POOL/S REVIEVA/rontmuerl

; J \ ' \ SHORT STORY COLLECTION L" POST'COLON'AL EPIC Maxim Jakubowski ed 1 Moses lsegawa ; ,_ ' , H H O . I. I. .s': L bra", Book O? "tenet % ' '1' f' 'o' t i‘ fir) :r‘ M Of" StOr es i'..E.L. U799“:

E". . .. . °' " =' " 'i *1 V 4' " I" = Does the internet warrant a

Li ' ' ' ° collection of short stories? Sure, it's 21 7' the biggest thing to hit the planet {I I.’: .z;. -~ :~- : since the steam engine. But an

5:: ' mm ': 4' ° ' anthology of tales about the ' "' t ' -' - huffing and puffing of piston- 72:1,: . .:2 ‘T, ~: we pumping power would be laughed : '9' ' " " at ’: '. out of any publisher’s office. The 1' .- ‘.' -, ' '2' - : : .' internet is interesting not because ': 'z-zww aura: ' everyone uses it, rather that it has w. ' '2 '1 -- ’l-'«:'," r ' t: ’l T' " changed the way people see '- " "' ' " ' .,: . themselves in the world. ' '2 a ' '2' '. '2'. : ' t: a v This distinction is made painfully :::;:, 'w‘ '3 "31.": clear in the N.E.L. Book Of/nternet '- '- . -, '~ , ’IF'. '1’ .: Stories. Some of the tales simply 2.72:1 ' , 1' .e: .‘, replace the old literary device of , . letter-writing with e-mail sending and, as such, feel a little cheap.

Others tell of duplicity and Trevor dishonesty; a valid subject who [he Hm Bdchoioys (Vi-mug £13.99) :asn tsurfed Into dodgy Sites by errant advertismg or malncuous pop-ups? ut Without delvung into how the facelessness afforded by the net can ~.: a '. '. 1.;2 affect us all, the stories do little but mildly entertain. _ . . . I: . ' ,' - 'r r. .‘.e However, when the offerings take our preconceptions with the web and ;, , ' ' av. -. - If‘ose play with them, the book feels like a worthy purchase. Freedom of r ' « T' ' «1.1' twat-«i to W I L L l A M information can make all of us powerful and a story like 'An End To Hunger' '- a H r .t . by China Mieville effectively explores how this power can corrupt. ' -: .::- I :n - r ' span.» «:w R Outrageous leaps of fantasy, such as Ian Watson's ’When Thought-Mail m:- '2': ,a a; .- :‘e T" ':.:' «:w. ‘o' Failed’ also serve to explore the future of the internet, thus our future. '1. " '11- 'ze'”«:"ti"r:"1e""<:, As with most collections, this is a rather hit and miss affair, but anyone ' - '~ :t" flaw -' .' <-' :.io ‘; [- H I L L who has screamed during connection difficulties, laughed at The Onion or :--,; , x. =1 w 1 plundered Napster for all it’s worth, should find something in here to enjoy. - ~ .1 . .::;-.' " e. '.. I." F_\ H E L O i (lain Davidson)

New {no/Isl) Ubra/y Book Of Internet Stones Is pt/b/lsi‘ied on NW 16 Nov

abyssinian chronicles moses isegawa

'tii‘ \t“ EVuilsi‘i IlBR\R\


Caught in a web of inconsistency


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ttee, stt'poeo' of Its leaves, yet st:ll a‘ootiy e'tte'tatrzi'v' " .3" ":s o ' Einar Karason (leaify (ietmeo as :t !ooms through the .ie'.'.i>outt

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oo'w beyond the loss of il‘-(‘ll in/es woo ti llldkt‘ you (" or'tle a People Elite the Protestant priest Ill 'Ol oout < :a"'s (tosstfai rt ‘Pl.iQ BL". you'to li‘.e( loth', have just (ome to 'eallse (xv es S'it-t“ gets the ."()(l ‘or "‘s risorr o‘ the tomoehsattoo for a life of simple a took (l s“-.'t<; out fast (:esse'fs or‘ a . i "' . ' irutitiet‘y ‘.'.l‘i|( h a stiittle att of Butts.“ neat"; for. -Br art D<>t1a5osm ' Hf

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.‘.'tt)st‘ < t'eataoh is in Me (()ll‘.l)l(".(‘ as Gore C O R E V I L

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Anti '.'."'it‘li llt“.()." :s at his very best, is

he is .". the heart-sear:h(;|§,/ l)()l(lli<illl Perhaos (yore Vttial's ‘l‘lairati'xe 0‘ ‘(xootl Nexus', even the (tux of the thyme series, ‘.'.hi( :1 this li()‘.'(‘l

stow (toes Lll‘fl.‘.lll’.(‘l‘., treating a otete (ompietes, should be oseti v.“ stltoois of $.00. 22W it is all the more ooxa'eitol 'lislé‘dtl ot (lusty textbooks for these ‘or ire orttzss-oi‘. “Thom Dll)(l:!lt fictional (lir()ttl( les Dit'tt; insto'fi,’ to me

through their exam (Marat te' sattot‘

they l)l()‘.|(l(" the oatkoroor‘t: anti Hornby ed (it't or'tstaitte i'l mime: the politxs ar‘o‘

« .. . (allure o‘ il‘ attoh mentioned

Spem’ {it} ‘.\./.tt. Tne Ance. m G ,; “A I; l , 3p , m‘ .5 4 e or en (:e s )dtis ‘.e i.(“ as .o

(Pewgum £7.99) '

Continued over page (willy 50s, ‘.‘t.L".e.'i the USA's influeote STAR RATINGS

, utstandnng \1‘..'e"‘et“-')e' " 7t‘e 80s \‘J‘er‘ ' a." "(2 '.'.as TelT mos‘ me (“one 't‘t()'i( it 00th 0 Vt . ., \.( I . ( ) . ’1 t t J i _‘ ROCOlenCHdCd ' t".‘:'. t"e eat: s":"'\ Nave "‘..sos .'\';‘L7.'.{‘S°.1'.i‘l‘. {wont} Bot) etot‘oUM POT-f" (“7” ’w'lt‘ ‘30") 43"“) "1 WOrth a try t we a Cu- of or". ‘."e' "‘:‘:'.("s 'otmo' to "etorit Ml) their (met: a 's( tea-"s ttla‘ lets us SO-SO " 7‘ :"a' 1. " z“ 3*")"47. Cf" e." '."e at Te Lions-0 POOL