We saw you

Name Sandra Sam Angus Scott Occupation Press diva Sales Co-ordmator

What do you think of the Fantastic. A very mating and eclect/c new autumn programme? m/‘x.

Van driver Fundraiser

It looks great - bodes very well for hip hop in Glasgow

The music looks excellent.

Name Catherine Elmer Lynn Edmonstone

Student Actress

Sam Heughan Andy Gray

Usher/would-be actor Star

Brings contentment to the Fantastic A great fun mght

lHlHd. out. I particularly Inked the direction and the acting.


What did you think? Great, really Invely and Witty Good fun

Unlike {hose Ideal on page 108 of this issue , these classic Latin albums have inexplicably faz'leci to gain the wid€5pv“ead public: acclaim {keg so clearly deserve

l ... @aanaa The CPA ~°PIPE 22:? ::;°:;“::.:::-"‘“::::::’::“ andhis num-nmnnmnu aovs WOODS of L -- . ,


“var JV ‘;

Qetzeral cPinochet

With Professor Gregory Campbell

In this ground-breakt’ng L065

Sure/5 no performer ha; captured {he Professor Campbe{(‘5 clajst'c 5erl‘es of LR:

album, ({w'ng ('egend of the Tradt'ct'onod Scott/5h Accordcan Scene) Junmg Mcjz’ngs sure/9 pioneered the sort of cross—cultural Muncal fusion later taken up by the like; of Salsa (ekc'ca.

Scmtxilating tracks mclude The NOrthern Lights of Act/J Buenos Aires, The Bonnie 8055a Beat of Loch lomond

and The Boat Rumba.

120 THE lIST ' Se;>- 50:: 2300

tortured sow’ of ms peOp/e more COin/€Ce/gj than CHI/ea” 5tatej,y)ar2 awd maestro of mood mwrc, General Augusto Pinochet.

l'n mt; 5776 a/bw/n , the? General Vet/“"95 ffCM me daily (are5 0/ high OffLQ to 500C}? us outfit ht'5s’ez'6cccon Of the World;- ‘gs'eafest formant; me(odles, all given mat haunt/ugly uttforglettaot‘e pan—pipes sound.

from the mtd— l9505 Ma ke up the essential boxed-586 for Latm purists.

N0 modem dance beats

No t'mautl’tentlc ivuérumewtqtt'on.

lm fact , no t'nytr‘umentatl‘on at a(( ~— J'ust €l9hf€€m hours of total Latin.
