perx «nai erixex and mng ‘lftg’ l‘.illle\ at

areh»eneni'. lm'. e. lliix pr '. t We in; taxl; tm f r the talentxt I l tithe Mar; l1} Magnum llieatre. lr'. ne. 0 Brother, Where Art Thou? 1;. *ttt (Jmel (' -e:i.l S. :"Wllliew r; l :ie'. Jmhr. liirttirt -.'lini Blaine- .‘xeix :1 i“ riiznx, l’rextmn Sttirgex’.Sziffuti': in». .rfiel llmiiier'x l/l!‘ Mfume". are flu. xtartzzi; ;‘ antx lmr thix “tx xet xe're‘n.“ ti: e maul} \ll‘iie‘lll- talking l.‘.erett l‘lj.xeex MN :11} :( 'lm ne'. l.

xiinpletmn l)elniar INelx in; aral inalatlaixtetl l’ete liirtiiir it are :neiiil‘erx t a eliain gang


mn the rim lmmlang ti r l‘tlllL'tl 1‘ mt jmurnej. tip and tlm'.i.n the \lale mt \‘lixxixxippi liringx them intm ei illlae‘l xx ith axxi Ille'tl eeeentiiex haxetl mn llmiiier 'x in} thi ilmgieal tigiiiex. .\ lighter \xmrl-L tmi the ( ‘menx. riimie /\)(11\[,ll\l.erlavl’,:(1[llilllll1’.l\ll}.l‘Lllll“‘ xtill a rare treat. .\ tiiilj. eaptixatiia' .mr.letleraej. mt duneex Sehxledteleav‘

Oliver! it; the l( xiii-t tee-tail h. l\'l*ll \l'vr'tljx. ()ll‘.t'l lxt‘e‘tl. \l tile L'\lel. eltte‘lt \Vilti. llari} ~\eemnilwe 14h in.:ix .\ xparl.ling eaxt. great elii vetiapli} .lllkl xmriie tlaxhetl gin ‘ll ttinex pi« ltlL' a Lantlxt illlL‘ entertainment in l imnel llait‘» atlaptatimn mt (ill-iii l‘.‘.l\i'. lint the grim



xatire ml greetl. pm\.eit_‘. and emiiuptetl innmeenee that lhekenx ‘Mmte ix alinmxt entirely xiiimtlieretl (il'l'. (ilaxgmxn.

102 Dalmatians t l 'l i i * (lxe\ in linia. l'S l'lx', SUM!) ('ilenn t'lmxe, (ierartl Departlieti. lmaii (iriilttitltl. “ll rnirix. (‘riiella'x haek. .'\ll\l thix tiiiie xhflx l'lla. 'l‘lianltx tm a tht ml riiintl—alteiing l’a\ lm\ ian treatment during her xta_\ at Her .\laiext_\ 'x l’leaxtire. the larger than lite l‘JtlkllL' ix releaxetl iiitm the emrnriiiinity ax an animal— lm\ ing philantliimpixt. ( )nlt \\ hen ltig llett xtrilxex t\x el\ e tlmex the xpell xriap. letting her te\'ett tm eharaeter her paxximri tmi Dalmatian tiir ienexxetl 1H? mn limiii the miiginal etite eaniiiex. hiit the xliape ml the xlmt} ix \ iitiiall_\ relentieal. \\llllL' the xeript'x tmm eatight tip in the niaehinatimiix ml the human \ktlllel tm gi\'e the tlmgx enmtigh ml a lmml; in. (ieneial releaxe. Oscar And Lucinda ( 15) iii (tiitlian Arrnxtrmng, l'S .'\ll\llitll;l. I‘I‘W) Ralph l‘iennex‘ (‘ate lllanehett, (‘iaian llinelx. l3 rninx. Atlapteel lrmrii l’eter (lire) 'x lltiitlxk'l' l’ri/e-xx inning nmx el. thix tale ml paxximn antl iinemnxiirnrnatetl lmVe lallx thrt mt itx ,xhirninering gmalx. l-ieiinex ix a l‘lth eentiir)

ix a generatimn

rnan ml the elmtli mlixexxetl \\ ith gariihling

\\ hm hetx he ean tranxpmrt the glaxx ehtireh elexignetl hy an .»\tixtialian lieiiexx aeimxx the treaehermtix miitliaelx‘. l‘iennex aiiiiiiatex ()xear \\llll a lle‘t\mttx, ermxx-lilte intenxit}; but there ix a tletinite .xenxe ml xmnie \ ital elernent niixxing. ()tlemn. ;\.\ r.

