



Nick Bateman ()ttakai-‘s Bookstot‘c. (hit 6. Buchanan (iallcrics. Buchanan Strcct. 353 I500. I330 I.3()pm. I‘rcc. Big Brother .\'ast_\ Nick appcars to sign L‘opic‘s ol' his hook .\'(I.sl_\‘ .Vit'k.’ HUH‘ 7i) Br .-I Rig/n Bastard (John Blakc £5.99). Ian R Mitchell John Smiths in 'I'iso. 51) ('oopcr Strcct. 6.30pm. I‘rcc with winc. 'I'hc autltor Iaunchcs ()n ’I‘ht' 'I'ruil (If (_)ll(’(’ll I'it'loriu In The Highlands (I.uath I’rcss £7.99) with a tnagic Iantcrn show and community singing.

Neil Rhodes and Jonathan Sawday Bordcrs Books. 383 Buchanan Stt'cct. 333 7700. 7pm. I‘rcc. Authors .\'cil Rhodcs and Jonathan Sawday discuss thcir hook ahout thc lirst inlormation t‘cVoItItion in thc l5th ccntur)‘. which cnahlctl chaissancc scholars to formulaic ttcw

w a_\ s ol‘ organising and dissctuinatiug know lcdgc.

Brian Keenan \Vatcrstonc’s. 153 157 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9l05. 7pm. {I tickct rcdccmahlc against thc pricc of thc hook. Brian chnan rcads from his first work ol' liction furlough (Jonathan ('apc L I 6.99 ).


Alan Spence Iiruittnarkct (iallct‘). 45 .\larkct Strcct. 335 3383. 7pm. I’rcc. In an cwning with a Japancsc llamur. .-\Ian Spcncc rcads thc haiktt Il'UIII his ncw L‘ollL‘L‘IIttn (II~ poclt'} St'tHU/IX (HM/71v Ht’tll'! ((‘anongatc £6.99) accompantcd h} imagcs l'rom .v\nd_\ (ioldswot'tlw and music from a pcrt'ortucr of thc Japancsc IIutc. Scc rct icw. Nick Bateman \Vatcrstonc‘s. 13 14 I’I'IIIL‘L‘S SII‘L‘L‘I. 550 3034. 0pm. I'il'C'L‘. SL‘L‘ "I‘hu I9.

Bill Bryson ('cntt'al IIaII. \Vcst 'I‘ollcross. 3363666. 7pm. £3 (£3). Bill Bt‘_\'son rcatls l'rom his actttcl) ohscr'\ cd trio o1" hooks ahout Inc at homc and ahroad. Signcd copICs will onl} hc a\ailahlc il~ _\t)ll prc~ordcr at an) ht‘anch o1 \Valct‘stonc's.



Beckett Time Conference II’UII 'I‘Iicatrc. 63 I'rongatc. 553 4367. U8 (£9). Workshops and talks on IIIc inllttcncc ol- Saintth Bcckctt's work. l'ntil Sttn 33 ()ct.


Sunday Muse With Tom Leonard 'I‘ron

'I’hcatrc. 63 'I‘rongatc. 553 4367. 5pm. £3. 'I'om I.conard rcads from his coIIcction ol' poclt‘} Rail/ml R(’Ilii'('ll' w IIII music from

thc Linda Jackson 'IiI‘Io.


James Patterson ISUI'tIL‘l'S Books. 383 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. 7pm. I‘rcc. ('rimc w ritcr Jamcs l’attcrson t'cads l'rom IIIS IRIIL‘SI :\IL‘\ (loss 11()\ CI [{(I.\('\ :II'(’ R('(/ I I It‘atllint‘ L l 0.99 I.


Richard Dunwoody \Vatct-stonc‘s. (icot‘gc Strcct. 335 3436. 7pm. Iircc. ('ltampion jockc} rcads l'rom his atllohiogt‘aplt} ()/)\('\.\(’l/ 'l‘hi' .Iulohiogm/iht' (IIcadlinc L I 8.99).


Edwin Morgan Ramshorn 'I'hcatt‘c. 98 Ingram Strcct. 387 55I l. I 3pm. I-rcc. (ilasgow ‘s poct lattrcatc gi\ cs a Ittttchtituc rcadiug.

