|.I|Inhu)gh. I IInIhnIIxe.

Virtual Sexuality I 15) I \Ick Hurrah. L‘K. 1999) Laura I'I'axer. Rupert I’enry Jones. 90 units Its hard In xay “IIL'IIIL‘I the Irnrxhed 111111 \\1111CIIL1III\ Ileningiaphre teenage girls. I\n_\nne old enough to wary about Standard (iradex IIIII IIIIII the plot. In\nl\1nga \ven'd

xt IL'IItL' \e\ change. laughable In) all the “(01111 Ieaxnnx. \\11|1L‘ then younger counterparts urll IIIIII the |5ce11111cate IIII)IIIthI\e.'llIe cast \Inik hard In come) a sense 01 11111. but only I..IIII.I I )aer and Rupert I’emy .lnnex really xhrne (ireenoc k Waterltnnt.

Wages Of Fear I l’( i) IlIean-( ieorgex ('lou/nt. I Iance. 195 3) Y\ ex \Inntand. Charles Vanel. l’cler \’.In Iayck I44 nuns In a xlealy South '\IIIL'1|L'.III\11IIIII) ll)\\l11t)lll equally \1L';Il._\' IIL‘\|X‘I.II1IK‘\ .Igtee Iodine a couple ol uncklnadx ol nIIIn-glyeerrne actoxx the ninuntatnx 111”ng spongetompetlte “Win up \\|111 IlIIx claxxic suspense \elIIcle creates but ketx oi the qu11 A Itne xnurpuxs \ Ionn 01 Inan'x greed married to IIInI-makmg o1 IIIIIX‘.‘11.11)1CICII\II)II IzdrnburglI. Lumiere. Waking Ned (1’(i) I Kirk Jones. (K. 1998)latI liannen. I).I\ III Kelly. l-InIItIuIa llanagan. 91 1mm -\t 111.111). \cd's dead. /\ slIattte IIIal. IX'Iauerhenld leIIaIt)xt\\t)11£7IIIt|III)II

play 111:: 111e 1011er ~- the drxcnxet'y oI IvIIIelI kIIIeII 111111 110\\e\e1.\\11y xe\entyxninetlnng p.le 1.1L1x1C and \Itthael xp} .1 golden nppnitunny In I Iain) the taxi). ('harnung and L‘ttt'lllllt' “11110001111111\ITIIII. I‘alktrk: 1"1‘H. West Beirut I 1511/.1ad I)nueII. Irantell.ehannn/IielgtuIII/Nor“ay. 1998) Ram) Dnueni. \lnlraniad (‘IIaIIIax. Rnla Al /\111111. 105 1mm 1)nueI)‘x remarkably accomplished IIInI Ix .1 dc“. nnxentnnental handling n1 :1 Ilclitaic \IIIHCU Iexxnn Irnrn IIIstory ~ the dextrnt'trnn n1 IIenIIt When 'Iarrk'x school Ix tlnerI t1I)\\II by the neu \ltIinnI IIIIIItIa III \\'ex1 IIeIIIII In 1975. he and III\11'IL‘II(I ()mar take In InaInIIIg the xtreetx “1111 their Super 8 camera and lwlrtendtng a (human 1201. May. along the \Iay lint 'l'artk linds himself in ever more bI/arte xIIIIaIIonx as he utIIIIIIIIIeg

I Inxxex \airnus danger ronex ol the city. Itlrnbutgh ItlnIIIouxe.

Whisky Galore Il’( i) (Alexander \lackenIlItek. LR. 1949) liaxrl Radlnrd. loan (iIeenIInIxI. .lean ('adell. 82 nitnx. Much-lot ed l..II)n;_- comedy by tlte late Sandy \lackendrtck. «\ xIIrp taIIyIng a cargo III \IIIka) Ix

\III|I\\ICt III-II till a St'nIIIxII txland durtng \IaIIItIIe. xn the locals declde it's time In \Iel then IhIIxI lull 01 \\II and charm that others can only hope In enIuIaIe Iidtnburgh. 1'IIIIIIItIII\L' Wild At Heart I 18) (1).‘I\lt1 1311(1). I8. 1991)) \It‘hnlax Cage. Laura Dern. Diane 1.;1dd. \Villern Daloe 12.7 1mm. Lynclik tIIIIcII-hyped ('annex pine-“Inner turns out In be “end and \\IllIt1|t)I|\ III 11x Imn \Iay. 11 not quite as t'nhexix e as the earlIei IIIIII' ’I'li-I'I. Cage and Deni are the energetic young 1t)\CI'\ on the run. puixuetl by IIIIIaxtrange hitnian Dal‘oe on a xninetiniex cnnIII'. xnnIettnIes disturbing. trail ImIarIIx the ultimate I'ende/\nux \\11111’:1\'I\ and the \VI/aIIl nI ()1 Izdrnburgh. ('ameo.

