
HE UST 17 ‘01) 2

Webb Brothers

l'otlo‘xang Ill daddy's famous footsteps has heer‘ a frequent attlon for young asses of ate Stella

l.l( (artwey, Jade Jagger and /\li8()ll last‘.‘.ood hate all proved anytlirng pops (an do, nae (an try to mat( h lhe lads have peen laggmg hehmd, so legendary songsmlth Jimmy 'By lhe lr'ne l (Jet lo Phoenlx' Wehh's tun/o hoys have Kept the side up \‘Jllll their (hlselled (heel-«hopes and dramatlt :ndIe pop tunes. Their alhum Beyond lhe Brosphere \.‘.'ould suggest they (ould he a real (htp oft the old l)l()(l<

Wehh Brothers support lhe Bluetones at Argo/d Room, {-d/nhurgh, Mon 2/ let).



Sex And Death

David Mamet

lhe (-ola Riots have destahlllsed \Vestern (,‘glltsatlon and the (rashrng of the Internet has seen our (olle( tlve memory go (lOWH the pan lortunately, the ex-Presrdent's ‘.‘/ll(,‘, Ginger, Is on hand to M It the gaps about our past Dawd Mamet Is hest known for his plays lO/eanna, G/engarry G/en Ross» and fIlmworks lHor/se Of Games, The Span/sh Pr/sonert hut l/l/l/f;()/l A Cons/deratron Of [he Sor/rtes rs llIS third stab at the novel form Blll('(l as a modern-day 7r/strarn Shandy, It has Mamet stir klng hrs oath-happy tongue further Into hls (hee'r than ever before.

Wr/son. A Consrderatron Of The Sourres rs puh/rsher/ by Far)er, Mon 27 Fe!) See rewew, next /sst/e