ART listings EDINBURGH MUSEUMS continued


Royal Mile. 556 I090. Daily 9.30am 4.30pm. £5.50 11.2.70 £4i; iamin ticket LI3.50. Views Of Germany: Queen Victoria and Prince Albert t'ntiI Sat 3I .Mar. Sixty watercolours selected Irom the collection at Windsor Castle. illustrating the royal sisits to Germany.


53 High Street. Queensierry. 33I 5545. Mon. Thu. Fri ck Sat I0am- Ipiii 6-; 2.I5—5pm; Stiti noon» 5pm. Free.

Food For Thought A look at children's diet and eating habits os er the past I50 years.


2 ('liatnbers Street. 247 42I‘). .Moii Sat I0ani 5pm t'I'ue ts'ptni; Sun noon 5pm. £3 IL I .50i; under IRs iree. A I‘ltli century museum housing international collections oi natural history. geology, science. technology and the decoratise arts. plus two permanent exhibitions: Art A’- liitlioirs and The /I'_\' lltt (iu/lert.

Millennium Clock A chance to s iew Rttssiaii mechanical sculptor Iiduard BersudskyN millennium clock. a kinetic sculpture. measuring nine metres Iiigli. The Jackie Stewart Formula L‘nuI Sun 30 Sep 200l. Jackie Stewart ()Bli and the National Mtiseums oi Scotland Iias e joined iorces ior the Iirst lime to create this unique recreation oi the two Stewart I‘ord Pit (iaragc. A tiittst ior all (irand Prix tans. Heaven And Hell And Other Worlds Of The Dead t'iitil Sun I I I-‘eb. Discos'et‘ belieis and customs irom around the ssorld iii an exhibition oi the aiterliie. Iixhibits include a Mercedes-Ben/ coiiiii. shamans’ masks. Iigyptian grase goods. Mexican iestise skeletons and much more.

Black And White - Ageing In Cultural Diversity t'ntil mid Iieb. Age (‘oiicerii Scotland's photography project was des‘eloped to recognise that images oi older people in Scotland iiitist reflect the cultural dis ersity oi our society. Photographers Anthony Bayliss. Jon-Paul Das is. Mick Lange atid Atitiie Park spent months with the older people taking snapshots oi their daily lises.

Source t'ntil Sttii 7 Jan. New work by user twenty Scottish applied artists Iias been created as a response to objects iound in Scottiin Mtiseums. Ratigitig irom metalwork to ceramics. the exhibition ieaturesjewellery by Dorothy IIogg. iiess glass work by Deborah I’Iadgate and costumes by Suzanne Langston Jones. From Lahore To Lesmahagow: The Story Of A Sikh Laird t'ntil Stiii l8 I-‘eb. The National Mtiseums has commissioned the Sikh artists and twin sisters Rabindra and Amrit Kaur Singh to create six miniature paintings which will be on display in the Royal Museum.


Iiouiitaiiipark. Dundee Street. 22‘) I706. Mon ~Sat I0am--5pm; Sun I Iam~5pm. Millennium Tapestry t'niil Sun I2 Not. ()s'er I00 millennium tapestries produced by more than 20.000 school children throughout Scotland go on display ior the first time. Measuring one metre square. the colout'iul tapestries depict Iiie in areas oi Scotland irotii a child's point oi s iew.


Lady Stair's House. Lady Stair‘s Close. 52‘) 490I. Mon—Sat ltlam—5pin. I‘ree.

Brothers In The Muse t'niil Sat to Dec. Celebrating the 250th anniversary oi the birth oi Robert I‘ergusson and the l50th annis'et'sary' oi the birth oi Robert Louis Stes‘enson. this exhibition looks at the Scots literary tradition.


Lower Iiast Mall. ()s‘ergate Shopping Centre. (II 382 229473.

Fleet t'ntil Sat 25 Nos'. .A series oi three exhibitions sited within Dundee's new shopping centre. Ness paintings by Caroline Kerr and Nicole Battdon are on display.

90 THE LIST 16—30 Nov 2000

DUNCAN OF JORDANSTONE COLLEGE l'ins‘ersit) oi Dundee. I3 Perth Road. 0|3S2 345330. Mon I'il

.30am b.30pm; Sat ck Stiii

.30am 4.30pm.

Performance t'nul Hi I? .Nos trooper and Lower I-‘oy er (iaIIeriesi. A series oI otie-oii. time-based art works which challenge the way in w Inch we make and consume art.


