murdcrs to star Johnny l)cpp. Hawthornc and Heather (iraham.

What hcttcr place to start with comic book purchasc rccotntncndations. thcn. than thosc hcing lilmcd'.’ Moore and his collaborator. artist liddic (‘atnphclL spcnt ten years chronicling London‘s most inl‘atnous serial killer inurdcr sprcc. .\'ow collected in a single wcighty tonic with tnaps. appendix and explanatory notes. From Hell (liddic (‘amphcll (‘omics £24.99) docs just that thc critncs arc thc ccntral aspect of the story from which other suh—plots and themes spin away. Riycting. and in no way a light read.

The collcctcd (Urns! World has just been rc- puhlishcd (Jonathan (‘apc £6.99). lt's ahottt two angst-riddcn tccnagc girls. linid and Beck. who at Various titncs rcjcct adulhood. relationships and cach othcr. 'l‘hcy'rc not cool or hip. hut thcy arc wcll-roundcd crcations and writer/artist (‘lowcs‘ spot-on ohscryations ahout youth arc altcrnatcly painl‘ul and hilarious. (heck out lziig/illmll. too tliantagraphics. priccs Vary ).

(‘ontics aren‘t just produced hy- hoys for boys. nor do they always originate in America. (iirl/‘rensy is produced by an all-l'ctnalc collcctiyc oi Brighton-hascd artists. 'l‘hc last issuc. 'I’IIe (iirlfrenqy .1Ii/lemliul (Slah () (‘oncrctc £6.50). anthologiscd such strips as ‘\\'itch'. ‘l)omcstic‘ and 'Bikc (iirl \'s B.\1\\". 'l‘hc morc oycrtly political (z'ir/li'eriqr Bumper Book (Ulilulnllx I’lm follows in l-‘chruary.

ll' nonc of this is conyincing you that comics lct‘s giyc ‘cni their grown tip namc. graphic noycls ~- hayc adult appcal. go rcad Scott .\lc(‘|oud‘s awcsomc Reinventing ('omies (Paradox l’rcss ill—1.99). the comic yctcran's scgucl to I'm/erslmu/ing ('omil's. ’l'hc l'irst hook is a thesis on the mcdium drawn as a strip: the second suggcsts w here it‘s hcadcd in the new millcnnium. Al‘tcr reading thcsc you'll be able to Icach ‘C‘omlc‘ Books I‘)(i()s—2()()()‘ at any academic institution in thc country.

11'. howcycr. you won‘t be swaycd l'rom hill. hang pow action seek out \Varrcn lillis’ ’I‘lte .'\lll/l(ll'll_\'.' Relentless. which itnagincs a Brit supcrhcro team for the 2 I st century.


Shops to sat/sly your mom hook (rat/logs

Glasgow A1 Comm 8 Books, 31 35 Parole Street, 552 6692 8 635 Great Westem Road, 357 694/1, Forbidden Planet, 168 BLK hanan Street, 331 1215, Futureshock, 89 Byres Road, 339 8184

Edinburgh Deadhead COUNS, 27 ('aodlemaker Rovt', 226 2774, Forbidden Planet, 110 South Bridge, 558 8226, ira'isreal Fi< lion, 7 Co‘-.=.'(,;atellead, 226 2822

white gold. Chaebol, 114 Byres is»: ., Road, 0141 576 5076.

Al ll RNAlIVl lll Allll AND rev. age hooks (an be i()tll‘.(l I" (l asgo\.'.'s t "s'.

si)e( tails? shot) of its k l‘;(l, by ‘or'nev rli)"(il'(i1‘. is a Scott Agua' as Booss or‘. lit/"es Road has oeet‘ gong ‘10in (“1‘ st'etigt‘i to st'eiigtlt stilt e (‘1)(‘lll"‘(] severa‘ iro'itl‘s ago, <211(l\().l(<l" f'nd l)()()KS()-'1()‘./(”'()08.ll)1(*(i‘s,(ll()!l(;‘.'..!it essent a' oils, candles, (, Ds, hemp goods



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giganoo’bedo .