Nigella Lawson Bortlcrs Books. 283 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. 7pm. I-‘rcc. Nigclla I.awson signs copics ol Ilmr iii [31' :l l)ulll('.\lit‘ (huh/(W3: lid/sing :lltt/ III/It .-Irl ()/'('t)i)i/iii'! ('ooking ((‘hatto ck Windus L35).

Michel ROUX \Vatcrstonc's. I53 I57 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9l05. 7pm. L'l Iickct rcdccmahlc against pricc o1 thc hook. ('clcht'atcd cIIcI. tliscttsscs his litt-

116 THE “ST 19 Oct 2 (“.01 2000

as dcscrihcd in his autohiograph)‘ Lili' /.\' :l .Ilt’nu: Rt'minist't'nt‘m :Int/ lx’t't'i/nas I-‘rom .4 .I/(ISH’I' (Vic/((‘ottstahlc £18.99).


Nigella Lawson \\';ttc‘t'stt)ttc"s. 13 I4 I’rinccs Strcct. 556 3034. I 3pm. Iircc. SL‘C (ilasgow.

Magnus Magnusson Quiz Night Watcrstonc's. I38 I’rinccs Strcct. 336 3666. 6pm. I‘rcc. ()n thc ptthlication ol‘ .Ilugnus .Ilugnmwn 3s Qui.‘ Book (I.ittlc. Brown £5.99). thc man himself hosts a mm for (cams of no morc than lis‘c pcoplc.

Alan Spence Rtwal Must-um. 2 ('hamhcrs Strcct. 347 4319. 6.30pm. I-‘rcc. :\tl\ancc hooking rcquircd. .-\Ian Spcncc rcads Irotn Bin ‘18) (in (Orion £8.99). a chccr} ntch ahottt tltc ttndcrtaking tradc.


Scottish Fiction Discussion Group Bot‘tlc‘t‘s Books, 383 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. 6pm. I-"rcc. 'I‘hc group will discuss sliding untlxlhclling h) .\luricl Spark. Janet Evanovich \Vatcrstonc‘s. 153 157 Saucltichall Strcct. 3339105. 7pm. Ll tickct rcdccmahlc against pricc of thc hook. Janct Iis‘anot iclt latts can hcar hcr rcad from No! Sit (Macmillan £14.99). in which Stcphanic I’Ittm cncountcrs thc usual homicidal maniacs. crashcs cars. t'chull's scxual adsanccs and donut

ct‘a\ ings as w cII as tlcaling with a \ isit I'rom hcr (irandma.


Johnny Beattie I'csti\al 'I‘Iicatt-c. (.3 2‘) .\'icolson Strcct. 539 6000. lpm. £3. Bcattic rccounts thc highs and lows o1~ a carccr spanning almost 50 _\cars iit show IWtIsincss.

Michel ROUX “Itlc‘t'sltfltc‘ix (ic‘ttt'gc‘ Slt'L‘L‘l. 335 3430 7pm. I'AI'CL‘. SCL‘ Inc 34. Valerie Gillies 8: Rebecca Marr Iidinhurgh /.oo. ('orstorphinc Road. 334 9I7 I. 7pm. I'I'c‘c‘. I’UL‘I VIIIL‘I'IL‘ (iIlIL‘S and photographcr Rchccca .\Iarr launch thcir hook .Ilt’ll And Bursts: Il'i/t/ .llt'n .-Iiul 'Iimu' .‘IIII'ImI/x ()IScuI/und(l.uath I’rcss £15).



Jane McDonald \Valcrstonc's. 153 157 Sattchichall Strcct. 333 9l05. lptu. I-‘rcc. Singcr Janc .\IcI)onaId. star of TV's ('ruist' and now hcst sclling rccording artist signs hcr ncw hook I'ill/UH' Your ])I'('(IHI\ (IIat' )ct'(‘ollins “6.99).

RUSSQI BoI'tlL‘I's Books. 383 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. 7pm. I‘rcc. 'I‘ltc author oI' cxtrcmcl} popular pla) s attd suhscttucnt lilms Izihu'uiing Rita and Shir/(fir Iii/('IIlillt' rcads l'rom his lirst

no\ cl 'I‘lu' Il'mng lim- (I)ouhlcda}‘ £16.99).

Magnus Magnusson Quiz Night \Vatcrstonc's. I53 I57 Sauchichall SII'L'L‘I. 333 9l05. 7pm. I'IL‘C. SL‘L‘ IIIL‘ 34.