152 Nethergate. 01332 432000. lite-Wed. Sat ck Stiti I0.30ani 530me Thu & I‘ri I0.30ain Spin. I‘ree. Roderick Buchanan - Players Sat 25 Nos Stiii 4 I’eb. 'I‘he (ilasgow -born artist Roderick Buchanan and recent ss inner oI the Beck's I'titnres award. has his iirst major solo exhibition. Bringing together a substantial collection oi work ieaturing audio. s ideo. photography and sculpture. the show s oiiers s icwers a tiiiiqtie insight itito one oi Scotland's lines! contemporary artists. See ieature.


25 2o .Mid \Vynd Industrial Itsttite. 0I3S2 225082. Thu Stiii I (rpm. Undee t'iitiI Stiii 2o Nos. Keith I‘arqhuar and Iiwaii Roberston collaborate to produce new work which explores the sy mmetry oi the iornier industrial tiiiits oi the gallery.


Albert Square. 0l3S2 432084. Mon Sat I0ain 5pm; Stiti I230 4pm; IIIII

I0ani 7pm.

Brangwyn's Gift Sat 25 .Nos Sun I I Mar. Paintings. prints and draw iiigs by Hank Braiigwyn ism I‘)5(i. The show ieattires os'er I30 works including oils. etchings. litliographed World War I posters and tile drawings.




Broughton Place. Brotiglitoii. (llSU‘) 830234. Daily I0.30am (ipni tclosed Wed).

Christmas Exhibition Sun It) Nos' Inc- I‘) Dec. Paintings. prints and craits by a wide range oi artists.



Iilinbaiik As enue. 0l5o3 52040].

Mon 'I‘ue ck 'I‘hti I‘ri 9am Spin: Wed (N1 Sat I0am 5pm.

Evolution Isn't Over Yet t'ntiI Sat I) Dec. New art iroiii emerging Scottiin artists on tour irom Iidinburgh's I-‘ruitinarket (iallery.

Adesh - Amdrew McDermid t‘iiiiI Sat 0 Dec. Andrew McDermid traseIIed to remote areas in Northern India to photograph os er twenty portraits oi Indian hon men tSadIitis). The results are a stunning collection oi black and

w bite and cibachrome prints. oiiering a rare insight into these my stical gurus.


SMITH ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM Dtnnbarton Road. 0I7So 47W I 7.

Tue» Sat I0.30ain 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. The Stirling Story t'ntil 'I'hu 3| May. An insight into Stirling's history through objects. paintings. sculpture. poetry atid pertorinance.

R.H. Morton (1892-1965) t'titiI Sun 3I Dec. The work oi Stirling-born artist IIarold Morton t IS‘)2-I‘)o5i is celebrated in an exhibition oi oils. sketches and etchings oi Scottiin landscapes. Iiuropean tras'els atid portraits oi iamin and iriends. A graduate oi Iidinburgh (‘oIIege oi Art atid a close iriend oi (iiIIes. Mac'I'aggart. Maxwell et aI. Morton was a landscape painter this is the Iil‘st exhibition oi his Iiie and work. Bible Story ’I‘hu to Nos ‘Sun 14 Jan. Ati exhibition oi original artwork ior the Little Hum/s Story Bible/Ur ('lii/t/rt'n. I‘eattiring os‘er 70 paintings by selected artist Jeiniiier Stes'enson. the book is one oi the biggest art commissions in relation to the Bible in recent years.


lectures & events



Claude Closky and David Belingham in I7 Nos. 2pm. I’ree. II‘;IIII\\;I_\, ('losky discusses his work \s IIII (ilasgosx -I‘;I\L'LI artist Das id Bellinghaiii. l’ttrt oi Iii it' St: llt'.

Pierre Huyghe and Philippe Parreno I‘ri I" Nos. lpiii. I’ree. ’I'ramway. the artists discuss their recent work and collaborations. l’tii't oi lit 11' Sit In.

DIY Discussion Ill 1“ No\. 2.30 4pm I’ree. Market. Artists lx'es in lIuIcIiesoii. Simon Blackinore. Nick I'.\atts. Rebecca Milling. Stes en :\Iltlel'stttl and Deborah .lacksoii share their experiences oi taking part iii DIY. a series oI sell-curated. tle\eltipetl. installed. ms Igllatetl and iunded exhibitions.

Gallery Sat Ib' .Ntis. Street l.e\el. Bruno Serralongue talks about Iits work oit show. l’tii'l u/ltiit' Sit In.

