MUSIC rock & pop


Sleater-Kinney play 13th Note, Glasgow, Mon 24 Jul and Liquid Room, Edinburgh, Tue 25 Jul




I Lee ‘Scratch' Perry Barron land. (iallottgatc. 553 40111. 7.3(1piii. £15 pltis hooking l‘cc. l)uh and rcggac pcrl‘ornicr and prodticcr. as renowned for his l‘lak} antics as he is l'or his music. dcsccnds iii a cloud ol' licrhal cigarcttc smok'c.

I Stylus Automatic and Palomino King 'l'ut‘s \Vah \Vali lltit. St Vinccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). 8.3(lpni. £3.50 l;itl\;tllc‘c‘l. £4 ldoori.

I Leechwoman and Passion Play Quccn Margat‘ct l'nion. ldihc‘l‘sll) (iardcns. 33‘) 9784. 8pm 3am. L5 in ad\ancc l'rom ()siris. (ii'cat \Vcstcrn Road and Missing Records. \Vclliligltiii Slt‘c‘c‘l. (iotli/iiidustrial cltih Bcdlani i'c‘sumcs its .suinmcr specials \\ ith pcrl'orinancCs h} industrial noiscniks l.ccch\\oman and Oxford goth pop outlit Passion l’la).

I Serpico, Beauty School Dropout and Servo \icc ‘ii' S1ca/}‘. Sauchichall Street. 333 9037. 9pm. Scrpico lcaturc 1)otighho}. L‘l‘sl\\’1lllc inciiihcr ol mclodic indic rockcrs .\1cga ('it) liour.

I Butterfinger and Grasshopper Buhhlc Loungc. Strathchdc l'nitcrsit} l’nion. John Strcct. 507 5034. 9pm. 1‘i'cc. Sttidcnts and gucsts.

I Red River (irand ()lc ()pr}. l’aislc\ Road lull. 42*) 53%. 7.3opin. £2.50 ' (£1.51)inciiihcrsi.('ountr}.

I Michael Jackson Tribute Botit'hoit Strcct. (icorgc Strcct. 55311141. 7pm. £5 (£19.50 u ith dinncri.

I The Counterfeit Clash .\1c(‘huills. lligh Strccl. 553 3135. lllpm. l’rcc. ('owrs ol' ('lash niatcrial atid otlici' rock/pop standards.

I Coco Sombrero .\lc(‘lniills \Va} ()nt \Vcst. Kch inhatigh Sti‘cct. 331 550‘). t)..3(lpm. l‘rcc.

I Open Stage 'lilic llalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 504 1537.4 8pm. l‘i'cc. \Vcckl) scssioii l‘or local musicians.

I Houghmaghandi 'l‘lic- llali Hat. Woodlands Road. 504 1537. 8.30pm. i'il'L'L‘.

I Southpaw \\';i\\\orks. ('aiidlcriggs. 553 8717. 9pm. l'rcc.

68 THE lIST 2'3-

’\.i\a /(7|s;"t,

I The Mistreated Sainnt-I l)o\\ ‘s. \itlistlalc Road. 504 1537. 8.3(1pm. l‘i'cc. I Vengaboyz and The Spice-ish Girls Mothcrucll (‘oncci‘t llall. (‘i\ ic (‘ciitrc. .\lothcr\\c|1.111008 30.7 515. 7pm. [5.


I Oasis .\1tii‘t'a} licld Siadiuni. Ri\ci'st1alc (‘rcscan .340 5(lllll. 0.3llpiii. £37.51). '1'lit'}'\c hccn around lot a \\ liilc nou. and thcrc‘s hccn a lcix chaiigcs to thc linc—up. httt tlic haddcst hrothcrs in rock \\ ill still 1ia\ct1ic tans l'locking. just kccp ‘cm at oppositc ciids of thc stadium and thc) '11 hc linc. Scc l‘caturc.

I Shindig Studio 34. (‘ai'ltoii Road. 558 .3758. 0.31). L5. This llL‘\\ mctal outlil pla} at this ncu skatc punk and mctal cluh night.

I Live Music Bar Jam. 38 43 ('onstitution Strcct. 407 7537. 9.30pm. 1'il'c'c'.


I Planty Cannon Slilctto. ’l‘hc- l3lli Notc ('alc. King Slrccl. 55.3 1538. 8pm. 9.3.

I Stuart McLean 8: Western Rhythm (iratid ()lc ()pt‘). l’aislc‘} Road To”. 43‘) 5390. 7.3llpm. £3.51) (£1.50 mctiihcrsi. (‘otintr}.

I Button Up ('oriiithian. Ingram Strccl. 553 11111.8pni.15i'cc.Scc Stiii 33.

I The Cobramatics 'l‘lic- Scotia. Stock“ C11 Sli't‘c‘l. .553 8681. 4pm. l'il'c‘c‘. liortnightl} rcsidcnc}.


