Date: Sat 2 5 July

Place: The Tron Theatre re-opening, Glasgow

we saw

Snapshots of City life

Name: Jacki Name: Joe: Name; Linda.

Occupation: Ceramic designer Occupation: I’m on the bUlldlllg commissiOn Occupation: I work at Glasgow Print Studio what would you like to see at the Iron? What would you like to see at The Tron? What would you like to see at The Tron?

A traditional Shakespeare piay Theatre Babel More traditional Shakespeare, I’m fed up With

all the modern versions.

Name: Kevan

Name: Lindsay Name: Paul. OccuPaliO": "m “‘0 “QMHIQ (IO-SIGN" for W‘ Occupation: Orthoptist Occupation: I work in a restaurant but I’m also [)TOJOH What would you like to see at The Tron? 3” am“ What “'0‘!” You like to $99 at The 7'0"? | Plays by the up and coming alongside more What would you like to see at The Tron? like what they do, especially the new Scottish estabhshed mew/ 7OS dlsco mgms

writing The program's already fabulous

Name: Tom Name; Rat «- Name: Anna and Graham.

Occupation: C(‘IdlllK designer Occupation: Poet OccupationzBaby girl and Director of CCA

What would you like to see at The Tron? What would you like to see at The Tron? What wou'd You ""9 ‘0 599 at The 7'0"?

Pat Butcher The Tempest More first time playwrights being given an Opponunny


Publisher R3,? " 'i Mme Editor A ’.'v<"' s0"

EDITORIAL: Assistant Editors \, ER; my i e ’It'f .'.':< C: Research "‘1' '.‘r,r‘a:;"ar‘, Ker, Aptr-h Ab ga Bte'nnef. p‘pp‘) Wright, LOUISd Pearson SALES AND MARKETING: Director \..: . Sales Executives A: at: Emu-s9 C“ sit;::"-;‘-' P" (:s Sales and Marketing Executive A'Y‘a".da Mungall Circulation Serge Divzlo ADMINISTRATION: Accounts Manager greenery Re"; ;-_ Accounts Assistant Sn» a .'.‘,a<Iea" Reception Betty O“e""a" Glasgow Office Jane Hamilton

ART DIRECTOR: \ie:"‘e" ; "wtw PRODUCTION: Production Manager Sie::"e" :"("S',-f" Deputy Production Manager S AW " Production Assistants MOira McFarlane. Owens" DTP ‘c u Camera E1: ":>_.'<:' Hake-Jr 30'. cm

FESTIVAL SECTION EDITORS: 9am-1pm/1pm-3pm babe Steam: 3-6pm S "(we Ba 'r: 6pm-8pm Stem ("awe' 8pm-10pm Maw Robertson 10pm-Late Brian Donaldson Agenda .‘x filo” so" Art S .saNu: Bea/“9'”. Books a" 3m: :30“ City Life 8' a" Dome use", Jaw my" 1')" Classical Music Ca'o Ma.n Clubs Simone Baird. ROry

.‘.e e' Comedy Sit-.e c e' Dance 510.2: c Film '.' es 3‘ e in" Film Listings he e" 3.1r>'~a<:' Folk how a“ Cranes Frontlines Bran DonaldsOn Jazz Kenny

21:51" Kids w- e" Music ;: Rock rt'm: S"(’I"‘c"(2 Room” Scanner a " Da. 130" StyleList S "'o'e 8a '0' Television Brian Donaldson Theatre Stem thawe' Videos:

v ““. c . N‘DLVMM .. :‘2 .t :‘c: S c‘ .Jma' t .'.' ..a' Ix" 33:," 0 .6:) , »'s

"e . xi aces pitta". 'es:\‘“s :‘ '.. _ fer: “‘ate' a '7' "fie: :3. Scott 3" "off. R'ess, S"e':.t;'r: "f:..S'.’ a Esfate, 80"] '2’}, Hit: ofti an Te! 0131 663 2404

5—12 Aug I999 THE usr 114