MUSIC folk & world

FOLK: GLASGOW, WED 26 MAY continued

I Hotpipes (.‘ottier Theatre. l‘lylltllitlltl Street. 357 3868. 7.30pm. S()l.l) ()l'T. See BBC Music l.i\'e listings. page I5. I Weekly Scots Fiddle Workshops Kinning Park (‘oniples Cornwall Street. Kinning Park. 77‘) 9047. 7.30-0.30pm. £4 (.L' l .50). Workshops on Scots and Cape Breton lidtlle styles. loi' ady‘anced players. beginners and inter mediate ley'els. Young beginners classes commence earlier Ill the ey ening.


I Maurice Dixon lidmbuigh l'olk ('liib. Pleasance Theatre ('abaret Bar. The Pleasance. 8pm. £4 iL.3 i. ('liildren tree.


I Samba Workshops Howden Park Centre. ()l50o 433634. 7.30pm. L'l0 ‘£7) for tour sessions. Led by the lidinburgh Samba Band.


I Rod Paterson New Haw n l~olk (.‘lub. Riyei'side Club. l‘oy Street. 348 3 I44. 8.30pm. £3~£5. ('oiisummate Scots singer and guitarist from .lock Tanison’s liairns.

classical &



Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


I Alexander Kobrin Merchants House. 7 West George Street. 334 3743. l3.45pm. £4 l£l -L'3.50r. The eighteen- year-old winner ot' the WW Scottish International Piano (’oinpetiiion returns to Scotland from his name R ussia tor another display ol'daI/ling zyory tinkling.

I Aida Theatre Royal. 383 Hope Stieet. 3339000.7.15pm.L350-L4550.Scottish ()pet‘a bring one (it (iiuseppe \‘ei'di's most radiant and compelling heroines to lite in this new production directed and designed by Antony McDonald itlie man behind the company is successlul 1998 production ol Stimson om/ l)t'/i'/u/ii. Set in a my thical Egyptian court. the role ot the tragic refugee Aida is peil'ormed by Moldoy ian dramatic soprano l.ada Hiriucoy. See

rey iew page 4|.

I Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Royal Concert Hall. 3 Sauchieliall Street. 387 55l I. 7.30pm. £8.50 L33. listonian Neeme Jaryi conducts Swedens national orchestra in a suitably Scandinay'ian programme which l'eatures \Vagner's I’li'i/ie /)III( limit/i ’()l't’I'/III'(' (i/it/ I)lllt’/llll(lll '\ .lIu/io/ueiit'i and lil/AH'H' (for which they are routed by renowned Jamaican bziss-lxii'itoiie \\'ill;iitl White l. Nielsen‘s Si'lii/i/in/ii' .\'u 4 t -/./l(' Inert/item\liu/i/t"i and the [K pieiiiiei‘e ol' Hillborg‘s Kine 'lit/e


I Lunchtime Organ Music St (alts Cathedral. Royal Mile. 335 9443. l.ll)piii. liree. Michael Harris pei'l'ornis works by l.ebegiie. Krebs. Handel and Elgar.

I Lunchtime Concert Ian Tomlin School ()t‘ Mtisic. Napier l‘myersity. (.‘raighotise. 455 (i380. |.l5pni. l‘re'e. :\ performance t'rom the (‘ontemporary Miisic linsemble. directed by Kenneth Dempster

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen's llttll. ('lerk Street. (m7 7770. 7.45pm. L5 L18. .ltlsc‘pll Swensen conducts guest pianist l)a\ id (ioliib and the orchestra in Heetlioy ens ()i (’I'i'lll't’. Leo/mm No 3. I’M/Ho (ill/It em» \'o J and Symphony No 5

52THE LIST ‘. {~27 l.lii‘." 7’39“)

I Alexander Kobrin l.oi'etto Music- School. Musselburgli. o53 4430. 8pm. l‘TL‘L'. See ililttt l3.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Town Hall. ('ainelon Road. 0l334 Silo850. 7.30pm. L l0 t£8 l. The orchestra go on tour. with a programme ol' Brahms. Haydn and Tchaikoy‘sky.