Jane McDonald Jamcs 'I‘hin. 'I‘hc (i) lc Shopping ('cntrc. 35 (i) lc .-\\ cnttc. Sottth (iylc Broadwa}. 539 7757. 5pm. I‘rcc Scc (ilasgow.

Janet Evanovich ('alc Rt)}ill ()s stct‘ Bar. l7a \\'cst chistcr Strcct. 556 4 I 34. 7pm. i'AI'L'L‘. SL‘C \Vc‘tl 35.

Dr Hilda Spear Iamcs 'I'hin. 53 59 South Bridgc. 633 8333. 7pm. I‘rcc. I)r IIiItla Spcar.cditoro1‘(ii'mfigt'.Ilut‘lun' BI'UII‘H .4 Smart ()fllis Il'ork :lnt/xl I’M/l IiirI_L’I'(l/)/I\' (Iith in .\Icllcn I’rcss £49.95). will hc giVing a talk on his lil'c.


Earth, Air, Fire, Water Various \‘L‘IIIIL‘S. 336 5 I38. 'I‘imcs and priccs \at'}. This _\car's Scottish Intcrnational Stot‘)lclling I‘t‘sIIHII lakc‘s [IIL‘ Itilll‘ L‘IL‘IIIL‘IIIS as Ils thcmc intcrwcax'ing thc d}namic l‘orccs ol' Inc and naturc throughout all thcir C\L‘lll\. 'I‘hc programmc includcs stoI‘)1clling walks. spook} Ilallow'c'cn c\'cnIs. ct'cati\c workshops and storics tor all agcs. .-\s Usual a w itlc t'angc ol I‘crt'ormcrs Irom Al't‘ica. .-\mcrica. tltc

(‘arihhcan and tItc Iimcrald Islc amongst othcrs hring music. drumming and talcs. l'ntil Sttn 5 .\'o\. For morc inl’ormation phonc 0| 3| 557 5734 or Visit ww‘

Long Live Mur o 'l't'ax-crsc 'I'hcatrc. (‘amhridgc Stt'cct. 338 I404. 7.30pm. L8 (1.4). An cscning ol poctr} and song to cclchratc thc work of thc latc Iain ('t'icltton Stnitlt. I’a} ing thcir t'cspccts itt thc most \‘ihrant w a} possihlc arc Alasdair (ira). .-\nuc I.ornc (iillics. Iidwin Morgan. I)cnis ()‘I)onncl|. \‘alcric 'I‘hornton and Tony .\lc.\lanus.



Tiger Tim Bordcrs Books. 383 Buchanan Slt‘c‘c‘l. 333 7700. Noon. I‘rcc. I).l ’I‘igct' 'I‘im signs copics ()1. his autohiograph} ‘I'ht' .'I(ll’('llllll'('.\ ()fiigr')‘ 'Ii/n.

No Holes Barred 'l‘t-on 'I'hcatt'c. 63 'I‘rongatc. 553 4367. I 5pm. £5. \Vritcr Shaun I.c\'in Icads a mcn-onl)‘ c\cnt on how to writc crotic liction. 'I'o hook pltonc 0I4I 334 7 I 36. I’url o/‘(i/usgutp'. Girl 2 Girl 'I‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. 63 'I‘rongatc. 553 4367. 3 4pm. I'II'CC. I)i\a Books launch (iirl 3 (iir/s 'I‘ht' l.i/i' .‘lIH/ [.Ul't’\ ()1 Young Li's/nun :lni/ Bist'tnu/ IIiHIIt’II (I)i\a Books £8.95 ). a coIIcction o1 storics. poctns and illustrations h} )oung womcn. 'I'o coincidc with thc c\cnt. (ilasgow' \Vomcn's I.ihrar_\ Iattnclt thcir Young I.cshian I’ccr Support I’rojcct. \Vomcn onl\ c\ cnt. l’ur! of (i/usgutz'. Shaun Levin 'I‘ron 'I‘Itcatrc. 63'1‘rongatc. 553 4367. 6pm. lircc. Shaun In in rcads from his work in thc gcnrcs o1 crotica. pornograpr and com cutional

stor} tclling. I’ttrl of (i/tisgm'.'.

