love and the creative procexx, Part of the American independence 'l'our. (ilasgow: OFT.

Swing t lit (Nick Mead. L'lx'. WOO) Hugo Speer. Lisa Staiix‘iield. the nuns.

Swing music is now the lii'eblood oiex-con Martin LUXTOI'LJ who is released on parole determined to set up a band back home in Liverpool. He enrols the support oi a motley group of musicians. and also calls on ex- gii'li'riend .loari to be liix singer. Light comedy. light drama and a conxixtently entertaining l'rlm. (ieneral release.

Taxi Driver t IM l.\'1;tl'lltl Scorxexe. [15. NM) Robert De Niro. ('y bill Shepherd. Jodie Foster. Il-l minx. .-\n alienated tasi drixer in New York ix xo repelled by the squalor and the moral decay around him that he ix driven to terrible violence. ()ne oi the key iilmx oi the Seventiex with the Scorxexe-l)e .\'iro partnership at ilx peak. lidinburgh: Cameo.

Tea With Mussolini it’( it t l‘t‘ttiicti ‘/.el't'irelli.

ltaly/UK. I‘NW (JiCl'. Joan l’low right. Maggie Smith. ll” liilli\, /.eil'irellr'x iilm ix partly atitohiographical. partly lictitioux. and concernx the eiiect on liix ow n upbringing arid education by a gioup oi [iiighxh ladies li\ing iii l‘loi‘ence at the time oi ll l)ttcc"x rixe to pow er. This particular brew xeemx oddly lacking in zext. lidrnburgh. l)titiillilt)li. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre i tar t‘l'obe Hooper. lfS. l‘F—li .‘xlarilyn litirnx. (iuiiiiar Hanxeri. Allen Dan/iger. \‘4 minx. .\ group (ll. kids travel to .i lil‘okeli-tiow It 110th til the middle oi nowhere and meet cannibalistic degeneratex w ho pick oil the cast one by one. l’erhapx the most relentlexx xhce oi terror e\ er put on xcreeii. iidmhurgh. Cameo. l‘Cl. .

The Thin Red Line t lSi i'l‘errence Malick. US. 1998) Nick .\‘o|te. liliax lx'oteax. Sean Penn. I70 mins. Jim is very much a director'x iiliii. witli the mythic and re\ered Malick as the star .\lo\ ie .v\-hxt types make cameo appearances. while the bulk oi the action centrex on the boy x lrom Company C. the lucklexx oiitiit charged w illi taking a vital hilltop xtronghold in the battle ior (ittadalcaiial. largx Barrileldx

Three Colours: Blue i I5» i tx‘i/yx/rol Kiexlokai. l'raiice. l‘N‘i .liihelte iiilioclie. Benoit Regent. (’harlotte \ery. llli) iiiill\. .'\ young woman triex to isolate lierxell lrom li'iendx and any notion oi aliection iollowing the death oi her composer husband and child ill a car crash. .I\n C\[1I'C\\I\L‘ and xy mbolic him that ix alxo emotionally xatrxiyiiig. liriiochc'x award- winning perioriiiaiice. ma llilti ol pi'oiound beauty. ix the bext oi her career (ilaxgow (ii-‘1‘.

Three Colours: Red i ISi « Kr/y x/tol Klexitiw xki. i'itilic‘e 'Sw ll/ ’i’oiallti. i‘l‘J-li Irene .lacob. .leaii-l Huh 'I i mlignaiit k)o titlll\. KIL'\10\‘.\ixii\lllcitlililll'll‘litlyk comes to a close with what may be his greatest masterpiece. .\ Sw ixx model opcnx up her inneriiioxl xecretx to a retired rudge who eayextlropx on neighbouix' plionecallx Supei'iicial detailx arc xtripped away ax the director concentratex on parallel hxex and interwoven tie\lliiie\. (ilasgow (il'mii.

Three Colours: White t [Si r ix'i/y x/tol Kiexlokai. l'rance/Swil/.l’olarid. 1993i [bigniew /.aiiiachow xki. .lulie l)elpy. .Iaiiux/ (iaim ‘ll minx. .-\iiotlier iiiaxteritil piece oi cinema by Kiexlokai. much it xx lyrical and visually poetic than the i'ext oi the trilogy This time the theme ix equality '. ax a l’olixh hairdrexxer sets out to get rexenge on liix l‘l'elt‘ch e\-w ile. (iiaxgmv (il'l.

Titanic Town I l ,5 l tRogei' .\liche|l. l'lx'. I‘NM Julie \\alteix. (‘iaian liiiidx. \irala O'Neill. lllll mmx liaxed on \lary (‘oxtello'x atitohiogiaphical noxel about a wile arid riiotherx cilortx to obtain a ceaxe lire on her catholic housing extate iii \Vext Bellaxt. \Valteix gi\cx a line. grounded periormance ax the battling mother Kirkcaldy Adam Smith

Top Hat tl'il\laik Sandrich. l’S. I‘M.“ l‘red :\xtail'e. (irrigei‘ Roger x. l.dward

l",\ el‘ett Horton llll) iiiriix, .\ hotil ol mixtaken identity makes I red and (linger'x path to true |o\ e \la l.ontloii .md \emce a little more circuitous than they might haye liked. but there are plenty ot claxxi.‘ Irving Berlin miiiiheix along the way to help them keep their xpiritx up Splendid xtuii (ilaxgow (ii'fli'

