and glamour. Dress to distress. or disappoint the dotiiinecring residents Venus .\lan Trap. l.uc_v *l-‘ur arid the Arrogant Tvv at.

I What It Is at ('ity (‘ale 2. 9pm lam. l‘ree. l5 Sep. l'ittl'lliightl}. Bolt (‘ttit'ns does the ia/l. soul and l'uiik' thing.

I Why Not? at Why Not'.’ 5 ltlpiit. £l tdonated to charity t. Weekly. ('hart arid dance tunes. vv itlt prolessioiial salsa dancers dotted arottnd to get you shaking your sttllT.


I Al’s All Night Jokeshop at The Bongo ('ltth has temporarily linished. Never l'ear. they slittll he hack.

I Apex at Sttidio 2-1. 10.30pm 3am. £7 t£5 t. 22 Sep. Monthly. This is the last ever Apex. so come dovv'ii tor a linal lling vvith all the residents vv ho have ntade this night a hardhouse. acid. trance and techno vvet dream tor the past tvvo years. These ol' course include Steve l’ace. Al Space. Phil Zero. lull. Kant The Bearded Mullet and Neil T.

I Arakataca! at The Bongo (‘ltih

llpm 3am. £5. l5 Sep. .\loiithl_v. l)Js Xttl‘lk‘ litglese t(‘oltimhiat and lal'lar tSeitegali hrittg their expert kiiovv ledge to hear on the hest Al'rican. l.atin attd ('arihhean heats.

I Ballistic at Sttidio 24. llptii 5am. £5. l5 Sep. Monthly. The second installment ol this nevv night lrom The .\lissioii ct‘e\\ brings a heady mix ol' industrial. chemical heats attd live metal to Sttidio 24. vs ith live performance of the pyrotechnic variety an added thrill.

I Big Beat at La Belle Angele.

lt)..‘s()pm 3am. £2 hel’ore I lpm. £4 t£3t alter. l5 Sep. Monthly. Take advantage ol the cheap door entry at this rare residents night. Sure there may not he a guest httt _vou cati expect the linest daitcellooriaH. i'aregroove. ltink. latiii & soul lidinhui‘gh hits to ol'let' and besides. none other than The Blackhy rds are hooked to appear on l3 ()ct.

I CC. Blooms at (‘.(‘. Blooms.

lt)..i(lpnt 3am thar lroiii (ipm t. l-‘rec. Weekly. 1)] All} does the decks duty at this gay night vvith her inimitahle selection of high camp and disco classics. moving on to pumped-up house and dance as the evening progresses.

I Club Latino at The Bongo (‘luh. (‘luh l.atino take a \vell-eariied hreak. to return on 27 ()ct.

I Disco Dock at (‘luh Java. lllpm 3am thar open from 4.3llpnit. £5 t£-lt. 2‘) Sep. Monthly .\l(' ()tis. ol' l)isco interim and Vegas lame. \voi'ks the lloor vv itlt a selection ol disco discs. dance classics and the occasional contemporary tune.

I Disuko at ligo littt‘ttiet'l} lident. Monthly. Next date 2‘) Sep.

I Divine Divas lit The Venue (top lloot‘l. Monthly. Next date 2‘) Sep.

I Dr No's at The Bongo ('luh.

llpm 3am. £8 t£(it. 8 Sep. Monthly. The Bongo ('luh's resident ska specialists vvelconte one .lerry Damiiiers. ol'The Specials lame. lot” an eclectic DJ \et (you'll he disappointed til you tliiitk Jerry is doing non-stop .skaiikiiig ska revival tunes all night t. As well as heing the driving l‘orce hehind Britain's legendary Tvvo Tone records. l)antmers has since vvorked tirelesst heliitid the scenes l‘or organisations like Artists Against Apartltcid and the Nelson Mandela pressure concerts. See previevv.

I The Edge at The Venue ltop littttl'l l().3()pm--3am. £4 (£3). 22 Sep. Monthly. Famed for their nights at The Vaults aitd for their previous incarnation as Sacred. The Edge returns vvith a nevv montth l‘ri social that very much lays the stress on quality deep to progressive house. a cltcap

door charge and a good atmosphere. rather

than the big name Dis. Il‘ hovvever. you hunker alter big name l‘olk. clteck otit Digital & The Edge presents Rotation monthly Sat at The Venue.

I Evol at The liquid Room.

10.30pm 3am. £4. Weekly. Still going strong. livol is the city 's longest running indie night. These days. expect a heady mix ol the hest alternative attd crossover tunes. nevv and old.

I GO GO ttl The Place (“'ttliset'sl. \lolllhl). llptii 3am. £5 t£-lt. 22 Sep. Monthly. If it's genuine retro sounds that set your pulse racing then sample the delights on ol'l‘er at (io (io. lrom (ills rock ‘n' roll. heat and soul to slea/y listening and sexy soundtracks.

