ART listings



33I \Vc‘sl (ic‘til‘gc' Sll'c'c‘l. 3-13 975.5.

.\lon I‘l'l lllam 5.30pm; Sat Illam 3pm. Scottish Paintings t'nnl ’l‘hu 3t) Not. Scottiin paintings l'rom l‘Nlll to conicmporar} \stii'ks.


IS (‘astlcniilk Arcadc. D54 3603.

Mon Sat Illam 5pm.

Rainy Season l'ntil 'I'hu 2t I)c-c. I’iinttnalscrs Norman .\Iathicson aitd Iait .\lc.\'icol took part in an c\changc programmc lictuccn (ilasgou I’rint Studio and lIic Sir J.I School til All in \lumhai. India during 3lllll). 'l‘hc icsuliing c\hiltition c'\pIorcs ihc c\pcricncc ol thcir \isit along \\iIII \\t)l‘I\ It} rcccnt gi‘adtiatcs and morc cstahlishcd Indian printinakcrs uho \\til'I\' in \Iutnl‘iai.


()iiccn Strccl. 33‘) l‘)‘)(i. Mon 'I‘hti & Sat Illani 5pm; I‘ri tk Siiii l lam 5pm. Fernando Arias l'ntil Sun 3S Jan. Working in iitcditiins ol installations.

\ idco and pcrl'ormancc. ('olomhian artist I'crnando :\I'I:Is shim s ncu \sorls spcciall} ci‘catcd l'or thc gallcry along

\\ ith \xork produccd o\cr lhc last li\c )cars. .-\rias rcprcscntcd ('oloinhia in thc I‘N‘) \cnicc Bicnnalc aitd ltis \\t)l'I\' is in lIlt' t'tiIIc'c‘litills (II. lIlc‘ \'&:\ .\Ill\c‘tlm. I.ondoii; .\Itisco dc :\rt Modcrn. Rio dc .lanciro; .\Iusco dc .'\I'IL‘ Modcrno. Bogota; and thc l'niscrsiiy ol’ lisscx. lain Passmore and Louise Shambrook l‘ntil Sitii 38 Jan. ('uratcd It} .-\licc .v\ngus. I\\ti artists crcatc \t'ork l‘or tIic cil_\ 's (ilasgas cclcln'ations. l’assmoi‘c \torks in lcns-hascd tncdia. combining photograph} and tcxt to cxplorc thcmcs ol' placc. timc and idcntity and Shainlirook tiucstions hou ga} inlormaiion is intcr TI‘C‘IL‘tI h} thc mcdia. Shrine T0 The Sel l'ntil Sun 38 Ian. ()rganiscd It) (ilasga} 7. six (ilasgtm- liascd ga) aitd Icshian artists crcatcd \Htl'Is during a scrics ol‘ \\t)I'I\'\Iit)ps with thc artist llildc Ash. Participants csplorcd thcir lcclings on suhiccts such as gciidcr. sc\ualit_\. idcntit} and thc [\It}\ic‘;iI \L'IIi.


I)omcstic (‘orridotz (iatcs I7 33. I’;iislc'}'. SS7 l l I l. \'ic\s ing rcstriclcd lo passcngcrs handling on doiiicstic llights. John Bonis, Jean Hughes. Lynn Hunter and Pervaze Mohammed l'ntil I-‘ri l5 Dcc. l’ari ol~ ()rln'l. a programmc ol‘ artist- run c\hihitions. .\'c\\ uork.


('al'c( osino. l3 Rosc Slrccl. 333 6535. Mon Sat ll)..‘~(iam ‘)pm.

Football Animation Strip Exhibition l'ntil Thu 30 .\'o\. .-\n c\hihition ol‘ IitHIII‘iIII strips tIc‘signc‘tI lti Iic‘ \sorn in it ncxs animation lcatiiring thc crcant ol‘ Scotland's acting ialcnt and thc licst looihallcrs iii (iIasgtm.

Scottish Smalls I’ri l- Sun 3| Dc‘c. .-\ touring c\hihition l'rom (ilasgoss Print Studio lcatiiring small scalc print works It} mcmlicrs ol all ol Scotland's l’rint Studios including Dunl'crmlinc. Izdinhurgh aiid Dundcc.