Pitch Black t l\i ttti (liax-itl ‘l'xwtiy, 1'8. WW") Vin l)iexel. Raelha \lite‘liell. ('mle llaiixer. lltl rniiix. 'l heir xpaeexhip elainagetl h}; a iiietemr thwer. the ineniherx ml an inter-xtellar iiiixximri eiaxli—lantl mritm a pareheel planet. lit by three xiinx and inhabited by thmtixantlx ml \‘mraeimiix ll} ing ereattirex. lhe .xtin—l‘aketl planet and harniner-heatletl pretlatmrx are xltllxlllgl}‘ \‘ixualixetl, hut it ix the internal grmup

t1) nainiex that engage mne'x attentimn. 'lwmhy elem-Hy explmitx the telatiVe

anmn} rnity' ml hix eaxt inernheix. xtilwerting mtir expeetatimnx ahmtit \xhieh ml theni \\ ill .xtir\ i\ e. 'lhmxe )mii think _\mti ean trtixt turn mut tm he the laxt mnex _\mu eaii rely mn. antl \‘iee Verxa. Sinait, iniel hiielget xei-ti. Selee‘letl releaxe.

Pokemon The Movie 2000 l l’til ttitt (kielxl it tatltiltx) tlx'tinihilxm Yakima.

l‘S .lttl‘dlL It’llll) Mt ininx. 'l)ixttirh nmt the harrnmn)‘ ml l‘ire. lee and l iglitiiirig mr' .. the} 'H iiialxe it the plmt ml the new l’mi’u'nim/i eartmmn nim\ ie. 'l'he lltltllte’llilll trmin the aneientx ix, ml emtirxe. hrmken. ax a huge lleatli Rmhinxmn-xt} le ll} ing \xarxhip eapturex three elernental gtiarelian l’mlxeinmn lrmm their ()eeanie arehipelagm r mll the nimther ml all M Ninmxi (‘iie miir hermex tm the rexeue. l’mkeiiimii trainer .-\xh. hix .x\\eet anel elangermtix l’mlxeinmn l’ikaehti. .»\.xh'.xiii-denialgirllrienel .'\1ixt}’.;iiiell\titlel} 'l‘raey. .-\ll krimwn l’mkernmn. and a ten ne\\ ones. are there to help tmm. See re\ iew (ieneral releaxe.

Red Planet t 11) iii l.-\ntmn_\ llmttinan, l'S. ZtNlll) Carrie-Anne .\1mxx.\'a1 KllltteT. 'l‘min Si/enimre. ltlti niinx. lhe pmrtentmux mpening \miee-m er h} .\lmxx. ahmtit an L‘Ct‘lt‘glk‘dll}'l.t\.tth'\l liarth and the

and xetx

"Reta FILM

letltf Tm... e ' \a’. i\lai\ \. men It t.t.e g . ext. \ ee . a," _;' .l xe H. \\ e :1..‘..i:t._ie. .:.1‘ 'e t.e.e .‘ 1e e , _ g t l\ . . . . e .i \ gel» .ent \ ’ela ei x; e l_ e ee _\_,:i:.:\ llae nee exp. ii i. at t. e . el\1\ll'.i‘..'lel\ n \larx. xx e re :11a::;;.;a: '

llii‘llilxi. lI’ie lS-irii'



inatehtlie,\ ltl«‘~1e';‘l ‘eltle‘ll ‘fl ‘..iltle\ (ielietal releaxe.

Road Trip tFi *t** l \tttt l’?i:1i:;\x_t Se :lH'l Hiee'lxin .\ .r\riij. Smart. lmiii liteett, ‘H niinx, l mtir emllege palx xe'. t‘til mi: a rmatl ll!" trmrn New \ivrlt le‘\.a\ xx hen

ell >xh e‘ltealxv n hix ehiltlhmmti xxxeetheait littaii}.

iiiailetl \ lle'l it.

Feel it

anel hax li‘lll tla} x tm llllt'leet‘t the

pe mt hix intitlelitv l n little the limj.x learn .il‘iitll the iiiipmrtanf tliizigx in lite: the ralex

llte‘ l‘L‘\l 2‘.

it elieatirig in unit partner.

tm tit iiate \Pk'llll. xteaiiag tit ltl


It in

llfltltl Premiere

the l‘llllki antl aneient (iieele l’lllli‘m ith}. llie xtai ml the llllll ix tintlmtil‘tetllj. \l l \ eiiit l‘lte‘lli‘lllt'lli in lmiii ( ilee'tt. llix peilmiiiiaiie'e l\t1tl.tlttl1lee'tlit'll.t‘»e'TH‘Ulll\llle‘lle'\it\lle gi‘. ex a tllll‘. etxit\ tmtii. \xmmx giilxe eatx iiiiee illlkl tlmex hattle ith a pj.tlimn. ~\ttipentlmux ttin. lhe ( ‘iieiiit ('iiieina. lil‘. ingxtmn.