I Midday Concert RSAMl). I00 Renli'eyy Street. 333 5057. lpm. £3.50 iL'3.50i. The Kings (‘onsort present The Ital/(iii Connection. a programme or short works by Finger. Handel. Purcell and Melani.

I Masterclass RS.-\Ml). I00 Remit-cw Street. 333 5057. 3.30pm. liree. |.orna Anderson. (‘rispian Steele-Perkins and Katharina Spreckelsen direct a yoice. trumpet and oboe masterclass.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra City Hall. ('andleriggs. 387 55 l 1. 7.30pm. L5 —.£l(i. See Thu l3.


I Edinburgh University String Orchestra Reid Concert Hall. lidinbui'gh t'niy'ersity. Bristo Square. (>50 3433. 7.30pm £5 (£3 i. James Lowe conducts the orchestra in a programme which includes pieces by Leighton and Parry. as well as the winner ot' the limre Araci composition prize.

I A Chance To Perform The lidinbui'gh Society ol‘ Musicians. Belt‘ord Road. 468 7590. 7.30pm. L4 in ady'ance- £5 on door. Six Edinburgh-based singers otter tip a musical assortment. t'rom Mo/art to Sondheim.



I The Laigh Trio Queen's ('ross Church. 870 (jarscube Road. (Ho (mill). 3 3pm. l-‘ree, Step back in time to the golden age or the litlwardian Palm ('ourt. as the trio perl'oriii works by l'ilgar. Kreisler. (_‘/ai'das. Bocclierini and Toselli.

I The Organist Entertains Ari (iallery a Museum. Kely ingroy e. .-\rgy le Street. 38? 3o‘)‘ . 3.30pm. l‘ree. :\ light-hearted repertoire lTUlll organist Albeito Massimo I Junior Academy Concert RSAMI). I00 Renlrew Street. 333 5057. 4pm. l'TL‘L‘. .-\ii alternoon concert hour the Junior Academy Second ()rchestra.

I La boheme Theatre Royal. 383 Hope Street. 333 9000. 7.15pm. L3.50~L‘45.50. Scottish ()pera perl'oi'm Puccini's popular tale ot young loy'ers struggling to \tll'\'l\'t‘ a harsh w inter in 19th century Paris.

3‘- '. \


I University of Dayton Choir St Giles' Cathedral. Royal Mile. 335 9443.

i3. 15pm. lace. Lunchtime song trom the y isiting ()liio choir.

I The Edinburgh Academy Summer Concert Queen’s Hall. Clerk Street. ()()7 7776. 7pm. £4 i’L3). .-\ y'aried programme or music t'rom bands. orchestras and chamber choirs with concerto soloists.

I Quire ('anongate Kirk. (‘anongatcfi (so? 7776. 7 30pm. [1.4 i. This London- based ensemble make their lidiiibui'gli debut with a progi'aiiuiie contrasting early choral music w itli pieces ti'om this century -— teatured artists include Tallis. Sheppard. Tippett. Poulenc and Mathias.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra (‘arnegie Hall. ixast Port. 0l383 3 l4l37. 7.30pm. thlt£7 L8). See Thu l3.


I Promenade Organ Recital .»\ri (iallery (k Museum. Kely'iiigi'oye. Argyle Street. 387 309‘), 3,3(lpttl. l-iree. A tree Sunday atteriioon concert from organist (’olin Tipple.

I Sunday Afternoon Concert House lior An .»\rt l.o\'er. Bellahouston Park. H) l)umbreck Road. 353 4773. 3.30 4pm. liree. A programme of iiit'ormal classical music in the Mtisic Room. on harp. Flute. piano. cello and classical guitar.

