Roman hoHday

Visit 120 European destinations from

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Anyone searching for Ia dolce vita will know ROME is one of the most magical cities in the

world. Words: Simone Baird

Handy travel tip: the easiest way to aquire a serious case of exhaustion is to try and do everything in Rome. You’ll be rewarded with aching legs, but also an overkill of astonishingly beautiful sights. If you must see all the major attractions and get in some serious shopping and eating, then you’ll need more than just a long weekend.

While it might go against the grain of the 'true' traveller, the most rewarding option is to follow the walks suggested in the better guide books. Not only will you be sure to get in the essentials, you will know what you are looking at and not be left wondering loudly to your companions if the relic ahead is ’something famous'.

The Pope has decreed 2000 to be a Holy Year (a ’Jubilee’). This is extremely significant for Catholics the world over, and Rome has been preparing itself for the influx of 20—30 million pilgrims. Many of the churches and monuments have been covered in scaffolding during restoration, and several roads have been closed and widened in anticipation, which has caused chaos for the locals and disappointed the tourists when famous sights have been shrouded. Towards the end of this year, however, this won't be a problem as most of the

f C > . \ : , Fruit of the an:t 7’ market in Campo d‘g‘i Fiori

Night and the city: Rome's Piazza della Rotonda

projects will be completed.

So forget your packed lunch and break up your ambles with the cafes and restaurants. Unlike many British eating places, don't judge them on appearance alone - the smallest cafe with plastic table cloths will most likely provide you with your best ever culinary experience. Remember that, in Italy, you are often expected to pay for your coffee and snacks at the till before presenting the barman with your order. Your bill will be progressively more expensive if you want to sit down or take a table outside; if on a budget, join the locals and stand at the counter. But it is Rome, after all, so it can be worth the blowout to take in the beautiful

£39 per flight

The ’Yes Pass' Is a llll|(lLl(‘ arrpass \VlllCil allows you the freedom to explore Europe at your own pace wrthout It costing the earth You can choose whrc h crtres you wrsh to vrsrt and create the Itrnerary \VilKll surts you best.

A mrntmum of four fltghts must be purchased and you have untrl March 2000 to complete your tnp.

Here are a few example routes

Hop Edinburgh-»ParIs-~Munich Amsterdam —Edrnburgh £236 plus tax,


Edinburgh London- Stravanger Oslo —Stockho|m-Helsrnkt surfacc~>~Rrga Copenhagen-9 Edrnburgh £353 plus tax.


Edtnburgh-Copenhagen Prague Munrch-Amsterdam—Edrnburgh £343 plus tax.


Edinburgh -Copenhagen»6t Petersburg—surface-— Moscow Berlm ~ Budapest—surface-Prague-vLondon« Edinburgh £374 plus tax.

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See panel at bottom of page for


Stating the obvious

Colosseum A truly awesome structure burlt In 72AD, thrs rurn was once a stadium for gladiator frghts but rs now one of the world’s most famous tounst attractions. Piazza de/ Co/osseo. Vatican City The power of the Catholrc church was absolute over much of the Western world for centurres and this remains Its centre. Attracting mrlltons of vrsrtors every year devout and atheists the prrceless art and trea3ures held In St Peter’s and the Srstrne Chapel make thrs an essentral Infetrme experience. // Vat/cano. Gian Lorenzo Bernini Thus exhibrtton celebrates the artist’s 400th birthday and the sheer genrus of hrs work. Renowned as an architect and sculptor, he was also a master In the frelds of town plannrng, parntrng and

STA Travel branch details.

costume desrgn. Museo d/ Pa/azzo Venezra.

Fontana di Trevi One of the most famous monuments In the Crty and always surrounded by hoardes of tounsts throwrng In coms (over the” rrght shoulder, factng away) whrch rs sand to ensure a return to Rome. Money collected goes to the Crty C0unCIl (ltalran currency) and Red Cross (foreign currency), Via Muratte.

The Ghetto There has been a Jewrsh quarter here for over 2000 years, making rt the oldest contrnuous Jewrsh settlement In Europe. Today the area IS full of stunning, If tightly crammed, burldtngs and monuments. Around Pa/azzo Cencr'.

The List alternative

Volpetti Exactly what an Italian dell should be: handmade pasta, cheese, wrne, antrpasta

and more to feed your soul and, er, stomach V/a Marmorata 47

Betto e Mery Set off the beaten path, the yummy bargam food makes IhIS place worth seeking out; the homemade gnoccr rs to le for, V/a Savory/tan, 99 Priscinadelle Rose When the scorchrng summer Is all too much to bear, head to thrs pool Alth0ugh outdoors, the water rs kept at a perfect 25" V/a/e Amer/ca 20.

Sant'Eu Stachio Wrdely considered to be the most famous cafe In Rome Coffee erl never be just a hot beverage again, so It’s well worth the extra lrra. P/azza Sant’Eustach/o 82.

Markets Held here srnce the 1940s, these are the best of Rome’s markets ~ you can fund absolutely anythrng and everything but beware of the very talented prckpockets. Via/e Trastevere/ Porta Portese.

STA Travel are at 184 Byres Road and The University of Strathclyde, 90 John Street Glasgow. Tel: 0141 338 6000

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1141115 llST 22 Jul—S Aug 1999