Cabaret In The Cafe Bot-tIct-s Books. 383 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. 8pm. I‘rcc. Rohct‘t Kno\ hosts a uniquc mi\ of music. pct'lormancc poctt‘}. spokcu word and stand up comcd}.


Bruce Durie Jamcs Thu). 53 St) Sottth Bridgc. 633 8333. I.3()pm. I‘rcc. A dcmonstt'ation ol' c-commcrcc Iron] tltc author oli If-Iiusi/It'ss (How 7}) .IItt/st' .llontjr Running .-l Busincsx ()n 'I‘ht' IIIIt'I‘Ilt'II (How It) Books {9.99).


How To Draw Comics Bordcrs Books, 383 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. l 3pm. I‘rcc. .\Ictapltrog. tltc crcatot's o1 /.(I1Ii.\

.-l Rt't/ /.('II¢'I‘ “(11. sharc \(IIIIL‘ (II. lllc‘lt' IUD tips on drawing for comics in this al'tcrnoon dcmonstration.

Performance Poetry 'I‘ron 'I'Iicatrc. 63 'I'rongatc. 553 4367. 6pm. I-‘rcc. I)crck ('o} Ic and Rachcl .lur} Icad an c\cning o1 pcrt‘ormancc poctt‘). I’m! in (ilusgittf.



Waterstone's/GFT Film Quiz (ilasgow Iiilm 'I‘hcatrc. I3 Rosc Stt‘cct. 333 8I38. 8.45pm. £1. .\'ow sotncthing oI' an institution. rcgulars know thc scorc: qui/ mastcrs Stcl‘(iardincr. I’add) Kcll} and .\'cil \lcl-"arlanc think up thc trickicst poscrs thc} can mustcr and puntcrs in Icams of no tuorc than him tuakc tltcm look Iikc mincc. Book carl) to a\oid disappointmcnt.


Ken Buchanan (’al'c Ro}al Bistro Bar. I7 \Vc‘sl RL‘gISIL‘I‘ SII‘L‘L‘I. 557 4793. 71311). I‘rcc. Scottish-horn ho\cr Kcn Buchanan talks ahottt Ihc highs and low s of his carccr as dcsct‘ihcd in his autohiogt'aph) l/ill'ltlll ii'I'I'ttI' ( lIcadIinc U699).



Buffy The Vampire Slayer Night \Vatcrstonc's. I53 I57 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9l05. 6.30pm. L l. Ilallowc'cn part} on a Bull} thcmc with pri/cs l'or tltc hcst drcsscd sla) cr. \ampirc and monstcr. a Bull} quiz. \ampirc makc-mcrs and hcst ()1 all. pt'c—ptthlication copics o1 thc latcst Bull.) hook .S/Hiu' .-lIu/ Dru: I’rt'm .lluii/s .-I/l In .‘I RHII’ (Sitnott ck Schustcr L I 3.99).


Candace Robb \Vatcrstonc‘s. 13 I4 I’rinccs Strcct. 556 3034. 6.30pm. I'rcc. (’rimc author (‘andacc Rohh rcads l‘rom tItc liI'sl in a ncw sct'ics ol' noVL'Is lcaturing a I‘ctnalc dctccti\ c in mcdicx'al Scotland. 77ml [it'll‘tltt't/ IIIL‘IIIL‘IIIanII 9.36.99).


Kinky Friedman 'I'hc I.cmon 'I'rcc. 5 \Vcst .\'orth Strcct. 01334643330. 9pm. £7 (£4.75). .\'o\clist and musician Kink} I‘ricdman pcrl'orms with his countr) music ouIIiI I.ittlc ch lord in an cxcning “IIIL‘II Inc‘llltlc‘s I'catlings. SCL‘ I'L‘Vic‘w.


Naomi Mitchison Memorial Lecture I'111\C1‘sil'\ ()li(ilasgt)\\. \Vc‘Slc‘t‘lI I.L‘c‘llll'c‘ 'I‘hcatrc. \\'cstcrn Inlirmar). ot‘l' l'nixcrsit} I’lacc. 3305396. 5pm. I'rcc. .-\ mctnorial lccturc dcli\crcd h} Jcnni ('aldcr. thc author of 'I'ht' .\'int' Lirm ()7 Naomi .llilt'hiwn (Virago {30) will look at Ihc liI'c ol .\Iitchison and hcr cnormous contrihution Io Scotland's Iitcraturc. I.attnchcd h} Scottish Intcrnatiotutl I’Ii.\' attd (ilasgow I'tti\ct‘sity this annual C\CIII aims to rctut'n Iltc Iost \‘oiccs of Scottish wotncn w ritcrs to promincncc.