The Rugrats Movie 1 l') tint ifxmitmii

\ irgien lgmr Kti\;tl}ti\. l8, l‘l‘t\i \'mieex mt: l-,( i. Hail}. < 'hrixtine (\ixaiiaiigli. Kath Smtieie. nil niinx. 'l'he \NL‘L‘lxl} aniinatetl athenttirex ml the tlllie'llle'x‘u irritatingl} \mieetl l’ie'l.lex laiiiil} ix l‘lt} aiiimng lxitltliex antl il\lllll\ in the Statex, hut the inm\ ie ix tletinitel} inmre ml a iiinimr entertainment

'l he tiliii'x iiiexxage ix \x ell intentimneel. and it might keep the little miiex titiiet tmi a while: \ileingai (‘ineiiia. l ttlg'x

The Santa Clause l t") *irir lli‘llll l’axtitiin. l'S. l‘N4) l iin .r\llen. eliitlge Reinhmltl. \Ventl} (‘ienxi in, ‘H niinx. \Vhen he lllll'xll\“-‘v ingl} elmnx that lainmtix retl xiiit. tlix'mreetl tmy emiiipain e.\eetiti\ e ~\‘emtt

(‘al\ in elixem\eix a elatixe that ineanx llL"\ legall}. hmtintl tm lie Santa trmni that rnmnient mn. li\' xtar .-\lleti t/lm/rii' l/Il/tl'itl ('Nlt'llll ix a

Music DU till llavis

that treat tmi all the limiti- lllllll ltlllllltlllS SDEEltll EllEElS

emriipeteiit lead in thix iipheat lexti\ e tale that tiiex hartl tm appeal tm the \x itlext pmxxil‘le atitlienee ()tlemn. l)iinlerrnlirie.

\‘iedx 20 to Sat 30 Dec Scary Movie t 1M *iii (Keetlelt l\mi_\

lieltetx li‘om £9.00 \Va'xanx. 18.2w“) MarlmnantlShaun

\V;i};iiix. (‘arrnen l‘leetta‘ Shannmn 3

l'li/alietli. fin iiiiiix. l’mlx‘ing tun at the \thle teen xlaxher inm\ ie phenmriienmn, the plmt he l i

tiu Giacomo Puccini

lmllmxxx the tirxt Stream inm\ ie tmriginall} tm he titleel, _\iip..\'t‘i1r\'.llmin'):.r\niaxlxetl iniireleier xtalltx anel iiitiitlerx high xelimml lx'ielx in a xellvemnxeimiixl} irmnie nianner. lt parmtliex Hie ( 'xizii/ Sin/wen. Hie ,lliitrta‘

'/ In [Hair llt/e/l l’riin't‘t, Hie lftmrt‘ixt and an} thing elxe that getx in the “at, and the xiirprixing thing ix it aetuall} \‘.Utl\\ \xith the gagx emniing thielx antl laxt. Big Stmmpitl l'un. Vikingar (inertia, l.argx.

Scrooge tt'i *iririr tltriaii l)L‘\lltttlttl llurxt. l'lx'. l‘l51):\li.xtairSirti. (iemrge (axle. Miehael llmrelein. Ni ininx. l’rmliahly the hext xereen atlaptatimn ml(‘hailex l)ielx'enx‘x A ( 'lirixmitix (11ml. 'l'he xtmr_\ emneernx the m\ er‘l} —prtitlent litixinexxinan l'lienee/er Sermmge (Sim). \\ limxe heemiiiex a xairit mernight lltit l)ielx'en.x \\ ax ne\‘er alraiel tm tackle the l‘tg ixxttex: the threat tti e‘lltltltell'\ ll\e‘x, \x hether the} are prix ilegetl mr

pm\ eit} -xtrieken ix miie ml the main theiiiex, Sllll‘ nmne ml the tlailx'nexx getx in the \xa} mt a erae‘lxing tale (irmx\ enmr‘ (ilaxgmx. Secrets Of The Heart (Secretos Del ll Corazon) l 13) *irfi t.\‘lmnt\m .-\rinentlari/. Spain. lll"\).-\nelmni lxrhtiru. .'\l\;tlH \agmie. (arriielm (imine/. ltt.< ltlillx, Nine- _\ear—mltl l.i\ i ll'rhtirtil liax a inmrhiel taxeinatimn \\ ith the dead. [hiring the liaxtei limliel.i_\x Ja\i antl hix himther return tm the xrnall prm\ ineial Spanixh \ illage in \\ hieh the} elixem eretl their dead tather'x l‘tttl}. antl

Sun 7 53 Mon 5 Jan at llSpm TlCl<Pl$ lrom HUGO

J.i\i liearx the \mie‘ex ml the dead. lz‘. er rnmre intrigued he hix emntaet \\ ith the atterlite, he

l‘egiltx tm unra\el the xeeretx ml the eleeeaxetl. 'l'hmiigh it hearx .xmnie xiiperlieial rexernhlanee tm Hie Nut/i Semi; Seen'rx (if Hie Heiirt ix nm ,xtipernattiral thriller. lnxteael. it‘x xupernatural elenientx are U\L’el

BOX “ff—CE! [Hill 539 BUD” 2213;111:2112: BTUUDS Ul 3l 539 5005

l'ilinhmtixe, l‘ielllll‘tllgllr ;, ;.


Continued over page