M:I 2 has made TOM CRUISE the world's most successful actor.

Hollywood he now wields ultimate power. ores: Miles Fielder aac

Bruno Lester/IPA

THIS YEAR'S ANNUAL POWER 100 CHART in American film showa magazine l’mniwz' placed only two actors in its top ten. Among the chief executive officers of various Hollywood studios were Toms Hanks and Cruise; (‘looneyu (‘arreyg Roberts. Gibson. Schwarzenegger and Eastwood appeared way down the list. But at a mere 37 years of age. Tom Cruise has become the world’s most successful star thanks to .Wf.\‘.\‘f()ll.‘llli[)()slit/710 2.

Where the first Mission:lm/mssiblv film earned Cruise. in his dual roles of star and producer. a staggering S75 million. the second film is likely to double that figure. Not that this phenomenal cut of the profits is the sole reason behind Cruise's placing in l’rwniw‘o’s top ten. Prwniw‘t' promotes its Power 100 as a complex equation that takes into account many factors. but what it boils down to is how much influence an individual has in Hollywood: who can get made what film they want. when they want. how they want.

Certain actors can ‘open a film’. This means by casting a certain actor in a film. a studio is guaranteed to make a profit over the first weekend of its L'S release; regardless of reviews. regardless of word of mouth. regardless of the quality of the film. This is why some actors are paid $20 million to perform. When an actor reaches this level. he or she will usually have major input into the script. the cast. the director and may possibly

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s Cruise can make ,a’film, when he'w. s. hyhe wants