Workshop with Valerie Mrejen Sal I.s' Nos. l0am noon. 'I‘ramssay. Artist Valerie Mrejen leads [his ssoI’lstIop as part HI the I'i'i’n' Sit lie iestisal oI contemporary art ironi trance.

Daniel Lesbaches Sat I.s' Nos. 3pm. I'I'L'c‘. 'I‘he (ilasgow Project Room. Lesbachcs. director oiJ()t'SSli Iinterprise (iallery in Paris discusses the work (ll-(.ItIlILlL‘ I.e\'eqtte. l’url of lll'l't' Sit Iii:

Gallery Talk Wed 22 Nos. lpiii. I‘ree. Ilunlerian Art (iallery. (’uratoi' Peter Black talks about the work ot the Dutch priiitmaker. Nono Reinhold.

On The Domes Of St. Avit Wed 22 .Nos. 5.30pm. I‘ree. Ilunlerian Art (iallery. Ian Pickering irom the Mackintosh School oi Architecture gis es a talk on this inediesal abbey.

Tanya Leighton Wed 22 .\'m. I 2pm. Pensioners Action ('eiitre ('astlemilk. 57o (l I S2. The director oi Iii-re Sit llt’. ‘I'aiiy'a Leighton presents an illustrated introduction to contemporary art iii I'i'atice.

lane Lee iii 24 Nos. lpiii. 'I'ramway. I‘ree. .-\I'I historian Jane discusses the backgrottnd and historical influences on contemporary art I'roin I'i‘ance. I’m! or Iii't't' Sit Iit'.

David Doul Mon 27 Nos. I2.45pin. £2. The Lighthouse. Das id Doul oi (‘ooper (‘romar Associates talks about commercial architecture in (ilasgow.

Gallery Talks Wed 2‘) Nos. Ipm. I-ree. Ilunlerian Art (iallery. ('urator Pamela Roberston talks about the current exhibition. ll'liisI/t'r (Hill l/ti/lttittl. Raymond Carver Documentary Inn 30 Nos'. 7 S.l5pin. 'I'ransmission (iallery. 'I‘honias IIirschhorn's altar tribute to Raymond ('ars'er w ill be installed in a public site in (ilasgoss. Artist Kes iii Hutcheson introduces a screening oi a Raymond ('ars er documentary and a briei background history oi the writer. l’urt oi lit/1'5}! Ilt‘.


Ami Barak 'I'hti Io Nos. I lam. I'ree. Iidinbtirgh (‘ollege ()i Art. 7‘) the (irassniai'ket. 22I ()llllll. Director oi the I’rac I.anguedoc-Rotissilloti. Atiii Barak presents an osers‘iew oi recent curatorial itc‘tl\'ities. l’tll'l (If Ill/1‘ .Stl Iit'.

Matthieu Laurette 'I-Iltl It) .Ntis. noon. I‘ree. Iidinburgh ('oIIege ()iArt. 7‘) The (irassmarket. 22I (lllllll. The artist talks about his recent work. Part u/ Iii-re Su lit’. Gallery Talk I‘ri I7 Nos. 3pm. I-‘ree. Talbot Rice (iaIlery. Lucy ()rta discusses her work currently on show iii the gallery. Vivre Sa Vie Symposium - Post- Medium: Outside Sculpture/Inside Sculpture Sat I.s' Nos, l..‘s0 5pm. to IL-Il. Iidinburgh (’oIIege ()i Art. 7‘) The (irassmarket. 22I (lllllll. I’or iurther iniormation call 0I4I 57o olb’2. the locus oi this symposium is to examine whether ‘iiistallatioii art' can be considered as a deselopment within the history oi the medium oi sculpture. Introduced by Dr Andrew Patri/io. director oi Research at Iidiiibtirgh (‘ollege oi Art. the

.s} mposium‘s moderator is Adrian Searle.

art critic Ioi lizt (inn/titan. the panel Ieattires Soplne Berrebi. art critic and historian based in Paris. Nicholas Bourriaud. associate directoi at the PaIais de 'I'ols}o. Paris. Penelope t’tirtis. curator at the Henry .Moore I-otindatioii. I.eetls. 'I‘Iioinas IIn'scIiliorn. Paris-based artist and Izric I'ioncy. cttiator at I e ('onsortitnn. Dijon

Art And Ideas In Scotland: Towards The Present Mon 20 Nos. l2 45pm I‘lc‘c‘ National (iallery oI Modern Art Mtn'do Macdoiiald Ironi Dundee llll\c‘I\II_\ gises a talk.

