tl L‘ltl\\} niqu \\ here will} the lines!

\htl“ tunes are permitted on the «leeks. Reinenilwr Io dress glitx} Ior lili\ lllL‘l'L‘ihilig‘i} \ueeesxl‘ul Iidinhurgh e\porl. I Velvet Rooms at 'I‘hc \‘elxci Rooms.

I 1pm 3am. £4 helore midnight; £8 :il‘ier. \Veekl}. Ste\ ie Smith break out the eluh elnsxiex. garage and house in the Main Room \xliile Ru} inontl \Vootlx eoolx things

dimn \\ ilh hip hop and Rth in Room 'l'xxo.

I Wired zit Ax} lum. (Kiledoniun l'nherxit} l'nion. Illpm Ruin. L'ihe. \Veekl}.

(i|&l\g()\\ 'x longest running nllei'niiiixe/indie night \\ iih drinks promm it plenl}. _ ()el \L‘L‘\ the pl'iimn night liUI' l’lueeho's neu illhlllil \\ ilh lots ol' gliun goodies to gi\ e zmu}.

Chart & Party

I Bonkers git Bonkei'x. I lpni Finn. £4 hel'ore Iiiitiliigiil; £5 tliilel'. \VL‘CH'M Hih Ironi the Mk. L‘iltll'l house and eheex} li'unee.

I Classic FM git l’ur} .\lurr} \. I lpin 3am. to l H i. \\'eel\l_\. l);inee elzmiex and part}

Organised by the Scottish Cuba Solidarity Campaign

tunes. \\ iih ulternulne :ind roek tunes upstairs in In ister.

I The Garage lit The (iuruge. lllpm giant. £5 I93) before I Ipin; to (£4) ul’ler. Weekly Super-erinunereiiil part) sounds on the main duneelloor and indie L‘Iil\\iC\ in The Attic.

I Graduate Club at g2. I lpm 3am. £4 «U i. Weekly Designed to suit those \\ ho hzne ulna} \ enjo) ed it (image-st} le night out. but feel 11 little long in the tooth when surrounded by fresh-tueed. lager-stained )Ullllg\lL‘l‘\. Sim e I);i\ is pi'm ides the part} tililht‘liix.

I Seduction ui Destin}. lllpm 3am. £6 helme I 1pm: L7" :il‘ler. Weekly Tonight the iiher eluh \muld like _\ou to dress to iinpress' \ihiIe enio) ing the ll\ll£l| eonunereiail house ‘n' ll'tiIIL‘L‘ pup.

I Strawberry Fields zit Slumber-r} I-‘icltls. 0pm 3am. to helore l 1pm; £7 ulter. \Veekl}. ('quxie purl) nonsense from the (ills to lust \xeek.

Continued over page

Scotland's No. 1 Salsa club

Oct 7, 21 Nov 4,18

Now at

The Asylum


11pm - 3am

Caledonian University Student's Union (opposite Buchanan St bus station)

listings CLUBS



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5—19 Oct 2000 THE lIST 75