who attend Turning Points day programme.

COLLECTIVE GALLERY 22-28 (‘ockhurn Street. 220 I260. 'l’ue»Sat Ilani— 5.30pm (Fri 5pm). ' Citizen 2000 Until Sat IS May. A

group show l‘eaturing painting.

drawing. \ rdeo arid sculpture by twelye artists selected lroni Scottish art

colleges. See I'L‘\ rew.


(irindlay (‘ourt ('entre. (irrndlay Street lane. 22*) 7‘)“. Mon 'l‘hu ltlanr-Jpni; l~'ri Illanr-2pni.

The Full Story t‘nnt .\lon ‘~I .\Iay. Personal ideas and stories are explored througlt drawings. paintings and mixed rtredra by artists attending a workshop at [he L'L‘llll‘L‘.

CYBERIA INTERNET CAFE SS Ilanm er Street. 220 -l-lll.i. .\lon Sat Illattt lllpni; Sun noon—7pm. Stewart Nicol l'r'r 7 I‘ll 28 May Photographs ol lierrnuda by Stewart .\'tcol.


lielliot'd Road. 024 02”” trecorded inlorrnation 332 22oot. .\lon- Sat Illani-Sprn: Sun 2 5pm. (‘ale Situated opposite the National (iallery ol' .\Iodern :\rt. tlte new |)ean Gallery is entirely dexoted to art ol' the 2(lth century. A tornrer I‘)th century orphanage. it houses a large collection ol work by Iiduardo Paolo/n. as well as outstanding works drawn limit the National (iallertes‘ Dada and Surrealist collections. with the upper floor gryen ox er to temporary eslrihrtrons.

Andreas Gursky: Photographs 1994-1998 l'ntrl Sun lo May £2.50

(L l flit. The Dean (iallery's inaugural e\hrhrtron l'eattnes tlte lrr'st retrospecti\e e\hrl\rtrorr Ill Scotland ol the work ol- (ier nran photographer Andreas (iursky I'eatutrng o\ er twenty large-lorrnat


photographs created between I‘M-l and NOS. the work has been described as ‘modern me at the end or the 2()th


THE DEVELOPMENT GROUP Western General Hospital. (‘rew e Road South. 332 2335. Mon t'l'hu 9am—5pm; l‘ri ‘)ani»—l.3()prn. Anatomy Redressed l'nul l-ri 3t) .-\pr. Drawings and paintings e\plorrng the lnnnan hody hy Ruaraidh .\lacl .eod.

ha Dirndas Street. 553 93M. .\lon l‘ri lt);rrir-oprir; Sat l()ain lprn.

Two Centuries 0f Scottish

Watercolours tfirril .\Ion 3| .\lay

Watercolours hy yarious artists rncludrttg

.\lary (ieorgina Wade-Wilson. Watterson Herald and William (iillies. EDINBURGH GALLERY

ISa l)undas Street. 55" 522”. Mon l‘rr Ilillll--5l)lll; Sat Illarn -lpin.

New Artists For The New Millennium limit 'I‘ue ts .\Ia_\. I’iguratrye paintings by l'our' recent graduates .\lark Roscoe. Sleplteli Lockliart. ('herylene l)yer and Robert

.lohn Macmillan.


23 l'nion Street. 55-7 247‘). Tue Sat Illarrroprn.

All Too Diverse Sal S“ May Sat 5 Jun. An exhibition l‘eaturtng the work ol eight selected artists currently producing work in a Variety ol' media including silkscreen. etching. lithography. hook art

and relief prints.

EDINBURGH WORLD HERITAGE TRUST tl‘ornterly New Town (‘onsenation .\lori~l‘rr 9am <lptn; 2 5pm.

Princes Street: Unexecuted Designs 1767—1999 l'ntil .\lon il \lay. Plans and designs l'or' Princes Street w lnch were nexet' carried out.

Highlands & Islands

" visual arts

0digital imaging

OUFO photography

Oinstant painting

0myths and reality

Omoving water



0contemporary jewellery


EDINBURGH ZOO (‘orstorphine Road. 334 ‘)I7 I. Daily 9am—5pm.

Natural Selection limit Hi 30 Apr. 'l‘o celehrate the 90th anniyersar'y ol‘ the Royal Zoological Society ol' Scotland. art exhibition ol‘ work by Society stall and volunteers.


SS l.olltialt Road. 22S 2085'. Daily

lllarn -l()pni.

