V I saw you I.ewts. you~ mystetiotts III hlaek .\Ie. deaI. dttttth and hltnd. I saw yott with your eards. |.et yotn Itngets work their tnagte on me. you htg wandetl wi/atd. \\S. Boy No [7367/39.

0 I saw you trainee .It'tll knight. wttlt the piano hands arid the same elotltes as me tas pet ttsttalt Keep III totteh ttya. ha? lItI\ \ti [75(I—/»III

V I saw you smoking a Iat ehetoot \‘.l[lI your toes III Izlll on Saturday. I was the tttatt wttlt tlte hotled .\Ieet you Ior a [Itt'u' oI spattgly eheeseeake. lio\ \o [7 367/4 I.

0 I saw you III HI I. Ii'T/W.

.wttlt a gtant hamster. Yott were a

hit distressed. I oIIered you Udlt‘tllu's I‘tll yttil tlt‘L‘IIIIL‘tl. III)\ _\'o [73077.13

V I saw you really sttoppy waitress Wheres ottt eltange.’ lgttatta. SIN/")9 (‘ome tottnd attd hay e yottt tension relte\ ed. IIo\ No [7367/Ji

V I saw you ttt my hedroottt wttlt your tiottsers oIIl Now I wish I hadn't? But I'll still shag yott' Ho\ \tt [’1 367/44.

V I saw you .Iaek Daniels dttnket wttlt the dark hair. ltaye I seen yott on 'l‘\".’ I need your autograph Boy No [7367/45. V I saw you III tlte har. let me [III\ e yottt eat. I know I will he under par. httt l tlttttk we eottld still go liar. Iio\ No [7367/46.

V I saw you I)I)PM. tneet tne 5 hy the totem pole. 3() Aug. Spin,

Box No [7367/47.

V I saw you .-\\ann ('harlte. yott can tear nty ticket attyttttte. Ht)\ No [7367/48.

O I saw you (iLIIl at The (‘tthans tn tlte (’ellar Bar. let‘s get together Iota prtyate

showing Box No [7367/49. V I saw you looking like a star. stranger enouglt. III tlte Hy hat:

Be well. lady ol' the night. Hm No [7367/50.

V I saw you alooI. ntystettotts.

sucking on a etgar. Your ettt'ls

tantthsed me. you pttt tlte "I" etttnla III 'I‘rayerse. Boy No [7367/5 l.

9 I saw you Mr Ra Ra tn I’Iyos and Joy on 24/7/99. you posed hy the toilets with your sptkey hair. ('all the shy gtty. yott are too good to Iorget. Ho\ No [7367/52.

V I saw you art'esttngly heauttlul. plastered gttl with dark hrown hair. hlne eyes aitd one helluya attitude. at 'I‘rayerse hat'. I’rtday 6/8/99. I’lease. I‘IL“.t\e eall IIIL‘. Hm No [7367/53.

V I saw you laugh hy tlte hanks oI the I'I\ er. l‘tnd tne III Iahoratoriunt - 33. I attt sttll yours. ttty Ileetor. .\\\

.-\ndrontaehe. Buy No [7367/54.

V I saw you now I can't stop thinking ahottt yott. you are tlte an I ht'eatlte without you I atn lost. I’lease hreatlte me into me. I'ndytng loy'e. lleetor. BM No [7367/55.

0 I saw you kttte (Key) III IIIIIC. You sexy heast. Box .\'o [7 107/56.

‘9 I saw you at .on \ out

hn'thday. I was ttansttyed hy your heauty You look like a tallen attgel. eyetytlnng that hea\ en wottld send. Bo\ .\'o


0 I saw you \y'ootn'etla Ihu‘s your tree still stand straight and Iit‘tn. I‘d like to eltnth tt .\Ieet you in the woods IIo\ \o ['7 ‘stn/ss

V I saw you three wrteltes attd a Itsltetmanl Iztttoytng the post haunting III lilll. [me you lthttls \Iy\lle [II \lItIIIltl tltat he l’eggy tlte ltnp' Boy No

[7367/59. Ill? J J H


V I saw you Stittpt‘l'. [lttttpt‘l' looktttg hltte. lie ttty hahy. I-H. Ho\ No [7367/60.

V I saw you on the htg wlteel

at I lit the Park. We'ye got your Ileeeel Wanntt haek'.’ Boy .\'o [7367/6].

V I saw you (‘raig at 'l'ony 's

Iintportttm it's all ottt tn the

opett now. so don't he shy

llo\ No [7367/63. V I saw you at IiItt on Saturday tlte girl w itlt pig tails

aitd a l‘)7()s yellow I'low er top. I

lteared your name is Sadie. Box No [7367/63.

