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Official Formula One PC _ . Racing X-Wlng Alliance

(“10984199 (Lucasarts) {3.1.99

ll.i‘.!"(; .zrmtm in.» l !»\ (twsr- "()YU With two spanking new games due l’sxn'x» E-nm ma»- simmer: .a"(l for release after the opening of The mam-(i tr) :>'(><:L.(tg ', .i l<)"V‘..:.‘: ()"v Phantom Menace, this will probably .'.i( "w: :;.r~-.- Tww "()‘JHM: be the last chance for any budding "t"(" flint -:t.. (2 iti-t'~....‘:<:<‘~ .3'2'.(>r‘<= pilots to fly the Old skool X-Wing .ws,‘ ()f"t‘-' l ' :ww- t<> z)... tux lint s starfighter. Still, Alliance isn’t a bad H)! in '.'1.‘:’. 5mm :>r<><:..<(>(: .5 final curtain for the old bird. :7.‘:(i rum; in "0:" i fix? it»: w Having escaped the Imperial .a"<l um“. '.:.a< -. attack on Hoth, your family, the '13 '."‘;. .w: martin, .2"<: two (:.‘:"‘(>:>f.‘:‘, Azzameens, have struggled to :t-.- 1.111.944: "w -.'\<><'. compete in their shipping and .3". .am to . r; ‘r t .. '. s r".,i.‘:'. 0.“ storage business. Imperial U":'::'°...".‘:'.t- ., ":71""<: <,t.a":r,<>..t .as blockades, organised crime and . :;~ ::~;-*. ::..‘» t t m 'l‘z-L' monopolising conglomerates have <;'.‘:::" .s ZN: ix; emanate, all taken their toll, while your main new» .ew :23. .."."%:>' "r: .a"(: rivals, the Viraxo family, have <>:?:7::"t="'_x 2m» 37cm: {7..3 "‘i:<‘-'x(>".‘: proved to be a constant pain in the Sini'fiw ,, '- :a-ctm f".‘:'.<<>..l<: neck. As Ace, the youngest my... s..< '* Azzameen, you must take part in wt 't-w-c-‘ts n...» to 1m (.2 ‘.‘:.: trade runs, smuggling operations . :> '. stow», inner and espionage missions which draw you closer to an makes the hair on the back of your neck tingle. The <<>"‘:> m- . ::'~:>'.~:: 1w <:' . “r: x .s so out-and-out conflict with the Viraxo. Needless to say missions accurately follow the story and, although they in", '-':> -;v '.(1 < " tat-:2 the Empire becomes involved and soon you are fleeing are not as complicated as in previous games, they have Ow. .2‘: <:-".‘:f:<>2, ,0“. for your lives, eventually finding sanctuary with the some lovely twists and dramatic moments that can ma st< i'.’:< "(:1 (“M it .:'< .a<:~:> Rebel Alliance. It is here that Alliance truly begins as dangerously distract you from your flying. For geeks of ".i( "r; you fly increasingly dangerous sorties against the the series this is also your first chance to fly the Flop-c5. T" .a ..:: ‘<:' Empire, culminating in the attack on the second Death Millennium Falcon, although whether it was worth the , 2. )"';< .i' Fowl...) Or.“- Star above Endor. wait is a matter of opinion. [9.“ <;<:<::: :):: (ifs '72: "wt 3mm)" Alliance has everything you would expect from a Star X-Wing Alliance is polished, instantly playable and m warm, /.,.~~:)<‘-<: ‘_"(‘-< ..t< " Wars flight simulator a range of instantly familiar produces some genuine sweaty joystick moments. .«":: .2 "‘<;-,'. «.2 m .2: 1M: '1: ships, an involving plotline and the music that still Punch it, Chewie! (lain Davidson)


Jimmy White's 2

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Simplydivine: Requiem .. :'-.- a: :