We saw you



Name Darren Gillian Janet john Merrick

Occupation Bass player for Imperial Philanthropist Chiropodist Freak Racing Club

What do you think? A Very 990d fir?‘ Year and "t ROW/’79. aye “'5 the greatest ma”, It’s quality man quality man. hasn’t rained Since half past honest/y I seven.

Name Carole Fraser Mary Nicola

occupation Private secretary Designer/chef Student Visual merchandlse

What did you think? Brilliant, clever/y filmed. Similar to Lock, Stock and Wicked, rea/ly liked it. Really good, dogs stole the Two Smoking Barrels - show. entertaining.

0‘ COufSQ we'” also That's great .

obiecme or” pfou'rdinfl 3" eEFem've national support “weka *0 awe"?- 00’ Watefi‘.‘ JbJeCt‘V“

The {(aw‘ewovk of OU( kg; nattona\ (esoufce of Cfeatwity Ql’OVLAQS the CQHtZXt O; the be making it dUOllOble My Mame 0‘, mm, Cu\tura\ strategies {Woug wkt‘cv‘ we AM to build on the principle a? maXLMrsmg the m Gath'c’genylguwu’ it crammed into culcmra\ SuPPOrL Framework wrdALn tut/nah one (ramcwork o? cuttwat svppoft d9€NCi95 Cantonese: BMHL- intelli'ble 9913*? an promote W common soctaA currenoj oFour dghOMLcallfi traéitioMK yet traditionally 79'; , l/ I I 399 aynamic ) globally undigenous yet mtquely universal culturat heritage , within our ma [C V49 4 n ' ' -

‘fl: ‘0-

We provide here a few translations and illustrations of Some of o’ae report’s key phrares.....

.'.‘. as Scots wenum'quely value and chen'sln “Promoting excellenCe in the "The imported and the home—grown have blendeci to our heritage. ~ we must be the on/fl tradxttonal arts.” ~6etcz49 the create auntun but diverse tradition."

nation on Earth to bag so much of Our b/oody bag rper; cop/a m tune. ' , ' d “V “’9' 0w crappy tourist merchandise. 2‘2; 7' "’45 F 9 f 1:32;“: " J kw?“ w); '7'!“ ' “'.."..."a\. ~}:‘~‘-‘-__‘_--..-—;'JOL€';‘;~ 3. F .' M a 2 -- v . H t \“3‘. I'm going (I? Margit, a #F P '

over one mantlep'ae,

“Assuring an effective national support framework for culture. " ~ No new funding b'gtyou can use our [030.

The dwelopment of mass communications has widened the range of cultural , tp‘f'.luences and oortumttes...” \“ Com- up after we mt: on ace/(rte Ada/(,it's . Lade'es'MUd-Wrescung, ' like from La: Vegas...


3 .h.

104 THE lIST 7—2‘. 883 2000