I Elton John lidinhurgli (’astlc. 33‘) 838.3. £35. 'l‘lic litial datc of Sir lilloii's ‘Stalcl} llonics Tout" proiiiiscs to hc a l'lainho)aiit allair. \\ ith hits spanning morc than lhrcc dccadcs. chp an c}c out Mr lliat hair \\ ca\ c hlou ing iii tlic \\lllt1

. or 10"“ Qllc‘c‘ll‘s Hall. ('lc‘l‘lx .Sll’c‘t‘l. 008 3(11‘18pmt18 £35. Dclla-rootcd ja/l. hlucs. rock and ltiiik as tlic night lrippct‘ t‘ctui'tis. I’url n/ lat/iii/mruli ./u.'.‘ um/ Ii/um I‘i’Slll‘tll.

I Steve Russel's Mayhem Bt‘aiiiiigaiis. Dundcc Strcct. 338 5885. l'ii‘st hand on 0pm. lircc.


I Michelle Shocked King 'l‘ut’s “ah “ah lltit. St Vinccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). 8.3(lpiii. £13.51) pltis hooking l'cc. 111C .-\laskan-horn siiigci‘/soiig\\ ritcr \\ lio l'ii'st iiiadc a splash iii thc 8(ls \\ ith hcr tio-li t'ccot‘diiig 'I'lit' li'tth (‘tiiii/i/irt' ‘Iii/uw \\liic|i pawd tlic \xa} l'or tlic likcs ol' kd laiig to conic through and succp all lk‘l'til‘c‘ llt‘l’.

I The Radio Sweethearts 'l‘lit- l3ih \otc ('alc. King Strch 553 1538. 8pm. £3. chulai' appcai'aiicc lrom this local countr} cotiiho.

I Acoustic Jam \icc ‘n‘ Sluitl}. Saucliichall Sum. 33.3 0037. ‘lpm. llostcd h} (it'l'l') 1.)till\.


I The Star Club 111C :\tlic. 1)}cr's (low. 71 ('ougatc. 335 8383. 7.3(lpiii. £3. Rcsidcnt hand 111C l‘clsons arc ioiiicd h} Splcndid at this laid hack country lingcd night.


I The Jayhawks ()ld l‘ruitiiiarkct. .'\ll\ltl11511‘c‘c‘l.337 5511.0.3llptii. £13.51) [lltls lttitilxillg' 1L'L'. \ti tig‘c‘ t'csli'iction. Scc pin it'\\ lot this roots} c‘tillllll‘} coiiiho.

I Paul Gallagher ('oriiithiaii. Ingram Sll't‘c‘l. 553 11”]. “Will. 1"l't‘c‘. SL‘L' ‘i-llk'


I Rowena Wells Bar 117. 10a ()ticcii Slrccl. 330 35311. l‘iilk. iii/l and soul lroiii this onc timc Blacka'iii/cd \ocalisl.

I Splash Branntgans. Dundcc Slrccl. 338 5885. his! hand on 0pm. l‘rcc.



I Kate Rusby Band ‘l‘ltc- :\l‘t‘llL‘\. Midland Strch 331 4001. 8pm. U) tad\aiicci. £111 ldoori. 111C .\lcrcur} .\1usic 1’i'i/c-noitiiiiatcd Rtish} tours

\\ ith a hand (including .\1icltacl

.\1c( ioldrick and .loliii .\lc('ti.skcr of tlic Battlclicld Band) l'or tlic lirst litiic siiicc lcai‘iiig 'l'hc Poo/ics to go solo and crossm cr o\ ci' l‘roiii a l'olk-ot‘iciilatcd markct.

I Acoustic Open Stage 'l‘hc llalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 504 1537. 8.30pm. lircc. \Vcckl} unpluggcd scssion.


I Bongo Club Cabaret Bongo ('luh. i4 \cu Sti'cct. 558 7004. 9.30pm 3am. £7 11.5 i. 'l‘hc Bongo ('luh launch tlicir l‘ringc caharct programmc \\ itli compcrc .\latt Rtidkiii. a \arict} of acts and 1).l.s. “1111 li\ c music prot idcd h} rousing Irish i'tic‘ls‘c'l‘s \Vtilc‘l'c‘l'c‘ss. litilltl tillsltigc 13.3(lam.

I The Cheatles Braiinigans. 1)utidcc Strcct. 338 5885. l'irst hand on 9pm. l'il'c‘c‘.


I Regular Fries King this Wait Wait llut. St Vincciit Strcct. 331 537‘). 8.3(1pm. £0 pltts hooking let. The ‘l‘lilis \ltigc' should just ha\ c cnotigh room for all tlic l'i'ic‘s. tlicir cquiptiiciit and sonic ol‘ thc sccmiiigl} irrclmant ohiccts thcy lia\c a hahit ol' hringing on stagc \\ ith llicni. :\ll indic/tlttliL't‘ L‘l'tissti\ t‘t' ltil’ lllc‘ 3 l sl ccntur}.