I William Strccl. 30-1 5545. Jean Hughes l'uiil Sat ll l)c-c. I’aintings. l’iirl with/til.


I l Di\on Strccl. 33I 7303. Dail)

llam midnight.

Greer Ralston Hi I Sun 3! Dcc. .\’udc sludic's It} (ilasgtm School (II~.'\I'I graduaic (irccr Ralston.


35 King Strcci. 553 (I704. 'I‘uc Sat

Illam 5.30pm.

Digitally Mastered t’niil Sat 23 Dec. ln\ itcd artists crcatc ncxt \tork tisiitg thc latcsi in digital tcchnolog)‘ in printmaking.

86 THE LIST 33' Ho.

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM lI‘ornicrI} (iIasgms lndcpcndcni Studioi. ‘l‘op Floor. ()4 ()sbournc Strcct. 553 H73. 'I‘uc Sat 37(ipm.

Claude Leveque t’niil Sat 2 Dec. ('Iaudc I.c\cquc. \xhosc installations comlnnc sound. light. narraiisc and sciiiitg. prcscnis a rcccnt ncon pic-cc lor thc gallcr} spacc. I’tirl (if Ill‘l't’ Sit Ilt'.

The Simian Crayola Felony And Other Stories Mon ll 'I‘hu l4 Dcc. Drauings and paintings hascd on tra\cls to India It) Dais} Richardson and Hugh (iiIIati.


(iroiind I-‘loor. I’rinccs Stitiai'c. Buchanan Slrccl. 33l Slo3. .\lon Sat lllam opin; Sim Ilain 5pm.

New Artists .-\ \ aricd sclcction ol' work It} up-and-coming artists lcaluring sculpturc. tc\tilc dcsign. paintings and icucllcr}.


I67 chlrcu Sll‘c‘c'l. 555 450”. Mon I'll 9.30am Spin; Sat lllam 5pm; Sun I 4pm. Bureau Des Videos l'ntil 'l'hu 30 Not (Mackintosh l.ihrar}. .\Ion Sat

lllam nooni. I-‘orming part ol lhc multi- tcnuc lcsii\al. Ii’i'ri' Sit IIt'. uhich ltighlighis thc cui‘rcnt trcnds and dc\clopmcnts in l‘rcnch conlcmporar} art. Burcau Dcs \'idcos. an agcnc} loi' thc displa) and distribution ol' \ idco-hascd art. prcscnt a \ itIco Iihrar} ol thcir collcction. Myron Helfgott and Carlton Newton l’ntil Sat ‘} Dcc t.\IacI\intosh (iallcr} i. I.argc-sca|c mcchanical draxs ings It} two artists l'rom Richmond. Virginia.

Meter Metier l'nlil \Vcd () Dcc (Atrium (iallcr) I. An c\liihiiion c\amining thc

s_\ mhiotic rclationship hctuccn [caching and practicc. bringing iogcihcr a group ol' practitioncrs/tutors u ho sharc a common passion lor thc liiturc ol' ihcir pi'olcssion. Textile Department Exhibition Mon

4 Hi 8 Dcc t.\'c\shcr_\ (iallcr} I. An c\hihition highlighting thc cxploration ol' thc ph} sical qualities ol' thc mcditim and thc “oils that rcsults l'rom ihc dcpartmcnt. Timothy Emlyn Jones - The Elements Of Drawing Thu 14 Dcc- Sat 27 Jan t.\lackiniosh (iallci') i. I)l‘il\\ iiigs in a \arict}' ol' mcdia h} Timothy liinl} n Joncs. dcput) dircctorol(i|asgou Scltool ol'.-\ri.


3()l) Buchanan Sircct. .Ul 333$. Mon Fri 0am 0pm t'l‘hu until 8pm i; Sat 9am (ipm; Sun llam 5pm.

