FILM index

FILM INDEX continued

A Simple Plan 115) (Sam Rauni. US. 1993) Bill Paxton. Billy Bob 'l'liornton. Bridget Fonda. l2l mins. 'I‘wo close btit very different brothers accidentally stumble upon 54m in a wrecked plane. and decide to hold onto the cash. Btit of course. their illegal lottery jackpot is _|tis1 the start of a nightmarish descent into greed. suspicion and murder. Selected release.

Sling Blade (15) (Billy Bob 'l‘hornton. US. I996) Billy Bob 'I'hornton. Dwight Yoakuni. .I.T. Walsh. I35 mins. 'I'hornton play s a slightly retarded man just out oi prison. who returns to his small Southern hometown only to witness the same pattern oi abuse that triggered his earlier murderous attack. Moving without being sentimental. with a morality that‘s far from simple-minded. Edinburgh: Filmhouse.

Southpaw (I5) (Liam McUrath. Ireland. l998) 77 mins. A boxing documentary that also looks at the myth of Ireland as one big happy. tolerant Iait‘iily. I'AoIIowing I5raiicis Barrett before. during and alter the I090 Olympics iii Atlanta. the film shows Iiow a man from a 'I‘raveller community background also has to light l'or social acceptance outside the ring. Iidinburgh: Filmhouse.

Star Trek: Insurrection (PG) (Jonathan Frakes. US. HMS) Patrick Stewart. Jonathan Frakes. Brent Spinner. 104 mins. 'I‘lie New Generation crew 's second outing linds Captain Picard del'ying orders w hen he is sent to attack an alien race on a remote planet. Edinburgh: ABC I-‘ilm Centre.

Tea With Mussolini ( I’ti i « 1-‘i-anco Kelli relli. Italy/UK. I‘NO) Cher. .Ioan I’Iowiight. Maggie Smith. I I7 mins. [ell'ii'clli‘s lilm is partly antobiographical. partly i'ictitious. and concerns the ellecl on his ow ii upbringing and education by a group oi I-.iiinsli ladies living in Florence at the time oi II I)uce\ rise to power. This particular brew seems oddly lacking in zest. lidinburgh. Dominion. Le Testament D'Orphee 1 15) t,IL‘;lli Cocteau. l'i'illlL‘C. 1900) Jean Cocteau. Edouard Dcrmitlie. Jean Marais. Maria Casares. Yul Bry nner. S3 mins. IIIC (’Ilftlli‘l tern/fies second dip into the ()rpheus legend. This time. there’s little but recycled imagery to see as Cocteau allow s himsell to be overwhelmed by a barrage oi' iaiitasy and pessimism. eventually giy ing up on the real world altogether. Iidinburgh' Cameo.

The Thin Red Line i 15) i'l'erieiice .\laIick. US. I998) Nick \olte. I'.Il.l\ Kotcas. Sean Penn. l7() mins. This is may much a director's i'ilm. w itli the my thic and i'eyei'cd Malick as the star ;\on ie .-\-list types make ca'hieo appearances. w liile the bulk oi the action centres on the boy s ll'silli Company C. the luckless outlit charged with taking a vital hilltop stronghold in the battle for Guadalcanal. Kirkcaldy; Adam Smith. Stirling: MacRobert.

The 39 Steps (l’(i) (Allied Hitchcock. IEK. I935) Robert Donat. Madeleine Carroll. (iodl'rey'l'eale. SI mins. l'iidoubiedly the

30 TIIELIST )7 I/Iay- l0 Iilll 109‘)

Condemned man: Isaiah Washington in True Crime

best film version oI'John Buchan’s novel. as Donal evades a spy ring across the length and breadth of the country. with marvellous set pieces in the London Palladium and the Forth Bridge. Hitchcock at his action- packing peak. Iidinburgh; l'iIIillTOtlsC.

This Year's Love ( 15) (Day'id Kane. UK. I998) Douglas Henshall. Catherine (\IcCormack. Kathy Burke. Jennil'ei‘ Iihle. Dougray Scott. Ian Iiart. IIS mins. Kane's deliciously wry romantic comedy i’eatures star-crossed lovers. Wis-style sis late- 1wentysomethings whose orbits coincide briefly over a period o1 three years. (iratil‘yingly free of synthetic sitcom contrivance or cute. sentimental solutions Kirkcaldy: Adam Smith.

Three Colours: Blue 1 15) (Kt'lysztol Kieslow ski. l‘i'ance. 1993) Juliette Binochc. Benoit Regent. Charlotte \"ery. 100 mins. A young woman tries to isolate hersell from li‘icnds and any notion ol' al’l'ection l'oIIowing the death oI her composer husband and child in a car crash. An espt‘essiye and symbolic liIm that is also emotionally satisl'ying. Iidinbui'gh: Iiilmhouse.

Three Colours: Red ( 15) (Kr/y s/ioi' Kieslow ski. I'TilllCC/S“II/z’l’UIlllltI. I994) Irene Jacob. Jean-Louis 'I'riiitignant. 00 mins. Kieslowski's II'Ic’DlUlIl' trilogy comes to a close with what may be his greatest masterpiece. A Sw iss model opens tip her innermost secrets to a retired iudge who eayesdrops on neigliboui‘s‘ phonecaIIs. Superlicial details are stripped away as the director concentrates on parallel liyes and intei'wosen destinies litlinburgh: I’ilmhouse.

