Name: Aisling. Name: Julie Name; 1w

Occupation: Waitress Occupation: Wide qu occupation; ad (I: “Ni-.9.

What’s your top bargain? A gorgeous What's your top bargain? i "Tr, What's your top bargain? A; Hm ,: arms from Frasers for £25 Habitat and the only ti» Hr; that I '.r\(’(l (3""f" nu

wasn't =rt the sale

Name: lurrm Name: “7.4"

Occupation: Tole-sales asustant . Occupation: 8a m «:33 mm. at i-wr‘t " What's your top bargain? I haven’t Place' C hr'StmaS sales' (09'4': f o

‘<1_."(l (anything yet PIIHCGS Square, Glasgow What's your top bargain? “mo-"'1 mm: a

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Name: [OUISO Name: Susan Name: Kathy/rt

occupation: Silldfl’m Occupation: Student Occupation: St‘l‘IOI' sales ASSIS‘HIIII at

What's your top bargain? I bought a What’s your top bargain? l".'(‘- founu lv1<>"<l<i"%

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Publisher Rim " "01211-1" Editor 5“ a." '.‘<>" 3'2'

tDitORiAL Deputy Editor: 5% I‘ v»: Assistant Editors 1: '- :' w it: "2 = - Research "4- 0" '.':7":‘:’;' a" '10 . flat-9' ’::: ', 3’ 9:74 4'

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Camera E t: ":7..'<:" ..‘(:w—..:> 80'. (vs

Agenda I.'.<:~ 80" Art Susm'ua E5(*<‘::."‘<)"'_ Books 8' firx a ,' City Life. :' - '1' ° ' Classical Music :' ' Clubs ,-- Comedy \Ti‘m < '(i"‘(*' Dance Stem C Film '.‘. = :xv' Film Listings -.-' ' .: 2' I:' Folk‘. z' 'r: '- Food ': Frontlines 51' r:' 1 Jazz ' . 22:1" ('31)" Kids two" i'.'rt:"<‘:f:"r‘:" Music "<‘:""(‘:" f: “41‘2" Rock .-.r2" "' ' ' 5 ' '--: : Scanner :' i '1. t ' StyleList Television 63' Dona mo" Theatre Sir-.0 I 1" Videos 542' Item: :-:

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