Nicholas Pages l‘ntil .\ton IS Jan. A ncu commission h} Nicholas l’agcs sich in (iIasgtm and Iidinhurgh's hranchcs ol Ilahitai. Ilis crcatixc \s'riting conccniraics oii thc dcscription ol c\cr_\da} lilc. l’url of III'I‘t' Sit IIt'.


l'nncrsii} ol' (ilasgou. S3 Ilillhcad Strccl. 3305-131. .\Ion- Sat 9.30am 5pm. I-rcc. Whistler And Holland t'niil Sat 27 Jan tIi\hiliition (iallcry i. 'l'hc Dutch landscapc inspii'cd some til. Jaille .\Ic‘.\'c‘iI “Itislicfs lincst ctchings. as “C” as \talci'colours and small oils. IIis \tork is shoun alongsidc ctchiiigs by Rcmhrandt. and uork h} his (in n ctintcmporariCs and lollottct's.

Nono Reinhold -The Stairs t'niil Sat 27 Jan tI’icturc (iallcr} ). .-\ SCl‘iL‘s ol' tcn cichings inspircd h} staircases lrom thc Dutch artist.

Putting Pen To Paper t'niil Sat It) lit-h (Mackintosh Ilousc (iallcryi. 'l'hc illtistration and graphic dcsign \tork ol .-\uhrc)‘ Hcai‘dslc) t 1373 ISUSI is on displa} along \t itlt thc \sork ol' othcr artists ol' lIic‘ pc‘t'iod.


IS King Sti'cct. 553 35-10. Inc Sun

noon (ipm.

The Department l'ntil Sat 3 Dcc. 'I'o raisc ihc prol'ilc ol‘ Satcllitc Sitidios \\ hich ollcrs siiidio spacc. computcr acccss and support in dcwloping prolc'ssional skills. ()r/ti'i is a programme ol' artist-run c\hibiiions taking placc across (ilasgots throughout .\'o\' and Dcc. l-‘or littcrmcdia (iallcr). cighi lcmalc \ istial artists csaminc l'cmininit} and its traditional rolc. Iicatttrcd artists includc (’lara I'rsitti. (iittc (irill‘iih. Sall} Chapman. :\iinc-.\laric ('opcstakc aitd (‘laiidinc IIart/cl.

Rainy Season: printworks by Norman Mathieson and Ian McNicol at the Fringe Gallery

High Rise High Hopes l-‘ri is Ill 22 I)c‘c‘. ('hildrcn Ii\ ing iii Itiin risc l'lats arid tcncincnts l'rom dillcrcnt parts ol(ilasgo\s prcscnt photograph} and \ idco \\til'Is \\ Inch commcnis on thcir Ii\cs and homcs.


5i) (‘UUPL‘I Sll'c‘c‘l. 55‘) 54.5”. .\Ion \Vc‘d 9am opm; ’I'hu Sat 9am 7pm; Siiii

llam (ipltl.

Lincoln Rowe Thu 7 Sat It» Dcc. Scasoncd traxcllcz' aitd artist l.incoln Rou c shims ncu landscapc paintings.


ll .\liichcll l.anc. 33| (i3(i3. .\lon. \Vcd. I‘ri ck Sat ll)..‘~llam (ipm; ‘I'uc llam opin; 'l'liu lllRtlam Spin; Stiit noon 5pm. [I tincludcs cntr} to all c\hihitionsi. Ingenuity I'ntil Sun 3 Dcc. Young l’roduct Dcsign Iinginccring siudcnts iii (ilasgou shim thcii' \ isions l'or luttirc transport lorms.

Electric City 1 l'ntil Still 35 I'ch 'I'his uniquc c\hihition looks at (ilasgou ‘s conlcniporar} music sccnc. rcscaling hots lIic‘ sticccss ol' toda) is hands and artists has dc\c|opcd and groun. l‘roin .-\|c\ llarxc} to Bcllc ck Schasiian. thc c\hihitioii l'caturcs a ps) chcdclic l'looi‘ installation It} .Iim l.amhic. plus \Hil'IsSIIUPS. c\cnts. \ idco sc‘i‘ccitiitgs. listcning posts and intcractitc on-linc TV. And in thc cwnmg. a scrics ol' club nights arc planncd including |i\c “Is and gigs.