I Jazz Joint at The Jan .loiiit.

lllpm 3am. £5. \Veekly. Details uiiconliritied at time oi going to press. Please call venue l'or into.

I Lizzard Lounge at l.;i Belle Angclc has itovv linished.

I Loop at The Wee Red Bar. l lpm 3am. £(i (£4t. l5 Sep. Monthly. A relatively nevv excursion hrought to you h_v Al Space tApex t. Bill Spice t(’tirioust and many lire—eating. drum era/y loons.

I The Mambo Club at The (‘aveiitlisli lllpiit 5am. £4 hel'ore midnight; £5 alter. \Veekly. Still going strong alter so many years. Sir ()ssie prov ides the reggae. ragga. soul. funk. rap. hip hop and Rth delights. I Manga at La Belle Angele. 9pm 3am. £8 t£(tt. 3 Sep. .\lonth|_\. Tonight .\langa throvv their collective arms open vv ide to vvelcome hack Bra/il's linest drtint tk hass export 1)] Mark}. alter his devastating apputrance at the cltth last summer. l)escrihed by many as a ‘spiritual experience' .\lark_v hlends tracks in the hlink til a nanosecond. has the hip hop trickery many vvould kill tor and the stage presence to hold the room in the palm ol' his magic hand. lle‘ll he

joined h} t‘esitletlts (i-Xlttc‘. DJ Kid. The

(ieneral. l'nil'y aitd .\l(‘ l"eelman and there's a DVD screening ol l’t'r/r't‘l Illur’ at 9pm. lnl'o line: 0788 707 (illol or check out the vvchsite at:

vv vv vv.hasstrap.coiit

I The Mission at The Venue. l lpm 5am. £5 t£4 t. 8 Sep. l’ortiiightlv. Alternative tunes limit the people vvho used to hang otit in the Victoria Street venue of the same name. liiiioy rock anthems upstairs. \v ith «Slls indie and dance classics in The (‘ooletl I Mondo at \Vilkie llotise. lllpiit 3am. ladies: £5 t£5tz (ieiits: £7 t£5t. 15 Sep. Monthly l‘tnally settling iitto their nevv residency ttl \Vilkic House. the \lotldo residents 'l'encini. Alvodos and Sergio Antoni vvclcome the very lovely Rachel Auburn and pay trihute to all the lover ladies otit there hy lovvering the door charge. (illeel‘si

I Nature at The Attic. llpiit 3am. £(t. Weekly. The hard-vvorking girls aitd hoy s at Nature have created something rather special at The Attic. l)cep aitd l'unk_v liousc tunes courtesy ol' l)oiiienic attd Brainstorm iS Sept and Domenic and Matt (irey tl5 Sept are complemented here hy the suhtle attihience ci'eatcd vv ith scented candles aitd pot plants. l'iittti'c‘ dates lor the diary include Tvvo l.oite vaordsnten (22 Sept and Silicone Sotil i2‘) Sept.

I Noa at Noa. lllpm 5am. l-ree. \Veekly. Jon l-"lovvers in the main room vv itlt garage; l’atil l)i\on through the hack vvith old skool. soul and lilllils.

I Nomad ttl l.;t Belle Angelc ttlttle change ol' venuet. .\lonthly. (’ancel all other plans. vv rite it in your diary. on your hathroont mirror aitd your l’oreltead it necessary that Alrtka Baiithaataa is playing at Nomad on 2‘) Sep.

I Pillbox at Studio 2-1. lt)..i()pitt 3am. £7

t£5 t. 8 Sep. .\lonthl_v. Alter the excesses of

their l‘estival date. l’illhox settles down to a residents night. llvv'atsong and l-l.oop

vv ill he providing the techno and trance on the main lloor in tvv’o-and-a-hall hour shifts. l'pstairs slightly more heats get hrokeii as D] lla/lett supplies the drum & hass. l)J Name thoom hooiiil t does hreakheat and Solaperplextis play live iii a dtkh-inl‘luenced set.

I Planet Earth at The (‘itrtis ('luh. 10.30pm 3am. £4. \Veek‘ly. A pop-punk- diseo selection l't‘otti those haly shad}

day s ol the 70s and 30s. The (‘itt'tls (‘ltlh itovv hoasts a iioit-siiioking policy in the har area. vvhich presuiiiahly means the datiee lloor is now diminished by loitering smokers.

I Progression at \\'ilkie lloiise. Monthly. Next date 2‘) Sep.

I Queer Friday at ligo it‘oriiierly liden l. llpm 3am. £5 vv ith discount llyer. l5 Sep. Monthly. Tonight Queer Sunday moves tip iii the vveek to celehrate its lirst hirthday. lixpect a loitd atid lrisky look hack at the year's glammed-up and gay shenanigans vvitlt l)l (iranty Pants giving

the highlights of the live l’As aitd plenty oi

giveavvays from the gorgeous hoy and girl hosts to hoot. l)ress at your tiiost divine aitd celehrate iii a glorioust catiip lasliion. Queer Sunday meanvvhile continues as normal oit H) c& 2-1 Sep.