Wild Wild West I 12) I liarry Snnnenfeld. LS. 1998) Will Smith. Kenn Kline. Kenneth IIIanagli 100 nnnx Sniinenl'eld and Sinrth reunite. InIIIm In; the utraotdtnary success of the e\ttaoIdInaItI_\ good xct-li blockbuster. III-u II) [that Although Snnnenleld draus on IIIIleient. but equally trunk). xnut‘ce material .1 \1111 00x American '1'\' slit)“ Iather than a comic book -~ he and Smith attempt In repltcale the comedy element 1111s time round. though. Itx the x1\ that dominate. Still. there'x more life here than III I'III- I’liuntnm .III'IIIII I' See feature .111t1IC\1\'\\ ne\t Ixxtte (ieneral release. Woman 01 The Year (1’(i) (Gem-gt- Slewnx.

l S. 1942) Spence) INC). Katherine Hepburn. 112 mm I anIaxIIe xcretxhall comedy \IIIII l\\'tI nI the bext III the 1\II\IIIL‘\\ he'x a \Dt)1l\\\l'llCl' .InII xIIe'x a pnIIIIcal columnist and they don‘t get along, hilt IaII III lme ;III\\\.'I\. (ilaxgoxv (iI-I ' '

Year Of The Horse I I5) I Inn .Iaimuxch. LS. 1997) 105 nIInx \Vhile I'm) ()1 I'III- IIanI' IaIIx In InnIptehenxner tell the xtoty III a band \\|1IIxI.‘ lagged. glut Ions. IIIIL‘L‘-t1t‘t‘.’1t1e ((11061 Is IIIIeIeIl \\II11t1|ll:.‘\.IIL'IIIII\i111t1k‘13\\lt‘ albums. lainiuxch t1C1|\L'I\ Ia“ -tIIt)P|IllI:.‘ II\e Iontage \Ihich gnex xnnIe \Iay In capturing the band

II_\ nannt' Shot on Super-8 and looking suitably grain} and nut-nl-loeux. IIIe Io-I'I xtyle Ix appropriate lot a band \\ ho create eat-butxttng t‘Plt‘\ nut n1 bun) nntex. and heart-piercing hallatlx IInnI xtiainetl tIIInatx. lidmbureh: Cameo




320 Sauchiehall Street. ()141 332 1592. Info: ()141 3329513. CC booking: ()141 332 1592. £4.20 (£3.50 before 5pm). Student/()Al’: £3.10. Child: £3.


10 Things I Hate About You I 12) 1.10. 3.40. 0.1(1. 8.40.

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged MeII2) 1.10. 3.30. 0.00. 8.40. Notting Hill ( 15) 8.15.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom MenaceIU) 2.10. 5.05. 8.05.

The MummyI12) 1.45. 5.15.


10 Things I Hate About You ( 12) Daily: 1.10. 0.00.

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me112)

Daily: 1.10. 3.30. 0.00. 8.41). Notting Hill I 15)

Daily: 3.15. 8.15.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom MenaceIU)

Daily: 2.10. 5.05. 8.05.

The Match I 15)

Dail : 1.10. 3.30. 0.00. 8.40.

Wil WildWestII2)

Thu: 1.15. 3.45. 0.10. 8.30.


380 Clarkston Road. Muirend. ()141 033 2123. Info: 0141 637 2041. £2.80 (£2 before 5pm Mon—Fri ). Student: £2.20 (Mon—Thu). Child/()Al’: £2.


10 Things I Hate About You I 12)

1240. 5.55.

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged MeII2) 12.40. 3.15. 5.50. 8.40. Cruel Intentions I 15) 3.05. 8.30.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom MenaceIU) 1.15. 5.00. 8.00.


Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me112)

Daily: 12.40. 3.15. 5.50. 8.40. Notting Hill I 15)

Fri-Wed: 2.10. 5.25. 8.20.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom MenaceIU)

Dailv: 1.40. 5.10. 8.15.

Wild Wild West I 12)

Thu: 12.35. 3.10. 5.45. 8.30.


12 Rose Street. 0141 332 8128. Cafe/bar. All performances bookable. [1)]. [If]. Sun—Fri Inatinees: £3.50 I£2.25); Sun—Fri evenings £4.50 (£3.25). Sat nIatinees: £3.50 (£2.25); Sat evenings £4.50 (no concessions). Saver tickets required. call box office.


1. Best Laid Plans I 15) 1.00. 3.30. 8.30.

Woman 01 The Year (PG) 0.00.

2. A Price Above Rubies I 15) 2.30. 8.15.

Made In Hong Kong I 15) 5.45.


1. The Hi-Lo Country I 15) 1.00. 0.00. 8.30.

2. Nights Of Cabiria IPG) 3.00. 8.15.




1. The Hi-Lo Country I 15) 0.00. Treasure Island IPG) 1.30.

2. Nights Of Cabiria IPG) 3.00. 8.15.


1.Lone StarI15) 3.15. The Hi-Lo Country I 15) 0.00. 8.30.