Light Orchestral Sat I Sat 39 May Recent work by Aya lguchi.


35 William Street. 225 2 I‘M). 'l'ue I'll llani 5pm: Sat llani 2pm.

Mixed Contemporary Landscapes Sat l .\Ion .il .\lay (‘ontetrtporary landscapes hy gallery artists Andrew Walker. Rohert lnnes. Rehecca (‘ollins and Anthony ('awthot'ne.


~I.< \Iitl'lst‘l Slt't‘cl. 32.; 3353. Sat l \ltttl il May (‘onteinporary landscapes lty gallery artists -\ndrew \Valket'. Roherl lnnes Rehecca (‘olhns and Antlron.‘ ('awthorne.

Evolution Isn’t Over Yet l'ntrl Sat 3st May. .v\n e\hihition presenting the work ol' an emerging generation ol' Scotland- hased artists. taking its theme trorn a range ol- hoth glohal and local concerns ltttisL‘I} c‘ttliliL‘cchI \\ ill] the Idea ()Ii ’eyolution‘. .-\rtrsts taking part include Beagles Ly Ramsay. l’aul (‘ar'terz Henry \‘III‘s \Vry es. (‘h'ad .\lc(‘ail. .loannc Tatharu Ly 'l‘onr ()‘ Sullryan. (‘lar'a Iil'sllll and /.oe \Valket. HANOVER FINE ARTS 22a l)undas Street. 55(12ISI. .\lon I‘l'l Ill..‘~(larn (rpm; Sat Illanr ~l nu.

Wendy Wood (1892—1981 Sat I Sat 22 .\la_\. liuropean drawings lw \\'end_\ Wood l'eaturrng \rews oi .-\ustt'ra. Belgium. l-rance. Scotland and Italy l'rorn I‘)ll It) I‘lill

Travelling to the Highlands? Local to the area?

listings ART

Spring Exhibition (Part II) Sat l—Sat 22 May. Recent works by gallery artists.


: o Carlton 'l‘errace. 556 444 I. Tue—Sat


Jeffrey Blondes Until Sat l5 May. American-horn painter .lel'l‘rey Blondes shows landscape paintings ol' Scotland. Rupert Spira lintil Sat 15 May. An eshihition ol‘ stoneware hottles. yases and howls by Rupert Spira.

INK TANK 2% St Stephen Street. 226 544‘). Morn-Fri

', ‘)..‘~()ant-—5pin. I JIII Calder lfntil Hi 7 May. Drawings by

.lill Calder. which illustrate the model Horror I‘r'aser's rnusrngs Ill Sr'uI/u/n/ ()n Stun/tit:

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D'ECOSSE l3 Randolph Crescent. 225 5366.

Mon Fri ‘lilkun-(rillprn; Sat

‘)..‘\()atit l..il)ptit.

Nuits Blanches: Pandora’s Boxes Hi 7 May I‘ri J Jun. .»\rtists' hooks hy Sylyie (‘aly

Cut To Pieces I‘ri 7 .\l;ty-- l’ri ~l .ltrti. l’aper works by Bahsr Danni.


S2 Nicolson Street. (ms 2232. Mon—Fri l()ain Spin.

ll Cinema Di Rosi l‘ntil in 30 Apr. .-\n edrihrtron of photographs by Illlll director lirancesco Rosi's set photographer. Sergio Strrx/i. I’m! at I/IL’ llrl/trlli I’ll/n I’t's‘lri'ul.


(to (‘utnherland Street. 55S 9872. .\lon--l5ri Illani—opnr; Sat l()arn--lpni. Eduardo Paolozzi taint Sal I May. Screenprints. etchings and lithographs hy liduardo Paolo/Ii.

New Visions Sat S May ’I‘hu l7 .lun. Recent work by new Scottish graduates leaturrng paintings and prirttrnakrrtg.

Continued over page

Find-out what’s happening during the Highlands 8: Islands Visual Arts Weekend 7-9 May.

For continuous details of visual arts galleries, studios and organisations - get a copy of the Highlands & Islands Visual Arts Guide 1999.

Call HI-Arts on 01463 244 271 for details.

HI-Arts website - For the most up-to-date information on exhibitions and opening times www.scot-highlands.com

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\IHSl in

Highlands 8: Islands T IiNIIiRI‘RISI:

\l 7':

2",) Apr ii May “‘99 THE UST73