The charts aren't what they used to be. They're better. And they don't come better than a good

Number One.


BY THE TIME I DISCOVERED Ihe ehartx. it \\;I\ ahead} Inn late. ’l'he_\ id lwuwne _lll\l annther meanx nl inlni‘matinn aetpiixitinn. ne\t In maga/ine\. Ihe net and pxetidn—iiilaiilile Saturdat mnrning 'l‘\'. lltit imagine a time liel'nre \ladnnna. llnnna .\ir and Hnnatella \ermne Imagine a Britain nl‘ Ihe earl} Sllx \\ here e\ei'_\thing \\a\ in hlaek and white . .. \\’hen Ihe nl'l‘ieial \inglex ehartx began in NS}. l’rank SinaIra and l)nri\ l)a_\ the [mule t‘tltllhtlt‘lll Hl (‘anderel \\ L‘I'L‘ ttl‘lt‘l‘lllg up an axpiraIinnal glamntii' that \\a\ a lar et'_\ li'nm Ihe deprewed l'l\' eennnm}. lt mart tmIil Ihe end nI~ the deeade Ihat the ehartx hegan itx \ear ()I'l‘he ()tiill'. lil\ l\ l’rexle} gnt linIi\e\\i\e\ all \hnnk Iip h} lnnking like the kind nl’ gti_\ \\hn'd enme h} In \xnrk nn the garden in the \IIIIIIHL‘I'. and he \eI the mntild Inr \nln \l;Il'\I _\nimg. hnrn_\ and .A\meriean.



need \a} nnthing

mnre than that the Britixh etlnnalent \\a\ (‘lill

Riehard. the I'amntix ('hrixtian etmtieh.

ln I‘M} the eharIx tmderxxenI their Html \igniIieanI dexelnpment. 'l'eenx \\ ere innneenI. hnred and alienated lrnm Iheii' parentV lxllt\\\lt‘tl:_’t‘ nl the Ii'ial\ M the war; _lnhn. l’anl. (ienrge and Ringn \\ ere at nnee nnrmal l.i\erpnnl hn-u made gnnd and nriginatnrx nl' a next \nttnd. The eharlx began tn matter in _\ntith etilttire heeattxe nn\\ it “ax prednminantl} 'Ihe lxidx‘ \xhn \\ ere hti} mg Ihe l'CCtH'tl\.

\Vhen the Rnlling SInnex \\\I1It:_‘ intn Inuit later Ihat _\ear. the ehnnxing pnn er nl )ntmg


ennxinneix hegan tn lle\ ll\ mtm'le 'l'heii‘ prelerenem nenl hand in hand with the eiilI nI eelehrit_\. the taxeinatinn nith heatit}. glamntir and drama. 'lliei‘e \\ ere nn nightelnhx. nn harx. ten hip \hnp\ nm\ide nl l.nndnn \nhnd} had _\et \kriIIen the l'IIlt'\ nl alternati\e gnnd Ia\Ie. \xhieh \xniild e\plain 'leri‘_\ .laelxx' l‘Fl hit \ingle 'Seaxnllx ln 'l‘he SIm'. \xhieh \.\a\ all ahnnt death. I mean. \thn hung/21thatfi’;\eInall}. l knim the anxxxer: m_\ paremx hntight it. I dnn't l\nn\\ \\lt_\.

llt llk‘ late fill\ a \L‘I‘ltN Hl ltlt‘lx} \II‘llttN \L‘l Ihe mndel l'nr e\ei'_\thing thaI\ happened in mmie \inee: l)a\id meie. Ihe Se\ l’ixlnlx. l)nnna Summer. lx’n\_\ \llhle. lt \\;t\ all Ihere: tlte lnirgenning relaIininhip her. een arI. la\hinn and mnxie: a \eeret hednnixtie lilext} le ax \trnngl} implied h_\ punk a\ it \\a\ h} di\en; gender amhigitit} and Ihe prnmntinn nl mert