Jerome Flynn \Vatcrstonc's. 153 157 Sattchichall Strcct. 3339105. 7pm. I‘t‘cc. Actor and singcr .lcromc I‘l_\ nn sharcs his c\pcricnccs o1 working with :\ntlt‘cw (’ohcn. spiritual tcachcr and author ol‘ lint/wiring llt'Ul't’II .-\Iu/ litn‘lh (.\Ioksha £13.95).


Robert Louis Stevenson Scottish I’octr} I.ihrar_\. 5 ('richtou's (‘Iosc. ('anongatc. 557 3876. noon 6pm. I-‘rcc. I)ispla_\ ol‘ hooks rclating to S1c\ cnson on Ihc I50th anni\crsar_\ o1 his hirth.

New Century, New Writing Watcrstonc‘s. 13 I4 I’rinccs Strcct. 556 3034. 6.30pm. I-rcc. ’I‘hc launch ol a ncw coIIcction ol' short storics h} British ga} and hisc\ttal authors callcd .Vc’lt' ('t'nlurt. .\'t'it- Il‘riling ((ia} 'I‘imcs £9.95) with rcadings Irom contrihutors (’hristophcr \Vln tc and ('hris I‘t‘t'gtlson.

Kinky Friedman 'I’hc Attic. 1)}cr‘s ('losc. 7| (‘owgalc. 335 8383. 8.30pm. LI 1 (L9 in ad\ancc). Scc ’I'uc 3 I.


Malcolm GIUCk ()llttlisans Bookstol'c'. [hit 6. Buchanan (iallcrics. Buchanan Strcct. 353 I500. \Vinc c\pcrt and author oI'Su/tt'r/i/onk (IIodtlcr ck Sloughton £5.99) L'I\cs atl\ icc on w inc sclcction. Broomie Law (it-oucho Saint .Iudc's. Wt) Bath SII‘L‘L‘I. 353 S300. 7pm. I'it'c‘c‘. Iii/It' llt'm/il's cartoon strip is I'our )cars old and is now a\ailahlc in hook I‘orm. 'I'hc cartoon's crcalor (‘indcrs .\IcI .cod will hc at Ihc c\ cut to sign copics.

Christopher Whyte Borders Books. 333 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. 7pm. Iircc. (‘III‘isltipltc‘t‘ \Ylt} tc Itas I‘L'L'II tIL‘Sc‘I'IIk‘Ll tIS ‘a contcndcr tor Armistcad .\laupin’s crow n'. 'I'onight hc rcads from his ncw hook 'I‘hi’ ('lotu/ .lltuhint'rt (Victor (iollanc/ I’uhlishing L'l6.99) a disturhing contctnporar} no\ cl w IlII dccp

ps} cltological undcrtoncs.

Kinky Friedman 'l‘ton 'I‘Iicatrc. 63 ‘I'rougatc. 553 4367. 8pm. L'I0. Scc 'I‘uc 3|.


Robert Louis Stevenson Scottish I’octr} I.ihrar_\. 5 ('richtou's ('Iosc. (‘anongatc. 55',~ 3876. .\'oon 6pm. lircc. SL‘L‘ \Vctl I .

Ronnie Corbett .'\\\L'111l3I} Rooms. 54 (icorgc Strcct. 3363438. 7pm. L3. \'crticall_\ challcngcd comcdian rcatls trout and signs copics o1 his ncw hook High [In/it's (Iihttr) Ll6.99). Edinburgh On A Plate ('alc Rtwal BISII'U Bar. I7 \Vcsl RL‘gISIL‘I' SII'L‘L‘I. 557 4793. 7pm. I‘rcc. ('ookcl‘} dcmonstration with Brcntlan Sugars o1 I-‘ishcrs Bistro. Malcolm \\'arham (it 36 and \cil Italics o1:\trium to launch lat/in/nirgh ()n .I l’htlt’ (Black .-\nd Whitc L'l6.99). a gttidc to lidinhurgh's rcstaurant sccuc.