Totall Wired

The World Of T 9 Web

Crazy Drunk Guy

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Jeff is a web developer who was minding his own business at work, when he received a phone call from a complete stranger who was clearly insane. This was just the beginning, and he went on to record the conversations: he claims to be ’a piece- together robot' calling from outer space who yodelled for SWiss cheese when he was yOunger. Mark my words: another web classic . . .

Remix Moby wwwshockwavecom/bin/shockwave/ entry.jsp?content=natura|blues Maybe you've heard Moby’s last album once too often, so maybe it’s time you tried your own mix of one of the tracks. With a very Simple (Shockwave) interface you can stitch on rhythm tracks, add samples and change some of the instrumentation. Record it and e-mail your version to a friend. Very Simple and very addictive.



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Every now and again you see a webSite that Just highlights how amazing the web is as a communications medium. This is such a site, albeit a frivolous and fun one. In effect it's Pictionary played online. Just 10in a Virtual room and be the first to see what the other players

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are drawing, then take your turn. It sounds less fun than it actually is. (May not work behind a company firewall.)

The Yarn


Remember chain writing? You write a paragraph of a stOry and pass it on. Well, this is one such story taken to the nth degree: at the time of writing there are 7912 chapters to this yarn, and you plot your own course through it by making a decision at the end of every page. Guaranteed never to read the same way twice.

A Guide To Being Evil

So this is where James Bond/Scoobie

Doo baddies learned how to be eVil _ . . Everything you need to know from ’how to make an evil plan’ to ’how to choose your henchmen’ or, my favourite, ’locations for your lair’. Just qwckly skim over this and the world \Nl“ be yours (unless you’re out to destroy it, of course).

The Archive of E-mail


Has your inbox been a bit dull lately? No ch0ice e-mails to forward on to your mates? There is a theory that Such emails are an online form of social currency, and if you aren’t seen to be sending them to all your friends, yOu'll soon be an e-pariah. But don’t fear: Just go to this Site and drag out a ’claSSic’ old e-mail and bang it out to everyone you know. Your sooal life will be saved. (Steve Blair)

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0N-LINE Film Sites

The Internet Mowe Database contains everything from news and reViews to quotes and user fav0urites such as top 50 films by genre. But it’s the exhaustive reference library, that comes complete with synopSis, credits, filmographies and trivia among many other features, that astonishes. However obscure your film, you'll find it here.

The attractive kitsch design of the Mr Showbiz Site - suggests what it does best: Hollywood gossip. There are film reViews and features, but it’s the celebrity news ’Pitt Smells Meaning Of Marriage’, 'Patrick Stewart Weds', ’Minnie's Tummy Trouble’ and the cheesy, Hello-style photogallery that give the groupies what they want.

Everything you need to know about the American and world independent cinema scene is to be found on indierRE which comprises news, interviews and features plus an extenSive rundown of international film festivals. A very handy feature is the news subscription serVice. Sign up and bite-sized chunks of indie news will be emailed to you on a daily basis. And you can access a similar (though weekly) serVice at Entertainment ONLINE the mainstream entertainment magazine run by

Entertainment Weekly and Time Inc.

Indian cinema has become so popular in Scotland they’re now making Bollywood movies in Glasgow. There will come a time when you’re sitting in the Wee Curry Shop in Garnet Hill having a tasty chicken tikka watching Bombay’s answer to Martin Scorsese filming a song and dance routine in the street outside. So you need to be able to access Planet Bollywood for the latest film reviews on your favourite menu, don’t you?

Last year the film geeks were going web crazy about The Blair Witch Project. This year The Lord Of The Rings is scoring the hits. All you to want know about Peter Jackson’s massive three-film adaptation of Tolkein’s fantasy novel can be found at the official site while yet more can be found at The One Ringhet including sneaky spy reports from the sets and locations in far off New Zealand.

By the year 2050 cinemas will be a thing of the past; we’ll all be watching films on our laptops. Some of us will do this in large halls full of comfy seats where they sell popcorn. For now take a break from the office routine and log on to Atom Films for some interactive and short film mania.

(Miles Fielder)

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7—21 Sep 2000 THE "ST 99