I Ascensiontide Choral Evensong St Brides ('hurch. Hyndlatid. 548 3444. 3.3llpm. l-ree. .-\lan Ta\ener conducts the Strathclyde l'niyersity ('haiiibei' ('lioii' in music by (iibbons. bin/i and Messiaen. I Glasgow Lyric Choir (ilLtsgoyy l’niy‘ersity Chapel. t'iiiy‘ei‘sity' .-\\enue. 387 55l I. 7.30pm. £7. Nairn Maxwell Young conducts the choir in a piogi'ainiiie teaturing /.oltaii Kodaly ‘s .l/iuti Bria l\' and l)\ oiak's Man II] I).

I City of Glasgow Chorus Royal Conceit Hall. 3 Saucliiehall Street. 387 55l l. 7.30pm. £9.50 Ll750. Martin Merry conducts the l50-sti‘ong chorus iincluding Moldoy'ian opera star l.ada Hiriucoy i and the Royal Scottiin National Orchestra in Verdi's ever- popular Ix’t'i/mun.


I SCO Chamber Ensemble Queen's Hall. (’lerk Street. (W7 777(i 3pm.

L650 Ll I50. .loseph Swensen conducts pianist l);l\‘ltl (iolttb and the linsemble in works by Schubert. Beethoven. Mo/art and llummel.

I St Giles’ At Six St (iiles' Cathedral.

Royal Mile. 335 9443, (rpm. l9ree.

Spanish tragedy: Helen Field and Anne Collins in Scottish Opera's performance of Ines de Castro at Glasgow‘s Theatre Royal, Thu 27 May

Napier's chamber choir and orchestra are

lowed by the Tomlin liarly Music

Consort tor an Italian programme. including Alessandro Scarlatti's St ('t't‘i/iu .lr'ltl.\.\‘.

I Edinburgh University Chamber Orchestra Reid Concert Hall. Edinburgh l'niyersity. Bristo Square. ()50 3433. 7.30pm. (‘hi'istopliei' Bell conducts the orchestra iii Britteii's I’lim't/m. Richard Sti'atiss's (.Ullt't‘l’ltt .\'u / and Beethoven's .Sr/It/i/Iu/ll‘ No X.


I Paisley Philharmonic Choir Paisley Town Hall. Abbey Close. 7.30pm. Tickets co (£4) on the door. [an S. .»\nderson conducts the tinal concert in the (lion‘s l0th .»\nniyersary season. with \'i\'aldi's (i/m'm and Brahms Ret/uie/ii on the bill.


I Northland College Choir St Giles“ Cathedral. Royal Mile. 335 9443. l3.l5pm. l-‘ree. lunchtime sounds from the Wisconsin choir.

I Fascinating Aida l’estiy‘al Theatre. l3- 3‘) Nicolson Street. 53‘) (3000. 8pm. El lA—L‘ l 3. The talented trio present Bare l‘tlt't’t/ ('liic. a modern-day mix ol’ humour and song.



I Europe Day Concert Merchants. llouse. 7 West George Street. 63‘) 3170. lpm. l‘ree. Students trom the RSAMl) giy‘e a tree concert to celebrate litirope l)ay.


I Western State College Choir Si (iiles' ('athetli'al. Royal Mile. 335 0443. I3. 15pm. lace. The student choir trom (iunnison. ("olorado pei'torm a lunchtime

I Edinburgh University Music Society Orchestra (‘rrey triai's Kirk. (ireyl‘riars Place. ()68 30“). 7.30pm. L'o (L3). Richard Jel‘l‘coat conducts the orchestra in a Show programme. teaturing

Ritltsky - Kill‘sgtkoy "s .St'/It'/tt’l't'itIt/<‘. Racliiiianinoy 's I’m/in (‘u/it ei‘m .\'u 3 and l.lllttsltl\\‘.\Kli\ (iii/It t'l‘lri / «11‘ Hit /It'\ll'(l.



I House For An Art Lover Dinner Concert Series House For An Art l.oy'er. Hellalioustoii Park. It) l)timbieck Road. 353 4773. 7pm. L350 l 23.50). Mcball's