William Orbit

Pioneering GlGC.lFOfll(_ engineer or recycling tosb u'ter‘cbaut? ODIHIOH ts mow quite (learn, 5;)“: on \Vllllam Orbit. HIS latest offering, Pieces /n A Modern Sty/e, IS an album r'ewor‘kmg eleven pmth of (lassztal must lflClUdlflg a dancefloor-flllmg version of Samuel Barber’s ‘Adaqno For Strmgs’. Whether tbts :s lazy mUSItd: butchery or Innovative genre-busth remains cause for debate. Wbat Cannot be demeu‘, however, Is the man’s production SklllS which have recently seen him qettmg the best out of Blur anu' [\lauouua.

P/eCes /n A Modern Sty/e ls out on WEA on Mon 77 Jan.

What you can’t afford to miss in the weeks ahead.

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I .fi. THE lISTS