Jazz Joint L01 Henry’s Cellar Bar gag Presented by Assembly Direct

Traverseiheatre . -.-. in Edmlmh NegOClamS 19515.35: fizz lan Projects

i Smooth, bluesy and seductlse, A vibrant musical meeting between

celtir melody and jazz spirit. 1raverse 1,0131 228 1404. Friday mm April, 10 i‘3pm

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. vocal jdfl lrauerse 1,0151 228 1404, Frlday 1‘:ii")"\rllli,l. jt‘pm

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burn with a rhythm charge. Jazz Joint @ Henry's Cellar Bar,

01314675200 _;

Friday 14th April/,8pm, £6 (£5)

World Premiere of dazzling guitar line-up featuring Scotland’s leading jazz musicians: Kevin Mackenzie, Malcolm MacFarlane, Nigel Clark, Jed Brockie. 1raverse 2.0131 228 1404, friday Nth April, 3pm £61123)

" "‘ "“ ‘H i .9. wt ~'*r’-v'-V‘9'$“fi‘-dr'f~"-m . 4 up ‘23.

. Trio AAB's P. grmmdbreaking N a c I \ I . A [)on Paterson's

musiczAlbum " of theYear, 3: .6 , a. mi ( _ g g . 53;} e ' "' pzzla; qu elm "Clark dazzled Wllh stunningtechnlques" j. - ; I . I a, _ " v l k. n g 5' _ (Evening Newsl.Bright melodic V. ' qred‘eflsmu'm ’4’-

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lrav rse2 . - - 1' owing 1404 contemporary JdZZ from Macdonald. A I “2‘15"” (o'wborduom- S dun M ' 1raverse2,01312281404, “3‘19” 2.01“ 228 1404: atur a/pt!’r pnl. Sammy my, ADM Imp", USO/“,1 Saturday 15th April, 10.15pm 1.J0pm,26121 {111117.501

~ .4? " -. .' ' 9 Adoublebill f ' . T

~ . y .1 . 1 u I ~- featuring two key . ’. - ' '-' , ~- .3 n a, a jazz names for the . ' - .g . r . ' 01312281404;

' , Sunday 16th April, 2 .. I a. ._ , . ,' ~ 69", {mm _ Bossas and rumbas,played V I f H. s . . T a m‘ b h in the classic light,breezy l 73 4-. b' 1' [0! u ' Brazilianway. r I] I t ' I I . , I g . , Cafe Negociants,

a ' ' . _ He makes his solo Edinburgh debut Withlust his saxophones, 01314675200.

' ; 1- - and some pre—rerorded sounds. Sunday mm Apmfijopm “h g V: i \ o I I - iraverse 2,0131 228 1404,8unday 16th Itpnl,8.30pm {10 Wat“ 561m

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_‘ Latin!) 29130

. , i ' . . , - I “If; , ' ' latino 2000 fuse elements of jazz, A compelling Nulazz double billzlawrollercoastersession‘of , Edinburgh's‘heavyweight soul funksters'are _ a ..f‘ ._ salsa'flmk and hipmop ' original electronic breakbeat jazz angyhard edge funk I joined by funky diva Nicola King I I a, H ' ml mm as Henry.S (emf 5d,

Jazzloint@Henry's CellagrBat‘1‘0339'467 5209, " JazzJointQHenry's Cellar Bar, 01315209 .' . ~ ' 0131 46; 5.200 a Friday 14thltpnl,m1dnight.£5ff' V_ ': ,: Saturday 15th April,mldnight.£5 l - Ni, 1.‘ Y ., Sunday tom April,ll.30pm,£3.