listings ART

_, l; ,0. __ a“: w M; x " (AR _ V a .0.m .4 Q fin Q” s \- ‘f :3} keg/v Q _L. ,.;,Q mf‘Oxfi. - ‘g - 5‘63353Q9. ' s3: <~ ‘45 ik‘m'"' “Mézésf‘l' ‘5 .3!’ L.""""'*‘i.' :: “1‘2 ‘2¥:=T§:t3‘4 a. viz“: , . . i -- I Exhibitions are listed alphabetically I :1”;- 9'5l ' I}... " Eat?! "a _ Q g “ft-3‘ 9 by ci and category, then i 5:. gait»; fir . a?! t M“ ,3" a A Q, gr}. \ M. g a pha etically by venue. Please send ;“ a” r; any- . w 2" s. ' e“ L" . details to our office at least ten days j 5;».- ~*_ , gay » . before publication.Art listings I an: , ~ ~-"“ «w: .‘ » . .. .7. f, . ' . . compiled by Helen Monaghan. - " v l /‘“ - r, e The best exhibitions this . " i". luv-r - t‘,“ s‘, ', two: 5;.”‘_.-, K > $ ‘__ I, ' A ' s. _ ( In; 0 ctitscow GALLERIES I ~ ~ I t as i I... i é "a s»: "h 1 l " .. 9: ART EXPOSURE GALLERY jg»; if" 5:" .' e- si as . *‘ .’.’ 5* l9 Pai'nie Street. 552 777‘). Mon-Sat I s "“sz. ; "w g _ i g. i l l. _6 I?- mh’_ "1. v.0» ' t r J l, ‘_ g I...“ “‘0: N‘ ‘0 . ( “d” 1 I l "u.- .. V x’t yavs- "‘ . l ‘3 T l . d.‘\ i. MacRoberts Open Until Mon 3| May. i s.‘ an“, "if inst“; '* "f'""" .H.‘ figs-s. U [‘1‘ .3 " a L 9;); The sixth annual competition sponsored l , w~~';,ir‘1'."g:t" 3 . if! i: Ill.“ 4 y 1. i .i' 4' uth by MacRoberts solicitors whereby over I _ a 1,3} ~ g-saifyyrgsrgyf gs," g v r , «1‘; 3...! I ISO artists subunit one stiiall painting gags 5 .. git?!" m _‘ I}; a} each. with the public \oting lot the . w mo \ ‘9 ' Fifi}... o «‘3 I fig Lry winning entry. I 9 W ‘4’“ m“ '. g n ,.

Bryan Evans I'll -I-—\\'ed .‘stl .lun. Glasgow street scenes and buildings by this regular exhibitor.


I0 Kings Court. King Street. 552 |I5~I. Tue-Sun Haiti-5pm.

Wooden Furniture Liiitit Sat 2‘) May. Furniture pieces by Cedric Williams. John Macdonald and others.


Regent House. ll} West Regent Street. 226 5-II3. Muir-Hi l()atn~5pm.

Jessie M. Kin And Her Contemporaries Ulllll Wed .‘sti Inn. A celebration of the lite and work of one of Scotland's celebrated female artists. in this the 50th anniwrsary other death.


I34 Blylllswtititl Street. .55: 4027. .\Ion-—I~'I'i 0.30am ~5.5llpttt; Sat Illain--lpin.

Alexander Goudie thin the l .Illll. Goudie's acclaimed series ol‘ paintings depicting the story or 'liiiii ()‘S/itiiitt'i' by Robert Burns.

Jill Fanshawe Kato tintil Tue I .lun. Contemporary ceramics.

Silver Design Part One Until the I Jun. Silverstniths create ItlllCIIUlltlI tableware demonstrating the design process from start to t'iiiish.

Peter Howson Sat 5 Ion -'I‘ue 2‘) Jun. Recent paintings by the tamed Glasgow painter Peter How son

Design & Food Sat 5 -'l‘ue 29 Ill”. Domestic tableware leatui'iiig work by artists Hilary Roberts. Morgen Hall. Susan Neineth and Tom I-Iilliot.

Secrets Sat 5--'I'ue 2‘) In“. ('oiiteinporai'y jewellery by a selection or at tists.

