Date: Sat 10 & Sun 11 July Place: T in the Park

we saw y

Snapshots of city life

Name: Cassy Name: FllTldy

Name: Tony Occupation: I work In Fopp Occupation: Profesronal skrer occupation; Brmklayer What's so good about festivals? There are What's 900d about festive“? The \VOndeIfU', What's so good about festivals? The comraderre always lots of gorgeous boys WIIh therr tops off, “CW and 51"8'799 9009'? YOU meet 8er the between everyOne celebrating music, that’s why I a prty some of them are a blue colour! GXDGIIGTICE‘S that YOU have With them come here

Name: Shona Name: Lrsa and Hazel Name: Sarah _ Occupation: Cabrn crew wrth Monarch Arrlrnes Occupation: Bank clerks Occupation: I’m working behind the bar What's so good about festivals? The lTlUSIC, of What's so good about festivals? The brllllant What's so good about festivals? Getting to (Curse. And the fact that It’s dry It was prssmg atmOSphere that makes me feel sOrry for anyone WOrk behind the bar

down last year.

Name: Liam Name; R055 Name: Kelly Occupation: I write music Occupation; 5k. Instructor Occupation: Student What's so good about festivals? . . . Is good What's so good about festivals? You What's so good about festivals? The music

118 THE “ST 22 Jul—S Aug 1999