V I saw you man at the hat in with "toek. eountty. metal. hlues. ran” on .\UIII hat ltlnttk I‘m in [me Ho\ \o [. 36776-1

V I saw you Philly at thlnne Renteml‘et me. the hlonde gtoox er who set your heart on

the I‘tayerse.

lII't‘ I’IL‘JSC \L‘C IIIL‘ .tg‘dIII. I wont tell. I’ant. Ho\ .\'o I. 36- (35 V I saw you yott setun'y. deputy edttor. I’olislt yottr shoes attd w tpe the pen till your I e NIL‘L‘I IIIC III llIt' l‘;tle.t\L‘. sometime Hoy No [7367/66

V I saw you (iaty. you seyy gtooyet. I was that seyy hlottde ehtek w ho was dancing with you, Yott know who I am. Buy No [7367/67

V I saw you harntan at l2lll llello ttgetl (itrtrr. II[I\ .\'o [7367/6S

V I saw you Stey en. the otlter day. Yott tttake ttty dreams eotne ;III\t‘. II(I\ No [7367/69.

V I saw you sttsltt hoy at .on attd tlte htts stop. you gay e

ady tee. hut I need to talk to you agattt. l’.S. my Irtend I'aneies you. Btu .\'o [7367/70.

V I saw you Big June at IIIlXIl l'innktton Yott I'ttnky ehiek. we should get together agattt. l'ye Iallen Ior you. (lay. Boy .\'o

I 7367/7 I.

V I saw you III Blue. S/h’. Yott had a plaster on your toe. httt the other nine looked good enough to eat. I wonder iI you'd

like to sleep witlt tne agaitt‘.’ Box

No [7367/72.

0 I saw you ()llie. Kirsty'. Sarah and once I saw you and got to kttow you. littst knew we would he Irtends Ioreyerl I will always love yott. I)eannn Mtnogttc X. Box No [7367/73. V I saw you totttato pattts. yott so horny. me low you lottg time. When I arriy e I’ll "shake the room". [an e you to hits. Banana l’ants. Boy .\'o [7367/74.


For The List’s unrivalled coverage of the Edinburgh Festival, get ready to turn the magazine upside down when you turn to the next page

89 THE LIST 19—26 Aug I999


V I saw you (ialloyyay (iang. III ottt dt‘eants last tttgltt Keep up the good w otk - gtey squirrel attd ey Il ehet would he proud. Keep tn totteh. Kisses. Bo\ .\'o ['r.‘~o5/III3

V I saw you .-\ngus Roherts play ntg at hetng harheqtte ktttg. iii the eastle. Who‘s the teal lady ot your tttanor'.’ Rm .\'o

el/3(t5/ 3 "J

V I saw you Tom .\Ieltose tn out kttehen ('otne haek soon. we're httngry‘ Ho\ .\'o

[3'3o5/ III5.

V I saw you hns stop hoy. the [tart gettnt‘ short? Mehhe we eottld heeome smoking partnets‘ See you on the 4—1 l§o\ \o [7365/lll6

0 I saw you at The I.IsI I‘esttyal party. Yott look as though yott are teally style eonseious. [low ahotn nteet~ titg tip at the (‘ottntlttan tor a San/a attd (naplrtnt tn a tall glass \\ IIII ICC and .I \IICL‘ [II-

ltttte. Stylish enough lot you‘.’

V I saw you tall. Immtreyetl usher hoy at the l‘tltnhottse. I.L‘I-\ \yttIL‘II l);t\y solt's (‘IL'L'Is together. attd. like. ehtll. tttatt. I3o\ No [7365/107. V I saw you III Waterstone (ilasgow Yottr ttattte l’at. with a wotttattly l‘UlIHIII. .\Ie grtuly. let the hue you? Ryyoaat'rghl Ho\ .\'o ['/.‘s(r5/|I)S. V I saw you III the eaIe oI' Borders. (ilasgow 39/6. You were handsome ttt hlaek. l was knaeket‘ed tn red. Yott smiled. I smiled. Yott leIt. What were you reading" Bo\ .\‘o I 7365/109. V I saw you Ann Marie at the Blind I’oet with splettdid. 35 .luly. Will he there again. eyery Sunday III August. Box .\'o [7366/l. 9 I saw you I‘iriday 3n .Ittty. 6pm. Saittshttry 's. Meadowhank gorgeous gtty. greett ltat. lottg ltait'. IWCIIIIIIIIII dark eyes I haye “yiy'itl” hair. retnemherl Yott walked down London Road/Hillside ('res‘. Wish I'd spoken! Boy .\'o [7/366/3.