Destino Tango

We all know rt takes two to tango A except where The Amsterdam Parade rs concerned. Frve dancers and frve musrcrans Will be putting passron rnto therr footsteps when the tourrng Dutch theatre event brrngs Orkater’s Destino Tango to Edrnburgh for the second year runnrng. The show —- a frve star recommendation rn 1998 stretches from the classrc repertOrre of 40s Buenos Arres to contemporary composrtrons. Come Dancrng was never as good as thrs, Destino Tango (Frrnge) Amsterdam Parade, Graffiti (Venue 907 557 8330, 70 29 Aug mm 76, 237 8pm & 70pm, [8 ([67,

The Divine David

Lookrng lrke a punk rock panda gone erd rn era Mrnnellr’s make-up cupboard, The Drvrne Davrd makes hrs Edrnburgh Frrnge debut wrth hrs latest up-front and up-close show. Born rn Blackpool, the cult star made a name for hrmself on the ..\ Manchester caberet crrcurt before berng unleashed on a Wrder

TV audrence wrth Channel 4's The Divine David Presents serres earlrer thrs year. ’Edvard Munch meets Baby Jane,’ sard Gay Times of hrs appearance recently. Performance art rt's a scream.

Spacia/ Awareness No 7 (Fringe) The Divine David, Gilded Bal/oon rl/enue 38) 226 275 7, 6—30 Aug (not 76, 23),

7 7. 75pm, f8 (f7).

Rocket Girl

Was Valentrna Tereshkova the frrst woman rn space? Not accordrng to Julre Balloo's new play, Rocket Gir/, rn whrch perpetual dreamer, houseere and mother Lucy Taylor accepts NASA's offer to take part rn a top secret space mlssron . . . rnstead of gorng to the shops. Equally noted as a

comedrenne and a playwrrght, Balloo's prevrous Frrnge successes rnclude Clay and Thirtysomehow.

Rocket Gir/ (Fringe) P/easance (Venue 33) 556 6550, 6Aug,

3. 75pm, £3.50, 7—9, 77-72, 75—79, 22—26 Aug, 3. 75pm, £6 (£5), 73—74, 20—27, 27—30 Aug, 3. 75pm, £7 (£6).