The Nature Of Sweetness

Wavmg goodbye to Alprne scenery and chocolate-box Imagery, srx Su-irss artists show therr hard-centred credentlals in The Nature Of Sweetness. One IS the Basel-based lvlathrs Vass, who stenclls curlrng lrnes onto blocks of wood. Hrs Instai/ation With 7099 Pieces Is a floor-based work consrstrng of hundreds of preces of wood.

The Nature Of Sweetness, Edinburgh Co/lege Of Art fl/enue 73/ 22

until 30 Aug, dai/y 70am—5pm, free.


Contemporary dance meets vrsual art In thls collaboratron between choreographer Meg Stuart and lnstallatlon artist Ar Hamrlton. Brussels-based company Damaged Goods make therr moves on a clay-covered floor to create a prece that crr have called 'Strlkmg In Its orrgrnalrty and forceful In Its theatr power'. Stuart explarns rt all to The List on page 43. appetite (International Festiva/i Damaged Goods, Edinburgh Festival Theatre, 473 2000, 27—22 Aug, 7.30pm, [5—1520