I Radio Babylon at La Belle Angele. 10.30pm 3am. £5. 22 Sep. Monthly. It‘s the ‘Kool Aid .-\eid Test. this month so The (iratelttl Dead are hooked to play. kooky Ken ls'esey is expected to deliver his ovvn iniiititahle jackaiiory storytelling. hod_v painting vvill he rile and by midnight the vv hole cltth vvill he hathing in the kaleidoscopic radiance ol mind-altering chemicals. Not really.

I Redspin at The Wee Red Bar.

10.30pm 3am. £5 t£-lt. 22 Sep. Monthly. The l‘reshest. lunkiest hip hop ii' house heats mixed tip on tour decks h_v lleadsliiiiners ('olin .\lillai'. Steve Attstin. Dam and Redspinners liavval. Dolphin Boy atid \‘innie.

I Resistance at The Venue ttop lloort. ()pm 3am. £8. 8 Sep. Monthly. Altliotigli still very young iii the grand scheme ol' lidinhurgh cluhhing. Resistance is last making a name l'oi' itsell‘ vv ith its distinctive hleiid ol‘ all things hard. Filthy acid. serioust hardcore techno. hard trance atid pounding gahha c'mon it you vv ant your ears to bleed. This iitoiitli it's the l'ls' l'ndergrotind Shovv ('ase Part 1. vv ith ('hris l.iherator. l.ast 'l'otnorrovv l’.A. ('rosshoites l)l Team. Rage. Rascal. Smurl'. Al Tvv isted and Attstiii. Novv that‘s some shovv case.

I Roadblock at l’o Na Na. l lptii 3am. £3. Weekly. Big momma Nicci l“. stops the tral‘lic in had music vvlien she digs tip the hest in litink. disco. house. timeless gems aitd hlock rockin’ heats.

I Ruby Fruit at ligo tlormerly lideii t. llpm 3am. £5 tl'ree vvith invite. availahle from The ()uthouse or h_v phoning the venuet. 8 Sep. Monthly. (iail Sellars holds the tort vv itlt a suggestive selection ol' siitootlt garage and lunkin' house.


Forthcoming screenings and late night 01’s @The Corn Exchange, Leith

Fri 29 Sep & Sat 30 Sep

Register for for tickets at

In association 't'r'llll

listings CLUBS

The best clubs this fortnight

Dr No's Edinburgh’s one and only ska night, dedicated to showcasing original ciassics from the 60s and 70s and the ska rev/ival of the Two Tone years, tonight delight with none other than Mr Jerry Dammers. The creative force behind The Spec:als and Two Tone records, Dammers has Since dedicated himself to Dling and production work and Will no doubt slay audiences here iyith his awesome collection of funk, SOLtl, ska, rock steady and reggae The Bongo C/ub, Thu 8 Sep

Fat Sam's Swing Club Hepcats and hipsters of all ages are gearing up to Jump jive and SWll‘ig Out at this sensational new night that showcases the talents of Scotland’s premiere S‘.'.'i.'ig band The dal'tCCilOO.’ acton then continues v-izth the boys from Vegas spinning everything from Cab Caliovv'ay to Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Ego, Wed 73 Sep

Queer Friday Just so that everyone can get in on the party and, more importantly, not be hampered by the prospect of work in the 'norning, Queer Sunday jumps ion.-.ard to Friday to celebrate their first birthday And vvhat a year it’s been Graced with celebrity appearances by Nicci French iEurOVisiont, Scooch, Rhona Cameron and The Village People, t0nignt looks back at the highs and highs ii: fine camp fashion Ego, .75 Sep.

Rio On the success of Vegas, this new night dedicated to the 'olt-so lovely’ SOunds of Ipanema explodes on th . Edhbtt'gh club like a ripe and Juicy coconut YOur hosts Senor Daddy Love, Mi'tOii Bananas, Tony D'Amore and Sam. Mtge-e. play the finest Latino tunes to make you cha cna cha al the vvay to year hangover tne next day Ego, Sat 9 Sep

Snatch Club Novv that Barry Cabanas and Al's All Night lokeshoo have fallen temporar ly by the wayside, Snatch is the only re'itaining comedy cabaret showcase left to deight and disgust Edinburgh audiences It's the holiday canip from hell and yOu Knovv it makes sense Liquid Room, Tnu week/y.

Up! A quaiity, gay-friendly night of trance and progressive house, made even more fun by the resident bouncy castle Studio 24, Fri 75 Sep

Continued over page

/ 21 Sen 2000 THE “ST 63