Three Colours: White I 15) i Is‘r/ys/ioi Kieslow ski. l‘i'aiice/Switz/l’oland. 1003) /.bigniew /.amachowski. Julie Delpy'. .lauusz (iaios. ‘)I mitts, Another iiiasterlul piece oi cinema by Kieslow ski. much less lyrical and visually poetic than the iesi ol' the trilogy This time the theme is ‘cciuality '. as a Polish hairdresser sets out to get re\enge on his I'i'ench es-wile Edinburgh. l-'iIiiiIioiise. Time Of The Gypsies 1 I5) (limir Kusttit'ica. Yugoslayiti. l‘)‘)0) Dayoi Duimoyic. Boia 'I‘odoroyic. I._iubica Ad/oyic. Siiiolicka 'I'rpkoya. Iilvu'a SaIi. I42 nuns. In a rouin btit l'ecund Ytigoslayian gypsy community. young I’crhan Iiyes with his grandma and aspires to marry A/i'a. but is too broke. When the mysterious (iy psy Sheik Ahmed ill'I'I\‘L'\ in tow n. he sees a chance to better himsell. aiid returns with IIIIII to Italy loi' tutoring in duty dealings, (ilasgow (il'l‘. Iidinburgli' l’ilnihouse.

True Crime I I5) 1CI111I I:;1stw ootI. I'S. l‘)l)‘)) Clint Iiastwood. Denis Leary. Isaiah Washington. 127 mins Iiastwood‘s 2Ist lilm as a director is an enioyable. tititetIy inony-iiig thriller with some annoying. II l'oi‘giyable. shortcomings. Now nearly 70. liastwood brings his years o1 cspei'iencc to the role of Steye liyei'ett. a washed-up

i )urnalist who is asked to write a routine piece about a black Death Row prisoner's l;1\l hours. See t'ey IC\‘. Selectedrelease.


Twin Dragons ( l2) ('lsui Hark/Ringo Lam. Hong Kong. IWI ) Jackie Chan. Maggie Cheung. Nini Li Chi. 8‘) mins. Chan plays the dragons ol the title. Jolin Ma and Boomer. 1w in brothers separated at birth. ()ne becomes an orchestra conductor. the other a gangster. When rival criminals mistake one twin l'or another. the brothers are lorced to swap roles and chaos ensues. (ircenock: Waterfront. l’aisIe)’: Showcase. Urban Legend 1 18) (Jamie Blanks. L'S. l‘)()8l Alicia Witt. Jared l.eto. Robert linglund. 99 iiiiiis. «\ group o1 good-looking. sesually active college students are terrorised by a savage killer. who murders in sadistically' inventive way s and targets one young woman l'or reasons buried in the past. An el'licicnt. il' unoriginal stalk ‘n' slash llick in the tradition oi St I't'tllll. Iidinbui'gh: Cameo. Virus 1 IS) (.Iohn Bruno. LES. l‘)‘)9) Donald Sutherland. Jamie Lee Curtis. William Baldwin. 99 mins. This time the nasty inlection that needs to be eradicated is the human race. targeted by an alien IIIL‘IUI'IIT which beams down to a satellite-tracking ship. Sci-Ii movie as surrogate haunted house horror flick. with the characters picked till one by one: w e'ye seen it in .‘l/It'll. Iii (‘ll/ l/oi'ituii and Deep Rising. See res iew- (ilasgtiw' ABC I-ilm Centre. ()deon ()uay. Wages of Fear i1’(;i (IIeiu'i-(ieorges Clou/ot. I’rance. l‘)53) ers .‘ylontand. Charles \’anel. Peter Van Iiyck. I44 mins. In a slea/y South American shanty town l'oui' equally sleazy desperadoes agree to drive a couple o1 truckloads of iiitro~glycerine across the mountains A line sourpuss y ision oi man‘s greed married to iiIm-making ol' unbearable tension. Iidinburgh: Lumiere. Waking Ned il’(i) 1 Kirk Jones. Lil's. I998) Iaii Bannen. Dasid Kelly. l‘ioiiiiula I’Ianagaii ‘)I nuns Actually. Ned's dead A shame that. because the old lella iust woii £7 million playing The Lottery the discovery oi which killed him. Howey er. win sesenty something pals Jackie and Michael spy a golden opportunity to claim the cash. Charming and eccentric with a deliant spirit. (ilasgow ()deon Quay. Showcase. I-idinbui'gli. ABC .‘ylultipley. Bruntoii ‘l‘heatre (ialasliiels. I’ayilion. I’ailscy: Showcase. The Waterboy t l2iAdani Sandler. Kathy Bates. Ileni‘y \\'inkler ()1) mins. Sandler plays Bobby Boucher. a socially inept. 3 I -year-old mummy ‘s boy. who goes li'oni being the waterboy to the star 01' an American i'ootball team. As the Wedding Singer. he might liaye been a drip. bill as the \Vatct'boy. he's itist a washout What Dreams May Come ( 15) (Vincent Ward. I'S. I‘NS) Robin Williams. Anabella Sciori'a. Cuba (iooding It. I I4 mins. Williams make an ()rphetis-sty Ie trip into the underworld to say e his beon ed wile li'oiii eternal damnation. Ward's lose-alter- deaih story is part artistic y'ision. part oney- dos ey schmaltx and is unlike anything .\oti\ c e\ei' \('('I.‘ beiorc When We Were Kings I t‘ i ( I,eon (iasI. 1000) .\1uhammad Ali. (ieorge liorman. \oi‘iiian \Iailcr S4 mins. :\n Oscar winner in the Best Documentary category. this splendid account ol the historic ‘Rumble In Ilie Jungle bosing match between Ali and I't‘l'llldli gets beyond the punches thrown in the ring to couyey the sense o1 black pride being born Aiiia/iugly dramatic lidinburgh. I ilmhousc Your Friends And Neighboursi is) iNeil I..iBu1e. I S. I‘NS) Catherine Keener. Jason I’ati'ic. Amy Bi'ennciiian. Aaiou lickhart. Catherine Keener. I00 iiiins While/:1 '/'/ii' (Al’IlI/)tI/i\ (l! .I/t'I: IL'II II\L‘Il open [(1 charges o1 misogyny with a depiction ol women as the passiye \ ictims o1 male cruelty. Ii'III' [1 Mitt/y .li:i/ .\'eie/i/m:ii s adopts a much more equal opportunities approach. 'I‘hese ladies are ycry nearly as lucked tip as the luck-ups they hick. Stirling. .\lacRobert. You've Got Mail il’(‘.) iNora liplii-on. (IS. NUS) Meg Ryan. Tom Hanks. (ireg Kiiiuear. l’ai'kei' I’osey. I I" nuns, Update 01' the Iiinst I.ubi1sch's classic W40 comedy i’a' Shop Around Hit: (in) Iii'i' lot the electronic age. In the original. James Stewart and :\laigarct Sullayau played llll\\lll’llf_‘ pen-pal sweethearts; here Ryan and llaiiks are e-mail correspondents who happen to be enemies in real Iiie Iiilkii'k' I'I‘II Stiiling \Iacls’obeit.




