listings FILM

FRIDAY 7-THURSDAY 13 FRIDAY 30-THURSDAY 6 Programme likely to he similar to the eXistenZ ( I5) I20. 4.25. (3.50. previous week. Phone 0l3| 442 2200 for 0.15.

details and times. Fri. Sat 8; Thu late: ll..‘~0.


, edinburgh

3 Film Listings are listed by city, then I New films due to open on Hi 7 May: Orphans ( 18) i alphabetica"! by Clnema- Wm i i Forges Of Nature 12 I Daily: 3.50. 0.30. 0.05. L'St'ngs Comp'led by Hale" l l I 5"" Know What You D'd La“ Daily mat (except Sun): l.l0.

Monaghan. Summer t l8) Life Is Beautiful (PC)

'I SwingilS) Daily: 6.25.

i Daily mat (except Sun): l.35. l BRUNTON THEATRE


I I I l l Bedrooms And Hallways ( I5) 5 \Vexlsitle l’la/a. I20 “ester llilllCS Road. I l I _ l Daily (except Stilt): 4. l0. Wexter lltlllex. 0i3i 453 3332. Booking Lame“ M)- A'llI-Nsclhurs'h- 0' 3' 00> Plunkett And Macleane ( IS)

2240. £3.50 (£25m. . SATURDAY 1 MAY The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ( l8) A Bugs Life IL.) 3 m Fri. Sat 6’: Thu late: ll.40.

l Shakespeare In Love l IS‘i 7.30. ' The fifth Element (PG) . I l‘ll late. midnight.

Line: ()l.‘\l 453 2494. 24 Hour Prog lnl'o:

(ll‘xl 442 2200. ID]. [li]. Adults: £4.40 I (£3 heltit'c (rpm l. Student: £3.30 (Sun- ; Thu). (‘liiltl/(MP: £3. Luxury seats: :\(ltlll.\1 £5 (£55.00 hel'ore opml: C‘hiltl: '

Daily: 8.55.

iii-(ll). i TUESDAY 4 MAY 1 This Year's Love ( l8) ; I MadelineIUI I m Sat late: midnight.

3 04512905029; I ' Message lnA Bottle l I2i 2.00. 5.10.

I l patch Adams I 13) 4”” International Khilatlt 8.00. l


i . Sun mat: I230.

0mm: EDINBURGH 3""3” 65

Sun mat: I50.

8mmiixi 2.10. 5.40. x20. “I.

. 5 4 (ll) . . - | gectrvriTAEtrjficliifiei I4"), ' ' i Tooled up: Gunnar Hansen in The Texas . 38 Home SIIIIIIII 013' :28 4 H I H. i pa|ookav|||e ( '5) i The Faculty l l5ii I50. 5.50. (3.20. Chainsaw Massacre l hooking: ()l3l 22X 4l4l.l5ar. 24 Hour 8”” “‘1”: 2-20 i _ _ , _ _ = -,..‘ .. ~ w. 3521) The Exorcrstilxi I NJ) DIIIIIIII 7 H) w I“) g m lnlt imation l.lllL. 0|. l __.S -500. [D]. II I .I I . - ‘,.--- -"-' .- - w- itiat‘:mitniutt. PlgItItkett & Macleane l l5i 1.40. 4.00. HI & Sm law. MIMI lIIliltfitIIiiIiiioZisII£4I_I:ll:ILSI:(li£:.nIlIy L e I I i i i :1 ~ .. ~. . C L‘ g . ._ . _ : Payback l l.\’i 0.20. 8.55. maiaiugoy (814:) Screen 2 (k 3: alternoons £4 (£2): early ; FRIDAY 7'THURSDAY l3 Mighty Joe Young (l’(}i 0.15. . Flii1.1£c. 'l | .l() erenmg £4 (£2.50); mam eyening £4.75. , The Fly ( l8) : Shakespeare In Love i l5i 2.20. 5.20. 8mm [of ' ' i r .\lon: Screen 1: afternoons £2.501eyenings liri late: nutlnigltt. 5 hIgiiI DIIIIV. {5” (I 05 a m ; £3. Screen 2 k 3: alternoonx £21eyenmgs Crash ( ls) i The Rugrats : l 'i 0.10. Flii (Qigiuuliuic. 'I in)" ' | £2.50. Wetl: £l cones lor tirxt slum in each Sui law: midnighr i Waking Ned il’(ii 2 00. 4.40. (3.50. A Civil Actioh ( Lg) screen. late night \‘houx’: late night Imam Smilla's Feeling For Snow l 15) l 0.00. Dmv. 6 50 £4 (£2.50); midnight lllthL‘ £3.50 (£2.50l. gun mm; (mm A Bug's Life ( l 'i l 50 ' Plun'kett And Macleane I '5, Ilitllli‘IlIcIlTIlIllllIhllll matinee/late night): £4.50 : gscar Am! thcinda ( |Si .n. ,w 0 “Me. ,I- Hi & Sat late: l().l0. “" u L ~“” "W3 -‘- - 2:. AV gal-.1, "MA '9. , rh ‘1 -i n) \1 l PaYbaCk ( l8l 20 INIaked LunCh (Ilhl ex'Stenz‘h' I Daily: 7.00. I . _ 3 I _ lhu late: midnight. Him.“ I1 ‘w- “NIP-'1” w)” i Mighty Joe Young (PU) (firggans ( "M I'm' “m: (“0' My" Programme likely to he Sllllllill' to the l.” ‘k ‘2‘” "HU- H "l Daily: |.30. LT ‘I' .f I )(, § , _; K : pi'exiotrs \yeek. Phone 0|3l 228 4l4l The waterboY' l—' The Rugrats Movie (L'l ' e S Beau" u H ’l l‘ l: 3"“ f) i ' l‘or details and times. Alternatiyely. call > ‘0 ‘40 t ‘0 s so - BedroomsAnd Hallwa Sthi 0 l5 ', 'lil'li- ,‘ - ‘- - ~ ~ 5 Daily: l.l(). 3.i0. H R It & M I {a I g I I; the 24 hour hotline on 0i3i 22.3 2300 l'” ‘k 8‘” I‘ll“ I”? Waking Ned (PC) I 8 ac eane' ' l " ' ' ' or pick up a weekly timetable from the m Dreams lT’I _ _ I I Daily: 4.50. 9.05. 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre I HI cinema. "ritual ale: 1 ,- ,. 4 .. I I At First Sight: l5) g D‘"'-" l' 0' 1 Pretty In Pink l.‘l midnight. Continued over page

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29 Apt-l3 May NW THELIST 51