Vivre Sa Vie On Video Mon 20 No\.

5 (spin Iiisttttit I'rancats d'I‘cosse I'Iie

Iii rt Sn in interpretation s ideo. Ieattning iiitei's iess s with the artists and documentation oi then work. will be on show at the gallery

National CPD Events Inc 21 Nos.

I2 30 5pm £45. RI.\S (iallery. I5 Rtitlaiid Square. 22‘) 7545 I'Ht Iiirther iniormation and booking contact the Royal Incorporation oI Architects iii Scotland. I5 Rtitlaiid Square. I'ditibtirgh. IzllI 2Bl',. I'eI. 0I3l 22‘) 7545'. tax; 0|3I 22S 2I.\'.\'; etnaiI: kricliartlsoiitu t'iasoi‘guk. Aimed at employers intending to employ staII. this one-day conterence looks at etiiploy inent issues including contracts oi employ ineiit. temporary employees and national iiiiiiiiiitiiii wage

Kith And Kin Wed 22 Nos. l2.-I5piii I'I'ee. National Portrait Gallery. .leatnie ('anin/xo Iroiii Iidiiibnrgli t'insersity gis es It IL‘c‘IlII‘e.

Abild aard, Ossian and Adam Smith: A Danis Painter And The Scottish Enlightenment Wed 22 Nos. 5. I Spin I‘ree. t'tnsersity ()i Iitiiiibtirgli. ()ld (‘oIlege. 225 7IS‘). Dr Patrick Ix'rageltiiid. head librarian at the Royal Academy oI lime Arts. (‘openliageii gises a talk. Raymond Carver Documentary IIIII 23 Nos. (i 7.I5pin. (‘olIectise (iallery. 'I‘hoinas Ilirscliliorii‘s altar tribute to Raymond ('arser will he installed III a public site iii (ilasgoss. Artist Ises III Ilutclieson introduces a screening oi a Raymond ('arser documentary and a briei backgrouiid history ot the writer. tin or Iii'rt' .Su Iii:

Lunchtime Talks Inn 23 Nos. I2.3llptii. I‘iic‘c‘. ('in Art Centre. Norah I.esai. a Hungarian textile artist. gises an illustrated talk on textile art in Hungary and her contribution to the current exhibition.

The Demidoffs And Madame Mere I'il'l 24 Nos. I2.45pin. l'ree. Natiotial (iaIIery oi Scotland. A talk by Stephen Dtiiiy Ironi 'I‘Iie Wallace ('ollection.

Andrew Gifford Sat 25 Nos. 2pm. I't‘ee. I‘ruitmarket (iallery. Andrew (iiitord talks about his work currently on show in the gallery.

The Big Draw .Mon 27 Nos. l0ani 5pm. l'II'L‘L'. lltillltlt Rice (iallei‘y. IIIL‘ gallery opens its doors ior this special draw mg day. suitable ior first to sixth year school children.

The Colourists And France Mon 2* Nos. l2.45pm. I‘ree. National (iallery oI Modern Art. I'Lli/abetli (‘unninng ireeIance art historian. puts the work oi the Scottish (‘olourists under the spotlight. Film Mirror And Effect 'I‘ue 2.x .Nos. 0.30 I I.30ain. ('ollectis e (iallery. Ages l5+. Local artist I‘red Pedersen nis ites participants to consider conditions surrounding the production oi art. with reierence to iiltii critique and the work oi Marine IIugoiinier. Part of Hire Sit llt’. ’Cartomania': The Rise And Fall Of The Carte-De-Visite Wed 2‘) Nos. I2.45pin. I‘ree. National Portrait (ialIery I. Duncan Iiorbes irom the National (iallcries gises a talk.

Lunchtime Talks Thu 30 Nos. l2.3llpni. I‘ree. ('in Art ('eiitre. Alison King. chair person oi IiD(iIi and art teacher at St Georges School. Iidinbtn‘gh. talks about the group IiD(}Ii and textile art iii Iidiiibtirgh.


Exhibition And Sale Of Paintings Sun 26 Nos. I 5pm. l’rce. Iiastwood IIotise. Iiastwood Park. Rouketi (ilen Road. 577 4070. (ilasgoss Southern Art ('Iub present a iestise exhibition and sale oi paintings.