Film Listings are listed by city. then alphabetically by cinema. Film listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.


380 Clarkston Road. Muirend. Oldl 633 2 I 23. Info: 0I4I 037 204]. £2.80 (£2 before 5pm Mon—Fri). Student: £2.20 (ly'lon~Thu). Child/()AP: £2.


eXistenZ 1 15) 5.40. 8.45. Life Is BeautifultPG) 5.20. 8.15. Notting Hillti5) 5.30. 8.30.


Notting Hill 1 15)

Daily: 5.I5. 8. I5.

Fri—Mon mat: 2.00.

The Rugrats Movie 113) Fri—Mon mats: l2.40. 3.l0. My Favourite Martian (PG) Daily: 0.I5. 8.45.

Fri—Mon mats: I.I5. 345. Life Is Beautiful (PG) Dailv: 5.20.

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer 1 18)

Daily: 8.35.


I’rogi'aiiime likely to be similar to the previous week. Phone ()l4l 037 204I for details and times.


320 Sauchiehall Street. ()141 332 I592. Inlo: ()I4l 332 ()5 l3. CC booking: 014i 332 1592. 1.4 (£3.20 before 5pm). Student/()AP: £3. Child: £2.70.


She's All ThatiIZ) 1.10. 3.30. 6.10. 8.40.

Orphansuts) 1.10. 3.40. 0.05. 8.35. Forces Of Nature ( 12) 1.10. 3.40. 0.05. 8.25.

Notting HiII1|5i 2.00. 5.20. 8.10.


Notting Hill ( 15)

Daily: 2.001escep1Sat). 5.20. 8.I0. Sat mats: 11.45am. 2.30.

She's All That i 12)

Daily: I.I0. 3.40. 0.l(). 8.40. Orphans ( 18)

Daily: I.I0. 3.40. 0.05. 8.35.

My Favourite Martian (PG)

Daily: I.I0. 3.35. 0.I0. S40.


Programme likely to be similar to the previous week. Phone 014i 332 95 I 3 for details and times.

New l'ilm due to o yet) on Fri 4 Jun:

The Deep End 0 The Ocean (12) Virus


I2 Rose Street. ()I4l 332 SI28. Cale/bar. All pcrl'ormances bookable. [D]. [E]. .‘ylatiiiees £3.25 (cones £2). Evenings £4.25 (cones £3 escept Sat evening). All double bills - evening prices apply.


1. Gadjo Dilo<15) 2.30. 0.00. Black Cat White Catt 15) 8.15. 2. Four Little Girls ( 12) 3.00. Niagara Niagara 1 15) o. 15. Happiness 1 18) S00.


1. An Ideal Husband (PG) 2.15. 4.15. 0.30. 3.45.

2. Eternity AndA DaytPG) 2.30.

5.30. Sl5