FILM new releases



the Institut francais d’Ecosse 13 Randolph Crescent Edinburgh EH3 7TT

on 'l‘uesday 1 June 1999 at 7pm Outclubbingzleff Daniels and Christopher Lloyd in My Favourite Martian

Controversial and typically l‘rench. My FaVourite martian “WWII “"W” m srmceshrp. as I

the “Café philosophique" (PG) 92 mins to some more '

has arrived in Edinburgh. ' " " ' ' " ma ~»:«.;><= for ‘fIsh out or

;:»'»:'II() fun at the

The cafe seeks to Hive philosophical discussion ' ' "i " H i “"5?” i":"“wt'0“" a”? a b . .' ~' 4' . .' " a'. " :fi-L-I'“; ’. 'r.:"viaII((’ ()0, as. Im .

a DuhlIc Plattorm. open to all comers. addressmil .v r ~ .- a z mm Brace (ElIzabeth ' .. - v. - .- i- - - ~ " v I“; perhaps her most

. . , . .. . . I ,-'"l‘, IZ'V-FLI suewr‘ ;:-erforrnance yEI), create a congenial envn‘omnent tor a moderated. z' - ' : . z : 'thiir‘st'lt: :‘tat ?Ii‘ 2s equally adored : . .. . ' . .2. " " :' . a: :r‘-: :, » uni-a {Dani Hannah) Danrels -

hut spontaneous dIalogLIe ox'er collee or \\‘lIlL‘. ; . ;_ -. .- . ; as ., m; In moroom Imam ;

hoth immediate and perennial concerns. It aims to

Proceedian will he conducted in linelish. " " " " "’ " 'i’ "I ' """""“ "m" ““5"” "““‘ages " .' ,' -.: I .' :". :' . ' ' t':"l ~,‘,'.':‘.;;atr‘.y for TIm'S

IN s 'r I 'r l' 'r 14‘ R A N c A I s l)‘ l<1(_‘()S s I“, 1 .' . i‘ iljfjjjjglfl‘TSIl'Sllgfiig: 13 Randolph Crescent. .’ f. 3 if”: ‘ZI'rjjijt,:2::|m:rm(:[Elixir :

Edinburgh : ': " . - : . ' .' ::\, the bra screen's

Tel: 0131 225 5366 f f 'j j 'i

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Manic threat preacher: Robert Mitchum in Night Of The Hunter

.' "' 1" clitni N ght Of The Hunter . I. the ate-II a (PG) 92 mins :1 \t-" " l;r' I'a"t (‘Inernat't' ' ' ' ' ' “- " '-"".'.'z"!'"‘. Good and LCVE'ana _l\ 3;." tattooed or: - w "w ::"atoc;raphy by i'.".' s remarkable, '_t.' *' .".I'.:'lC1(?r'.'ll{l"r ' .Ia; ‘.'.ark Mam-

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I I I I I I I I I I - age. I. .IA alfio‘, I I I I I I I I I I I I

LIVE MUSIC Wednesday, Thursday & Friday nights.

7.30pIIItilt:lose Freeentry

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