Tous les Matins du Monde « I It i.-\I;un

l l


Corneau. France. I992) Gerard Depardieu. (itiillaurne Depardieu. Anne Brochet. ll-l mins. The story oi l7th century viol de ganiba virtuoso Marin Marais (told in flashback using Depardieu pore w filx) acts as a background for conflicts between music and musician. art and artiste. (ilasgow: (ii-T. Twin Dragons t L?) t’t‘sui Hark/Ringo Lam. Hong Kong. 199! ) Jackie Chan. Maggie Cheung. Nini l.i Chi. 8‘) mins. Chan plays the dragons oi the title. John Ma and Boomer. twin brothers separated at birth. (he becomes an orchestra conductor. the other a gangster. When rival criminals mixiake one twin for another. the brothers are iorced to swap roles and chaos ensues. l’urists beware and cheese-lovers note: 'Iii'i/i Dragons hits the multiplexes dubbed not subtitled. See review. (ierieral release.

Two Girls And A Guyt I 8i (James 't‘obzick. US. 1908) Robert Downey Jr. Heather (iraham. Natasha (il'egsolt Wagner. 86 mins. ln 'l‘oback’x talky comedy. aspiring actor Blake and the women he has been two- timing clash oxer lox e. xe\ and lidelity in 90s, .‘xluch oi the humour derixex' ii'om xeeing Blake squirm under the women‘s xuslaiiied verbal axxault. but it is a testament to How ney 'x superb acting that he elicits xome pity tor liix philanderer. Kii'kcaldy; Adam Smith.

Up In Smoke ti.oti Adler. L98. W78) (‘heech Marin. 'l‘omniy Chong. Stacy Keach. I I7 mins. 'l‘wo l.:\ dopelieadx attempt to drive a van made entirely out oi iiiariiuana back home irom Mexico. Shambling iestival oi drug-related humour. (ilasgow: (iroxvenor.

Wag The Dog t l5) tBarry l.e\inson. LS. 1997) Robert De Niro. [)ustin l-ioiiman. Anne Heche. ()7 mins. .-\ xpin doctor cooks up a iictitious war to help a US President through a tricky and scandal-tilled re- election campaign. But outside its irighteningly impeccable timing. this Mamet-scripted satire comes in heavy handed i'orm. Ax one ‘problem' ai'ter another is encountered and solved. the cool. ironic tone oi the opening section ix rapidly replaced by one oi simple hyxteria. lidinburgh: iiilmhouxe.

Waking Ned ti’(ii t Kirk Jones. LIK. lWSi Ian llannen. David Kelly. l'ioiinula l-Ianagan. 0i minx_ Actually. Ned'x dead. .-\ xhame that. because the old iella luxt won £7 million play mg 'l‘he Lottery the dixcoxery oi which killed him. However. wily \L‘\L‘l1[}'\()lllClllllig palx Jackie and Michael xpy a golden opportunity to claim the cash. (fliarming and eccentric w itli a deiiarit spirit. (ienei'al release.

The Water Babies t t ‘i rl,ionel Jeiiriex. l'K/l’olalid. 1978) Janiex .\laxori. Billie Whitelaw. Bernard ('ribbinx. 93 mm. l'nesceptional childreii‘x iantaxy mising animation and lixe action. in Kingsley ‘x story ol a young chimney xweep in Victorian London who runs away to a magic pool and a xeriex oi underwater adxeriturex. Stirling: \lacRobert,

The Waterboy t l:l Adam Saiidler. Kathy liatex. Henry Winkle-r. ‘lll minx.

Sandler playx Bobby lioucher. a xociaily inept. .1 l -_\eai-old mummy 'x boy. who goex ironi being the w aterboy lo the star oi an American loothztli team. .'\x the Wedding Singer. he might ha\e been a drip. btit as the Waterboy. he'x iuxt a w axhoul. (ieiieral release.

The White Balloon tl'i tJaiar l’anahi. ll'an. NOS) Aida .\lohammadkhani. .\lohxen Kal'ili. l‘erexhteh Sadr ()rlani. 8-1 mm. :\ young girl goex to the market to buy a goldiixh. but loxex her money on the w ay. The material may be the most mundane oi concernx. but thix iilm. which unfolds in real time. ix ax nerve-w racking ax any Hitchcock thriller. With its truth to detail. xlylixtic xiiiiplieity and wonderlul depiction oi innocence and purity. ll reawakenx iaith in the medium oi cinema. lidinburgh: l-‘ilmhouxe.

The Wings Of The Dover ISirlarn Soi‘iley. l'lx'. 1907i Helena lionham Carter. l.iiitis Roache. Alison lilliott. l(ltx’ minx. :\n intelligent. emotionally devastating adaptation oi Henry Janiex'x lioyel that coillltietili} side-steps the pillallx til \ltll'l') coxtume drama. l’rexented irom marryng her humble lo\ er. lx'ate t lloiiham Carteri plots to pair him oli w till a rich. xickly .~\iiieiican. iiverylhing about lliix i'ilm emphaxixex quality. lidmburgh: Lumiere

index FILM

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Scottish Ballet

Tues 11 to Thurs 13 May

Liphl Fanoanpo

choreographu hu floherl llorih

La sulphide

choreographu liu Bournonville

Fri 14 & Sat 15 May

fliVBiSiflltS choreographu hu Henneth Haciiillan

night We

choreographu hu tim Hushton

HflDlUiE choreographu tiu Lila iorit

Tickets From £7.00 C

ELfl Part II

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13- .7.’ Mar 190‘) THE lIST 29