
Was the withdrawal of A an act of Stanley's hubris making it a lost classic, or is it an overblown pile of naive tosh?

312s: Brian Donaldson

Art 7?:(P7't‘81.t‘(}"ttt\ s not the sa't‘e as <3 oooo ‘I '7‘, OUXKXA ertooov‘, state'ite'tt you moot think Vet fouox'. t"e " stow, o" mnr‘eo o" (e"so."e(: 't=()‘.'es (3".(3 Ive

tutoer'fi, no (.r' t (a: (temte s twat Sir; [)(st', The DIM/er Ku/xer am: 7770 Tede Chan; 5a.? Massatre e: (at bane into 'J‘nt‘QS vv‘r common They has e ralseo tee we o‘ the

moraiistr sczsso"—7"<>'(:e"s (and they are (:1 "esterm '.'.ov‘7~ts o‘ (,z'tettia

The: griho‘y trm-ty, as naeii (as the “It mate ((11.50 (jee‘or'e, A Cf'om-n/om Orange, "(we <‘:.".()Zt‘.(>" (omemort, the (1' st-mtt‘, shearer” "eat IIO'ts '.'.f‘.(‘t‘; «themes f‘.d‘. e an 11mm, oeen ante to see teem Copycat atta< ks oemo perpetrated by the muons yoott‘. of the day was It‘O publgcseo reason for tr‘e tum s ‘.‘.!'thd."d\.'.di For a man so heilbent on ImDOSI’tg ms ‘.:S|()". on anyone who got in its way, at seems strange that an aliegeo SCFIE‘S of assauits monio Y‘.(‘:‘t'01)()!t‘.(‘r'(‘(l turn so mum

AUCHOHU‘S, \.'..Ho mad ore" 9‘\.‘!(jf.‘. their o'goest oox of'fme suttess to mate wt”. 2007, "no, m Lomoar'tso't, ace 2 (as f't‘dt " woos tmgs o; S!h.l)l):.".g A C/oclxxxo/‘k Orange The garish. nature of the act-Hg, settr".g (mo t'ée much OISLUSSQC soundtrack Is an often confused and t;n\.‘.'a"ted asses}: or“ the senses, the bizarre speedeo-t.xp seo'uct'on sCeoe (an: W ;> but make the thank ot' Be'wy Hfi‘, mo, yes, the am 0‘ Nora :Ln'oose (a? *‘av‘stm‘o t Myst:

C."e"‘~at (: noie'me s 'YZOY'G <7-"fet‘tue o somayeo (5L: "at-transacahtx K.ck-"g needs 1‘ :517‘9 to 31‘9"" ir‘ T'T-i‘ Ran“ "ma; "axe s".o<r<e(: 17‘0", out exeo Boo Hoskms thronwflhwg t'tat (az‘oo‘; :‘t; z) oxe fro!“ Corr/e l‘ Tuxev‘gFour Seven to rtot'wrn; out the sot/‘0 o‘ f'st o!‘ ‘es" ea». es "to'e of (a as: "(j 91'1;)"(‘85'()n 2007 was 'oeate" the tme-test aoo’ r(-='*‘:a.oe<: "(aotady “est‘ A ("o< \.'.’()/',\’ Ortmge .s"o:.'1:rwg mt a t'exoitzr‘o face

3!.» ‘/.".">o's rig/2:7 Selto ,/ool‘ o:)x.'7ro,".s .‘o react@list.co.uk

s. r s a .' . ”‘ g,- _ on Film 1 "Like many'directors oflhis', _ ; '1.g;fgeneration;tvDanny Boyle fcites .. 'f ftji‘A'Clo’ckwork Orangeas'aj ‘l 1.17, ""majorinfluenc’e: flt'dared to be 4 ,gifferentftt wasn’t jUSt talk; _' _ [Trainsnomng's nightclub scene I f ltakesits look frOthhe K‘orova 1-”.3Milk BargtikeOrange,‘ , , -_ I. .jjTrainspotting Was also critiCised; , . .1 forfb'eing amoral. But as' Boyle.“ ' ,said:_t."lt.wasxa way of making 3 moralfilmswithout, ,."T:7f',moralising."

3,1;ffiwfig, f. ‘1, ,4 u:- ,“ u, _ ‘M, .. ‘V I} "t ' w, "I H s [mg n -r ,q -., '- -_

.tofjerfvnu'late’rtfie outrage at the movie

ih;%AfithidfiYT'Siti'(§ess.‘1¢ adapt. the book: Phil.,:DéhieIs""to

BondLendilfiéiEdge-‘to do themusig More

ensembletpictu‘red' ' aromgNeweasfle has'been enjoying cult” sugc'ess of its oWn

n.ttfiza‘fiéihepadaptation, WhiCh 'arfi‘ves at the; Edinburgh King’s

“Juneir 'Bu‘rgeszaces- up tomale violence in tansfidne'st; if. p,rdVoic‘ativejlway,'_ says Lyddiard; ’On theone hart :hezrs‘ée‘s- how Vile iris, ,B'utghe‘ loves, eventworships', the 1‘ e_ rugygth " it"springs from-and he shows how inhuman it"is for r

' estrbyu it. v! Sa‘ZYLthis energyzinrthe' streets; of . ..ad$~‘sg,trutt,ijrigr.an.d charged-"UP!Véryxeziciting. )agiftt‘i’}th,é:energysuddenly'GlittertéitiW6t r . "

4 scupthasi'tdt‘ind:amore:creéflve'wayeof: sing,