Archiprix 2000 Sat ‘) Dcc Sun 3l .Ian. ;\ shim casc ol top dcsign proiccts h} studcnts ol architcciurc. urban planning aitd landscapc archiiccttirc l'i'om Dutch tini\crsitics.


Zlit) Bath Slrcc‘l. 33! (i721'l‘uc Sat ()ain-opm.

Jim McChesney: and Jura Sat 3 Dcc 'I'hu IS Jan. Illustration paintings and thc launch ol thc ‘tlii'c‘cfiitickscom' uchsitc crcaicd b} Jim .\Ic‘('Iic‘siic'}. along \s ith [no and thrcc- dimcnsional paintings ol' iltc island oi Jura.


.534 I)UI\C Strcct. 550 I I35. Ith Sal

llam- 5pm.

The G31 Open Sun Hi Sat to [M is luc- ()A \Vcd 3| Jan. .-\n opcn c\hihition in\ iting artists u ho li\ c and \sork in thc (Bl postcodc arca to submit a postcard si/c arissork. Scc .-\ri Bcat.


350 Sauchichall Strccl. i i3 553 I

.\lon 'l'hu «k Sal Illani 5pm; I'll tk Siiii llam 5pm.

The Royal Glasgow Institute Of The Fine Arts Annual Exhibition t'niil Sat Io Dcc. L3 lLI i. .-\nntial t'\IllI‘lIliill ol sculpturc. paintings arid pit/cs \sorth tip to L I 5.000. IIIIS _\t‘;ii"s cnliics incliidc \sork I‘} I’c‘lt‘t‘ IIti\\ Still. I)Hl|f_' (‘I‘L'Isk'lfl Kt‘llIi Rand and I’ctcr Ilcxan.


"3 Rohcrtson Slrcct. Sinic (i. limit |. 3m VI I. Ihii I'll I 5pm or |t_\ appointincnt. Bojan Sarcevic l‘ntil In I l)t-c. In his l'irst c\hilution iii Scotland. Sarccs ic \II()\\\ a sc‘IL‘c‘lltill til llc‘\\ \Kitl‘Is. Rc‘c‘c‘lll lil'tiic‘L‘IS lllc‘IlltIt‘ VII/IF /‘t!itiHI'Ilt' (i/Ul/It'h IIitI‘Il I)’\ .Ilt'll .IIii/ IIii/nt'u, INN/liq lint/t. a scrics ol sciilptiircs shim n alongsidc tIll'I} l'asouritc clotlics and //n' [fit/Ix ()1 .Itll lit'li. l\\o giant iliclaI ItaIIs. l’iirl of

Iii I'i' Sit in.


('citirc I'or I)c\clopincnial .v\rts. IS .'\llnon Strcct. 553 3S33. .\Ion I‘ll Illain 5pm. Group Show l'ntil I‘ll S I)cc. :\ groiip shots ol paintings I») Izduard Ilcni}. Ronnic .\Ic('ii|loc|i. Rohcrt .\Ic('amlc} and S} |\ ia .\Ic.r\ulc_\.


IIS Douglas Strcct. 34S MSo. .\Ion I‘l'l “1.30am 5pm; Sat lllfitlam lpm.

Linda Clark and Freida Ewart Scott l'ntil Sat 3 Dcc Oil paintings,

MC 3 Sal ‘) Sat 35 Dcc, ()iIs. \\;ilci'coIiiiii‘s and photographs It} .-\l'L‘IllI‘;lItI Dunhar \Ic‘IllltisIl :tlltI Ills I\\(i\(IIIS.'\IL'\QIIIKIL'I'1III(I ('allum.


()am 4.30pm.

Colour For Health t'niil Ali Not. Paintings in oil. \iaicrcolour and pastcls It} \Iargarct S. 'I‘lioinson.


(i Burnl'icld Road. (iil'lnock. 053 I30”. 'I'tic Sat lllam 5pm; Stiii noon 5pm: (‘I'L'SSH c‘II I.;tlic' ltilli I3} l'c's Road i. (HIS I300. 'l'uc Sat llain 5.3llpm; Sun

noon 5 mi.

Emerging Artists Partnership 'l‘uo nc\s gallcrics l'roin thc Iimcrging Artists I’arincrship shim casing thc \sork ol'