I The Vagabonds ‘I‘lic Scolia. Stockucll Sll‘t‘c‘l. 5.53 8081. 8.31mi”. 1‘rcc. Rcsidciic} l'or this cox ct's hand.

I Jam Session Saiiiticl l)o\\ 's. \ithsdalc Road. 433111117. 8.3(1pm. l-‘rcc.


I Jammy Devil Bar Jam. 38 -12 (‘onstilution Strccl. 407 7537. 0.30pm. l‘l't‘L‘.

I Fakin' Stevens liraiiiiigaiis. 1)uiidcc Sti‘ccl. 338 5885. l‘irst hand on ‘lpiii. i'il'k'k‘.

book now

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:

Virgin, Buchanan (iallcrics. .333 44()() Credit card bookings from:

'l‘ick'ct Link: 387 5511.

Wu} Ahead: 33‘) 8383.

Virgin Princes Sum. 33() 3334. Ripping Records South Bridgc. 330 7010.

Assembly Rooms (icoi‘gc Street. 330 434‘)

Way Ahead (1141 339 8383

I Rae & Christian|tllt1 Room. lidiiihiirgli. 8 .\ug.

I Glenn Tilbrook liquid Room. lidinhurgli. 111 .-\ug.

I Martyn Bennett l.iquid Room. lidinhurgh. l 1 .\ug.

I Creeping Bent presents|lllt1 Room. lidiiihui‘gh. 13 .'\ll:_'.

I Babybird liquid Room. lidiiihui'gh. 17 .'\ug.

I Lock Up and Decapitated 111C (Kitliotisc. (ilasgou. 17 .'\ll:_‘.

I Toploader liquid Room. lidinhui'gli. 18 .-\ug.

I The Dirty Three1.1qlllt1Rtitilll. lidiiihurgli. 1‘) .'\llf_‘.

I Semisonic (‘orii li\cliangc. ladinhurgli. 31 .'\ug.

I Doves liquid Room. lidiiihiii'gli. 31 .'\llf_'.

I Sigur|lllt1Rtitllll.1'.t11111‘lll‘g11.33 :\ug.

I Pulp (‘orii li\changc. lidinhurgh. 34 .\ug.

I Idlewild liquid Room. lidiiihui‘gh. 34 .'\ug.

I Lo Fidelity Allstars Liquid Ronni. lidinhurgh. 35 .'\llf_'.

I Ian Brown ('orn 1i\chaugc. lidinhui‘gh. 35 :\ug.

I Glasgow Green feat. Oasis and Stereophonics 25/20 .'\ug.

I Summer Nights In The Country lcal liiiim}1ou Harris. Stci c liarlc. llopctoun llotisc. nr lidinhurgh. Sat 30 Aug.

I Deftones ('orii li\changc. lidinhurgh. 38 Aug.

I Grandaddy and Hobotalk Liquid Room. lidinhurgli. 3‘) .\ug.

I Sisters Of Mercy, Ban-on land. (ilttsgtm. 3 Sup.

I Steely Dan Sli('('.(i1;isgo\\.0Scp.

I Lou Reed Royil (‘onccrt llall. (ilasgou. 8 Scp.

I Mel C Ro}al (‘oiiccrt llall. (ilasgon. ‘1 SUP.

I Kathy Mattea (’onccrt llall. (ilasgott. 1 l Sc i.

I 30 D Ian Sli(‘('. (ilasgim. l7 Scp. I Pitchs ifter iiillc' \t‘llllc‘. lidiiihurgli. 33 SUP.

I Radiohead (ilasgou (ii‘ccti. 38 Scp. I Radiohead (ilasgou (irccn. 3‘) Scp. S()1.l) ()l'l‘

I Julian Cope King 'l‘tit's. (ila‘sgon. (i ()t‘l.

I Julian Cope Liquid Room. lidiiihiii‘gh. 7 ()c‘l.

I Camel 111C (iaragc. (ilasgim. ‘) (M.

I k.d. lang (1ch:\lltllltil'llllll. (ilasgou. 111 ()L‘l.

I Jeff Healey Band (iai‘agc. (ilasgim. to “(1.

I Coldplay (‘).\ll '. (ilasgim. in (M.

I Coldplay liquid Room. lidinhurgh. | 1 “Cl.

I Dream Theater Barron latid. (ilasgou. 13 (hi

I The Bluetones Barron land. (ilasgoii. 1‘) ()cl

I David Gray Barron laiid. (ilasgim. 311 “CI

I Idlewild Barron land. (ilasgou. 31 ()ct. I Smashing Pumpkins Sli(‘(‘. (ilasgim. .3” (hi

I Iron Maiden Sl-Z('(‘. (ilasgim. 2 Not. I Embrace Barron laiid. (ilasgoti. 5 \m.