Joan Of Arc

She's been cast by Sir Rl(il(ll'(i Attenoorough, Spike Lee and Wm Wenders‘. Now, Milla lovovrch IS acting for ex-oartner Luc Besson in "is historical epic. Some big name actresses have hla/eo a trai; for her, Ingrid Bergman, Jean Seherg and Sandi‘ine Bonnaire. Though, early critical ev:(len(e suggests that Besson’s version may he n 'nette" company With Joan Of Arc Of Mongol/a aim the i‘tllli)ll‘y aoventure, Joan Of O/ark. Playing France's greatest heroine, there's much at stake ‘or JOVOVK h, so 'et's hope she's fired up for the "ole.

Joan Of Arc opens Fri 10 Mar See rear/e34 page 24


Crash test (turninies have plenty to ans\‘.er for. l'hey helped keep Jiinniy

Say 2e on ()u." s( reens for longer than ne<essary in the 70s WlIil his ’(lunk (‘ick every ti‘io’ ao's <ll‘(i a few of them hroke out from their Steploitlian e><isten(e and (l( tually t'orriieo' a hand in the vim—90s. Still, at least they helped redu<e the fatal effe< ts of high street pile tips and niotoiway (ari‘age. ()i’ did they? As (i\.‘~/(ll'(i-\.'\Jlltl‘lltq s( ien( e series f’]lllll()X insists, these (hunks of piastu may not have revolutionised road safety in quite the way the ho‘llns had hopeo‘

fgmnox (rash lest [)i/nini/es is bloat/(as! on (liannel/l, Mon lift/Jar

6 THE LIST / /

There's oeen a great (lea. o‘ fuss made recently over the proposed antrootit to" o‘ a cyoer sunerstar to "enlace the stringy likes of :‘ulaoonna n our affections ano om "ase poner neck no order \"Jne" i say fuss, l'n‘. talkmg minor DO'de' swornsr‘. l'ciii‘Pl‘ than fail on fag nuanng, ora'r‘ hang/1g internatona‘ (385811;: Bat a (on‘oarat we ‘tiss

"I >"etlieess it's oeer‘. Qt‘.‘(‘lt more (retlence ny the 7“. nor T'zotzi as o‘ oeoates sai'v'otnwoing '. (()"((""‘."(; t'1er‘seo‘ the "amiaczareo non nanos

t'te re»: stars gone7' \".ar the lilo’o "eagers as tney re-st" "g ther o" Qva 1970's Kett e s'gv‘eo ‘oy S()'l‘.0 ao'tl'eu oio "lDD e vat“ a l)<l't("1()t.i"‘(i:)f°t ‘\"-.'.".at aooat t"e e exoerience" Tney (ii "i‘ay to

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skills on?’

Silas. U. E‘ (i “so ‘t

('81) ‘.‘ ' C" " ).(1 f‘ t’ \1’ '93 f. (. SO": stun SUt I\!‘/\ I n it ° , (i '/\l\ "".l'(> .)(‘ 3 (i ( ( I) x)“ C(}\.\ (i .x.

"so means 0‘ s9 to" o" s t."‘:)eo a gutter unit" ()l‘ y e: es a":i Rat: o nyoe ‘or (o'noa'fi; tl‘ese :a" oe

ay, t"e

()"(‘ °." "(1 i"(“. V'i“ "(‘C ("‘i. "C ()t.'.

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al>t."(:a“(e o‘ "‘a'x. "1<i(;"(’(‘7(‘(l"\fii t".e Sex P~sto s7 o'ettV's“ l)(>'~.'s t" a "attv owne »"

(().' (‘3 <:' (i QUSHU "C; 1)”. .()(l('.' t" 1)) (i §.f"l(l(l iti't‘ (1"(1

"t\).. all)”. 't' f\()"t’°..t'\

s.'t(,l"‘(? \e a"(;(‘-is a Sire-(tor

a! the' l)<:( «s o' 'e Sment-

:; ' s, '* 1;" x ( x "1; "WW 3',

"to ()l.’ satx o"s< 'ous a stra ."eu s!“ e ar‘o ate"! "er" as Po > stars are amays gong to he ('eateo \".”‘et"‘e" x2e \e .t o' ".ot,so1"e”o‘.'. these naeos am he " ; \ent nus ness A (yoe'sta' is fire "ext 'ooita steo A reaoy " :anai‘ they "axe a

stat) e of (wow ta:e"t' a3 'estl ng " ti‘ei axuiy ne"ti‘

".(i'U (l’ 20% (3"(1 "<i"(l "(I 0.... (it

the i‘vic‘ii"°lldll‘0 barr Dehavng inoooorttwely wzth some Manga characters and a techno TV

oresenter ryl no you, they've a:so acceoted David Hasselnot‘ ano kn-ckers in boxes, so that's really "o 8.00 test \tht I'm all for the dL".0lOD'll0llZ of pure osposao e not), the Creators o‘ tnis (y'nmstevi‘. have forgotten a (e; element of the poo (‘onsamer The joy 0" amateur stalking v the ‘.".'l‘.Ol0 ooo eguat or“

Fanoorn nas‘ a:\.'~.'ays bee" e. t" us and "as naturaéty ‘omo is home ore-ouoescent s \.‘~. 1" "oMOnes rushing rowo t"e soaghett ,u'tttzo" o‘ the r ."(‘l“.()tl8 systems ano a l)"O( \. ty to gl tte' Get "‘or'e than "ot.r 0‘ these chicks " a con" v‘eo soate win a mere o" "tom o‘ S: Rona" ai‘o carnage ensues When yotr “was are engt'lmhg ant: your ‘are "esein'oies tne floor 0‘ a <eoao shop, yot; need to oro;ec:

"e Sl‘ ny, naooy face 0‘ St Faye

'If we didn't hav plastic pop stars, who could we practice our adolescent stalking

o‘ . e Steos nea'ns down at you "on some 000 (ovxsned "- a ootxanoanoi'g"1ai>,)ea"sat t"ee"oo‘ 1"e‘.t.""e o‘ teenageo ‘e “.‘.e (i on". nane oiast< ooo sif's, o. o o'a tr: e our aoo-escent sta < "-g sk ls o"7 07' coarse I'Tt.‘ oloe', t‘~.'.e".t3.«-tee"s get the " "()"y f-x as ‘3‘.le Loon o‘ (e'taw young men n" > tar<e (feat orioe tl‘e'r an iv to name a o" the men‘ne's o‘ SCfan7, {:"(l \.‘.l‘() "axe ‘o'ti‘r‘ont ens o" _.s°. no C are shot; (i gr-no .st naea" "g on‘y a "a".<:e For t t "‘e s 800010" t"eseano ot"e" \.'-.e,g"ty non atte's than attei‘ciing to We " sew <e (tntare <;.sto"‘e"s o' oeve on "g 'nattn'e, aotut "e?atioi‘s"-ios

So what ‘1“ey'e "t'o(:t.< "(2 tyne' sta's ‘f's a? 'ita'xet eo

start gett "g

up w sa": two" oas aooat soi‘tet" "z; t'm'. s, " tsue". "ata'e, (Lsnosan’e, not. 1;"! as we so" an ‘o' Ran" “.lt‘e t<>"'esi)o'i(len<‘e (ou'se, lust £l()‘.'." you Aga (3"(3 st (k your "‘(;e' in a n at; sot wt Yoa'i

‘. non, in, o"e form

'aoe away, 1);. o' a"<>t"e', i' always oe wt“.

W)” I.".()‘.

Gill Mills co-presents Radio 1’s Evening Session opt-out, Session In Scotland, Thu, 8-10pm.