Will Levi Marshall Sat 5~'I'ue 2‘) .lttti. New ceramics.


Suite 2/2. Skyhouse. C‘Iydeway Skypark. Elliot Street. 243 I‘NI. Mon—Fri ltlam—5pm: Sat ltlain-~ I pm.

A May Festival Exhibition tfiiiil Sat 39 May. Scottish paintings by l‘)th century. 20th century atid contemporary artists.


24-Hour Viewing Window. 204 High Street. 832 (i242.

Shauna McMullan I'iitil Suit 4 Jul. Follow ing Bulkhead‘s sttcccssl'ul run oti Glasgow 's buses. this latest on- gotiig protect is a 24-hour \ tewiiig window. Artist Shauna .\lc.\lullaii opens proceedings with art e\liibition of work iii w Inch street aitd toad maps are ll'alisltn'tttcd into delicate skeletal objects.


270 Sauchiehall Street. 332 752 I. Mon—Sat Illain- 5pm; Sun llam--—5pin. Marc Newson Buckle that sat Is) .Iun. ()ne ol' the world‘s most prominent industrial designers .\Iarc Newson. who has pi'eyiously designed IHl' Idee. ('appellittt and Istkli Italta. shows his latest Iin wates li'oni ltiiIIttui'e. kil interiors and household obiects. plus a construction created l'i'oin otl 'biieky CIlitIt's' entitled 'liucky llall'

a... 3:-

Pilgrim Map-Ancient City Of Ayodhya forming part of Collecting Cities: Images From Patrick Geddes' Cities And Town Planning Exhibition at the Collins Gallery


9‘) Gordon Street. 221 9680. Iisery half hour from llpm—2.3(latn. To book a place call 287 55H.

Grand Central Fri 28 May-Sun (i Jun. llpiii—2.3()am. £4 H.250). Glasgow- based NVA organisation Ill Collaboration with artist Simon (‘ostiti and inventor Dr Graham 'l'ydeman create site-specific work in the form of a ‘part film set. part interior animation' installation. Their previous work. a multi- l’ormat environmental animation at the Devil's Pulpit at I'llllllc‘ll (.iICll receiyed much acclaim. See I‘i'ontlines.


I'iiiyersity ol‘ Stratliclyde. 22 Richmond Street. 552 4400 e.\l 2M2. .\Itill-~I"l'l l()ain—5pin; Sat noon—4 nit.

Collecting Cities: Patrick Geddes tfiitil Sat l2 .Itiii. Geddes” exhibition of MI I. ‘Cities and Town Planning. had an enormous impact on cities across the world. This display uses archive plans. drawings arid photographs to demonstrate his tremendous \‘isiott. Part of Glasgow I999.


I78 West Regent Street. 22l (i370. Mow—Sat Illam -5..‘~l)pin

Joe Fan l'titil Wed lo .luti. :\ new series ol' paintings.

DECOURCEYS Ct‘esswell Lane. I) I .505 3-1 I 79‘). Tue. 'I‘liu (& Fri llain—5piii; Sat Illain 5.30pm: Sun iioon~2..‘s()piii. '

Scottish Art Schools A new gallery Il‘t)lll Iimergiug Artists Partnership which aims to promote the work ol' students aiid graduates from the Scottish art schools. with all works for sale ranging in price from UNI-£200.


22l West George Street. 243 9755. .\Ioii~bri l()aiii—5.3(lpm; Sat ltlain- 2pm. William McTaggart And His Circle I‘Iitil Sat l2 .lun. Paintings by the Scottish impressionist painter. William \IcTaggart I I355 l‘)l(li and his circle.


3] Chisholm Street. Merchant City. 552 7|()(). .\loit~-Sat Illaiii-531lpin.

Game VS Reality l'ntil Ill 4 .lttii. .-\|au Rutherl‘ord and Raymond Slattery create art installation tisiiig teley isioii atid computer equipment to esatnitie the use ol‘ technology iii portray iiig otii' ewryday perspective in society.

FRINGE GALLERY IS (‘astleinilk .-\rcade. 034 2MB.

.\Ioti- Sat Illain 5pm.