.f ’If you're shopping for clothes, you might want toconsider '9: stepping off the high street and investigating the mail order - .1;_service of young Scottish designer Ruth Morris. With a, catalogue that's a world apart front the. likes of Kays. her 3535'!!!)th ‘Roobedo's Spring collectionv‘comes packagedfln anh .. lit§3léyégt-'vvallet.‘emulate. with-iu‘llfmgagsmemem details and;

swatchzsca‘lrdr- which letsf-yotlis‘ee‘gand feel thetfabric’s. _. gt: 2”»! "3 iii". ' 2 :3 f "a": ' . L"; 'n...m' " . . gr” 4 '7 .' ir.:r"........1!éb|e:before-yen buv--;‘:Forme-rmail order was 'a‘start.» . if. x

fly, . ‘,:usfeiita‘rhegnt l. coyldbpeljate‘iiirith’out'a retail outletifjsa‘ys'x; " m . y.” _ ,.~ » a. ~ “war. . ... starMorrrs. 'It; was .alsoa way of;,offe,rtng~-,rpgre chance; I want my Wbfisé bs‘ei‘tail'abléafda bls‘;‘c,r95$4§§é“§tt.3fPeople! 7‘ . iiflléi‘rltisigfédeateries top..$*l'!d9fit"ft0milis Scottish Conese " aéQf:.)‘sxfile§ji-flfihé7119?: MOW“ haifsiiWé’rkec! ln-.a varie'tv..9f-‘ ‘;§’.'.J.rol‘es.iin'the'tlothing‘industry before setting up Roobedo the help of a grant from. Lothiant‘a'ndiEdinburgh EmflEnterprise Limited .last year. The‘functi‘onal clothing takes ”.:,-.some offlits inspiration from the 19405.. ‘It's very much ,Il'oiéking at howwomen were rationedand restricted in ngclbthinQ, and“ it‘went down "to "bare essentials: she says.- '-!:,f."l'hey" actually took 'on. a lot 0f men'sstyle‘pf clothing with .”".-iuniforins and dungarees and then’they Went into {Nearing ifftrousers‘ much more. I Iikei‘thelwa‘y. theyinanaged tolook with their red lips and Dale, faces." ’7; i" ., ' : , . Based in Leith, Merris finds Scotland an.ins:piration for‘he'r i‘ i work. in. particular the holidays spent in the-Outer Hebrides; .; -~ f‘l'he beaches in Scotland and the countryside in general,- }in$pire line; beach-combing; stomping through the heather. ,gg"‘that's :wherefll see‘ my clothes beingjjd’ea'll; The range/of. . {materials Validicol’ours available deans,:custonlers 75; : agjtlierctothing that" best suits .theirg’llfes't'ylegiandlviiallet;gain! "' ~Morris hopes to produce~ two. collegtlonsxa’f' 2.9: the' popular ‘styles- and introducing new 'iabricssejfriffi baby-f. ' v '1 Soft Harrlsmeedstoboucle knits. 1‘ * " r Roobedo clothing has been designed byM‘orris‘ to be '~ versatile. 'I think they are styles for peeple who have their

« own 'style. The clothes can really be adaptedto how

-'~sOrn'eone“wants to wear them! (LouisaiP’earson) ' > _ ,. .‘l'Roobedo, Coburg House Studios, 15 CpbygStreeg ,‘ .- g. iaipfdinltwgn 0137 5‘54 3733, wwwkroobédoecefillkatss

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groups, orgao sat‘oris and l"(i‘."(i1.(li5\‘s'dllilllq to pal) !( -se their a< twittes ."(‘ri'.l"(1:()i1(’(1:'1<l"(l:11(‘ ‘. "omnent, so not) 1‘. lo" a \.'rs.t fyotl two out about U; rig (ll‘. alteroat \Je 'tfestyle A(lil<ll'll.5 Books, 61 Bytes Road, 0141 35/ 5661.