loii llit'otti pci‘l'oritt ti l‘t'ogt'ttttniic ol .lttptincsc music tor llutc and drum.



I The Piano Music Of Frederic Chopin Hutcltcson's llttll. I58 lttgt‘tiin Strcct. 553 8391. 8pm. .L' l 3 (£8). l’ittnist (itis/ttiy l’t‘llyt) mtu‘ks tltc l50th tllllll\t‘l\;ll'_\ ol (‘liopiti's death with tltc lil'tli ol scycn concct‘ts lctititi'ing sonic of tlic contposcr's l'incst pitttto works.

I Peter Pan litit'otiy llttll. ('tithctlrtil Stiitttt‘c. 387 55 l l. 8pm. £5.50 it‘3.5()~£-ll. It's htillct w itltoiit tltc potntc sltocs. tts :\litll 'l'tiycnci' conilttcts tlic Strtithclytlc l'tityct‘stty Sytitphony ()tchcstrti iti liilwtirtl .\lc‘( illllit‘h l’t'lt‘l' I’tt/t. l’t‘lllt‘llC‘S /.t'.\‘ [fir/It's tintl ti sclcctton ol othci htillct suitcs hy l’itt'ccll .intl Rtiiiictiu.

Continued over page

RSNO Richard Strauss Evening

Glasgow Royal (Sci-1"". Fat", " .. 32 ftp-r;


Glasgow! Royai (LC-titer .‘it‘::;, 29 .i‘t:>._

L'Ii'r\txlt 'I‘

to. \ 9 /\"\'rr\. R ,\ l /,\~ 5,. ditc, -‘cl.l Z.) f-\i,'l.

The sound made by the Royal Scottish National Orchestra can be huge and irresistible. You can hear the orchestra in full flight at their forthcoming Richard Strauss Evening. The gigantic ’Alpine Symphony’, the last of Strauss's great tone-poems, and arguably the most spectacular, is the main work on a programme which starts with the 'Dance Of The Seven Veils' from the opera Salome which caused outrage and controversy when it premiered in 1905. The lesser known ’Burleske' forms a bridge between the

two works.

’"The Alpine Symphony" is such a rarity,’ says writer and Strauss expert Neil Butterworth, who gives an introductory talk prior to the Edinburgh performance. 'This is a rare chance to hear it, but the problem is always

what on earth you put with it.

’It is over an hour long and, in some respects, is enough on its own. But as it requires over 100 players, you might as well make use of the forces

you've got.’

If your appetite for Strauss is whetted, you can hear more when the RSNO feature in a concert performance of the opera Elektra, which is being presented as part of Glasgow Royal Concert Hall's International Series to mark the 50th anniversary of the composer’s death. (Carol Main)

Great decomposer: Richard Strauss is caricatured as the creator of the opera Salome

stilt 1mm THE usr 53