2.8‘l2I15) 5.30. Nights Of Cabiria (PG) 3.00. 8.15.


1.The Hi-Lo Country I 15) 1.00. 3.30. 8.30. 2.892115) 2.00.

Lone Star I 15) 8.00.

Nights Of Cabiria (PG) 5.45.


1. Painted Angels I 15) 3.00.

The Hi-Lo Country I 15) 0.00. 8.30. 2. Nights Of CabiriaIPG) 1.00. 3.00. 5.45. 8.15.


1. Painted Angels I 15) 5.30.

The Hi-Lo Country I 15) 2.00. 8.30. 2. Nights Of Cabiria (PG) 3.00. 5.45. 8.15.


1.The Hi-Lo CountryIIS) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30.

2. Nights Of Cabiria (PG) 3.00. 5.45. 8.15.


Ashton Lane. Hillhead. ()141 339 4298. CC booking: ()141 339 4298. £4 (£3.50 daily 4.30—0.30pm & all day Mon). Students/U840: £3. Child £2: ()AP: £2.50. Seats can be booked in advance for all screenings. Box office open 11am—7pm (Sun: 1—7pm).


Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me I 12) 2.00. 4. 10. 0.30. 8.50.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace 10) 2.00. 5.10. 8. II).


Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me I 12)

Daily: 2.00. 4.I(). 0.30. 8.50.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (U)

Daily: 2.00. 5.10. 8. II).

The Rugrats Movie IU)

Matinee Sat: 1 1.00am.


()fl' Paisley Road opposite Harry Ramsden's. ()141 4180111. Info and CC booking: 0870 5050 007. [D]. [E]. Executive adult after 5pm: £5 (£4 before 5pm). Executive child/senior citizen: £3.50. Standard adult after 5pm: £4.50 (£3.50 before 5pm). Standard student/U840: £3.25. Standard child/senior citizen: £3. Standard tickets before noon: £2.50. Family ticket: £I2 (tip to 5pm).


10 Things I Hate About You I 12) 5.00. 7.15. 9.30.

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged MeII2) 11.45am. 12.15. 12.45. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00. 4.15. 4.45. 5.15. 6.30. 7.00. 7.30. 8.45. 9.15. 9.45. EntrapmentIlS) 1.45. 4.15. 0.45.

9.15. My Favourite Martian (PG) 12.30. 245. Notting HiIIII5) 12.45. 3.30. 0.15. 9.00.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom MenaceIU) noon. 1230. 1.15. 2.15. 3.00. 3.30. 4.15. 5.15. 6.00. 0.30. 7.15. 8.15. 9:00. 9.30.

The King And I (U) noon. 2.00. 4.00. The Matrix I 15) 0.00. 9.00.

The MummyI12) 1.00.- 3.45. 0.30. 9.15.


10 Things I Hate About You I 12)

Daily: 1230. 2.45. 5.00. 7.15. 9.30. Late Fri 8: Sat: midnight.

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged MeII2)

Daily: 11.45am. 12.15. 12.45. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00. 4.15. 4.45. 5.15. 0.30.

listings FILM


The best films this week.

FIRST RUN West Beirut (West Beyrouth) One of Quentin Tarantino’s favoured cameramen, Ziad Doueri’s directorial debut is a deft, unsentimental handling of a delicate subject lesson from history - the destruction of Beirut. Edinburgh Fllmhouse.

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Mike Myers returns as the secret agent from the shagadelic 605. The same half dozen jokes, only, somehow, this time they're funnier. General release.

Last Night It's the end of the world as we know it and Canadian actor- director Don McKellar feels fine, and so erI watchIng this deeply life- affirming experience. Selected release.


Koyaanisqatsi Last chance to see this trip to the realm of the senses, a reinvention of narrative cinema with a stunning soundtrack by Philip Glass. Edinburgh: Cameo.

7.00. 7.30. 8.45. 9.15. 9.45.

Late Fri & Sat: 11.00. 1 1.30. midnight. Bride 0f Chucky (18)

Late Fri & Sat: midnight. Entrapment I 15)

DaiI : 9.15.

Mighty Joe (PG)

Matinee daily: 1.45. 4.15.

My Favourite Martian (PG)

Matinee daiI : 1.45. 4.00.

Notting Nil (15)

Daily: 6.15. 9.00.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (U)

Daily: 12.15. 1.30. 2.00. 2.45. 3.15. 4.30. 5.00. 5.45. 0.15. 7.30. 8.00. 8.45. 9.15.

Late Fri & Sat: 10.30. 11.00. midnight. The King And 1 (U)

Matinee daily: 1.00. 3.00.

The Match I 15)

Daily: 5.00. 7.15. 9.30.

The Matrix I 15)

Daily: 6.30.

The Mummy I 12)

Fri—Wed: 1.00. 3.45. 6.30. 9.15. Wild Wild West (12)

Thu: 12.30. 2.45. 5.00. 7.15. 9.30.

Continued over page

5-12 Aug 1999 TIIELIST108