Hands On l'ntil Sun it) May. Photographs and screenprints Inade iii collaboration between (ilasgow I’iiiit Studio education ptogiaiiuiie and elderly groups throughout (ilasgow.

Art Of Change Mon 7 In” Sat ilttl. .'II'I

()f (Yul/tee is a Iiiulti—ttiedta arts

programme which aims to support individuals In gaining a greater understanding oi' the changes all‘ecting their liyes through arts activities. Artists Anne IilIiot and Neil Manning have deyeloped a range of ‘tiecds Ied' protects which include painting. sculpture. photography and video. which cart be seen at [his c’\Itthilioll.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 22‘) I990. .\Iou Sat Illgtlllv 5pm: Stiti llaiit 5pm.

No Noise: Samples t'iiiil Sim .‘sti .‘ylay. :\l'IlsI (‘hi'ts Iiidtllecoinbe and inusictan/composer [my id ’l'iouton collaborate to produce a series ol' attdio/sculptural works.

Celebration: 50 Years Of The Mental Health Foundation In Scotland t'iitil .\Ioti 3| May. The winning entries III the Mental Health I'ouiidatioti's 5llth anniversary art competition in wlnclt people with mental health and learning dil'liculttcs were asked to design ati original my Itatioii card.

Flesh And Stone: Building A Scottish Identity I‘Iitil Suit IS .ItII. As Scotland gets its lirst parliament lot” 300 years. this eslitbitioii looks at the challenge lacing architects to design buildings w Inch are iIiiioyatiye aiid liltitlt'l'll while rellecttiig Scotland‘s culttite and ltIL‘IlllI\. l’iii'; ii/ (i/useiiii /UUU_ '


Rouken (ileii Road. b2ll tI_‘_‘s5 I).III_\ l..‘s(l 5.30pm tclosed ’l'uei

Claire Harrigan t'iitil \\‘ed 3 III”. New paintings.

lllona Morrice I'Iitil Wed 2 .Itlll. I‘iguratn e scuI itute.

George Birrel , Roelof Roffouw and Gordon Wyllie Sat 5 Wed so ,Itiii. Recent paintings

Continued over page

John Coplans tdetail above) The American photographer and art critic details the ageing process by putting his naked body in front of the lens. See prewew Edinburgh: Dean Gallery, Sat 29 May—Sun 25 Jul. David Byrne The Dumbarton-born former Talking Head throws questions at corporate life and drug consolation in Better liwng Through Chemistry Glasgow lloyd Jerome Gal/cry, until Tilt; 7 All ' Mies Van Der Rohe Three early protects - at Stuttgart, Barcelona and Brno —'t'>y the German-born architect and (JOSltllfid' 1,'I.‘l'll(? under scrutiny as part of Glasgow l999. See reVIew. (i/asgow Burro/l (Io/lection, until Sun 29 Aug

lan Davenport Unlike those fellow pranksters of the 'Young British Attist' (lt’lltfl'dllOll, Davenport believes painting's not dead, pouring household gloss directly onto shiny surfaces [Dunc/CC Dundee Contemporary Arts. until Sun 27 Jun. Sounds Of Grass Last couple of days oi Hayley and Sue Toinpktns' <‘t>‘iat:t:ir'atwe slit;\‘., which transforms the italieiy's white space With Vivid, precse detazls Glasgow .iriti/ Slit 29 May. Crossings l Ill the first of two shows featuring work by Danish graduates of British art schools, Lars Boye .‘etlach's st".;|_i.ittit'al Installation raises questions about the fragmentation of space triithin the artifICIally created 5 (.I.’i'7.‘)ii‘i”t,'i‘l‘ Danish tilii’t’arzsi’ Institute, Iii/ed 9—Sun 20 Jun

(e M


Printmaking and New Technology


I5 MAY - 26 JUNE I999


Here's Looking at You

lst Floor, 22 & 25 King Street, Glasgow GI SQP Te|:0|4l 552 0704 Faxz0|4l 552 29|9 e-mail: OPEN TUES—SAT |0AM~S.30PM Disabled access on request


Little Things Make Life Worth Living

"-:. '~ .‘ur “Gel” THE LIST71