
The List is looking for a Researcher to help compile information on forthcoming events around Scotland.

We are looking for someone who is fast, accurate and efficient, with the ability to work to tight deadlines.

word processing packages. The successful candidate should have a keen interest in the arts and be able to write in a clear and concise manner.

The position would ideally suit a recent graduate or someone looking to gain experience in an arts-related field.

Please apply in writing with CV, stating current salary (if applicable) and typing speed to:


The List,

14 High Street,

Edinburgh EH1 1TE.

Closing date Friday 5 May 2000. (Not 27 May as previously stated). .

-w..1r -

Strong keyboard skills are essential as is a knowledge of

Scotland’s leading independent publishing agency has the following vacancies:

PUBLISHING MANAGER (ref: PMi) Responsible for a number of customer and staff publications, the successful candidate will have experience of producing and subbing creative editorial, client-servicing, and liaising with designers/suppliers from concept to completion of project. Relevant experience is essential.

MAGAZINE DESIGNER (ref: MDT) Working across a range of newsletters and magazines, from concept to press, the position requires demonstrable magazine design experience.

ADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVE (reszSEi) Required to work on a bimonthly e~commerce magazine, the successful candidate will have enthusiasm, marketing awareness and relevant experience.

Applications in writing, with CV and samples to:

Lindsey Falconer, Editions Publishing, The Loft, 72 Newhaven Road,

Edinburgh: EH6 5QG


Graphic Designer e L‘ I 8K

'Illleriterl. ener'getir graiplm (lt'\I".:lIt’I' required lur tisnnmir .iml imunatne agents. .\III\I Imu- lxllti\\lt‘llgt' III. limjut‘ \t)It\\.Il't' [Mt l\.l_:_:t'\ .Iml. null}. lM' .Ilile It)

(leniriristmti- tr°.u k reuml til i r'enrisiti .rml llexrliilits. Researcher/Analyst e l; I ()K

A I;III(.I\II(' ()pprirltllliI) li.l\ .lI‘l\t'Il Inl‘ .r marketing gl'dtltldle “illlill .1 large Ul'gdllimliitiil. Sumt- expeneme “mild lie .rn .ulsnntnge lmt mm'e impurmnt is .l genuine

enthusiasm and flair lnr' market I‘t'\l’.ll‘t'll .Ill.ll)\l\. Press Officer t‘tlllK

Mu} ('UIIIL' l'r'urrr I’R .Igemt HI' Illt'lllJ er lxgi'numl. .\ltl\( lie emerge-tit .rrrrl t I‘L‘JIIH' \\iIll great ( rips \sritin; \lxlll\

.tml esper'ieriu' HI t‘\t'lll rn.lri.i_~.;emerit.

Alt/Ir] u//nr' U/I/II/l'l/II/l/IH .//.///./«"i/t.

"LLJILI. Arms. Qr'nx'rr .\r. (linker-181'. Iimxrirkmr (Ilfil 2.).” 6636

, ((1

88 '1‘? -_ 118127 Apr-ll May 2000


Top Marketing Agency offers big break within music based department.

We are looking to recruit a bright. young thing with, preferably a year’s PR experience/marketing skills.

You must be a graduate; sussed, confident and articulate with strong admin and computer skills, an appetite for work and great sense of humour.

Send your CV and covering letter stating why you think this job is for you to:


Closing date: Tuesday 9 May.

canisalexeai Promotional Staff Required

Well, presented male/female Confident, Enthusiastic, Reliable, Hardworking Established In 1998 Capital Event Management is becoming one of the most succesle field event companies within the UK

Bern extre ceeh e! yeer roide Evenhg a Weekend Work Available Nationwide. Comedowntooneofouopendeyetomeetourteem. 29th April 2000 Jury‘s Glasgow 10.00-18.00 Greet Western Street Road Glasgow 30th April 2000 - Holiday Inn Express Edinburgh 10.00-18.00

Britannia Way Edinburgh

Please bring your latest CV. with a picture or Z card for your application to be

processed. Applicants must be over 18 years old. Register an appointment today.

Contact Capital Event Management 09.00am - 18.00pm Tel - 01784 473 699.

Wanna get an the bus ml in IIIE Park? (on you art and either sing

or play a musical instrument? il::.-.- .ac gal bus loads ol (Onlztlr nte talent and

-.v~'ri.,srrisru’ i‘lla.‘ yari prepared lo n.0rlr hard l:-- ll: I'lllt’ and allow all do ','.“'J hour: a great sense ol lrunroJr’

.“..'.i w..- lv’u lo heron»: one ol the lumen! 3 [one

'.'~;;,ml '.l,<,lr'r~,- Bus team members promoting the li".'l.‘{)l lor 6 weeks Ihrs summer7 ll 3: pl-‘nav (Cnillll Damrln on 013] 770 2979 lor more mlnrmolion PCV liOlnf‘ll Bus DIP-I’M also requucd pros-2 roll aim-m numth lor details

Cllil'l‘lilk‘lis III’EIEA'I‘IIIES

We are looking for open-minded reliable and flexible people to work as (hat-line operators to talk to our male callers throughout the UK. Work from home and earn up to E9/hr. 24 hours.

To hear more information

in 0171 447 4399

PART-TIME SANDWICH BAR STAFF required for busy staff restaurant in Glasgow City Centre for details phone Sarah on 0141 223 2941

I Concerned about our natural heritage? Wildlife charity needs temporary membership Recruiter’s in all areas. No selling or persuasion involved. 15 hours per week. £6—£7 per hour. Send large SAE to: J. Leathart (SWT), Carpet Farm, Nr Penicuik, EH26 9NL or c-mail jeremy- Pagemaker/Coreldraw/Quarkexpr ess experience required to produce quality artwork for print. Good keyboard skills an advantage. For interview phone: 0141 331 2860.

I Have you ever had Post Natal Depression? Would you like to contribute to a documentary designed to project a greater understanding of the illness? If so, please contact Zoe ASAP on 0131 229 2680/0154 884 2642.


I Edinburgh artist requires female models aged 20 to 50 of all shapes and sizes for fine art nude photographic projects. Reasonable rates paid or selection of prints provided. Box No MR/384/ 1.