film -


Film Listings are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore.

12111111111111R11111113132511155411111: 111112;"51151111'11111>l.1ng:11151225 11115.11.11.1111e111e111as 2 1k .5..'\111111s1 1.4.211 1.1-? l‘clrtlc 11111111. l’ullman seats: L5 21111.4l~et~1e1111n11('11111111.v\l’:1.3:

l’1ill111.111seats: 1.5511113411heloie11111111.

Students:1.1.5111L511c11111:11111111 Mon 11111 es only.

ABC closed: Christmas day. Early closing: Christmas Eve and Hogmanay.

Charlie’s Angels 1 151 1.55. 4.111. 1y._‘411. H511.

Coyote Ugly 1 121 2.111. 11.35.

Red Planet 1 121 4.15. S411.

The Grinch11’111 1.411. 4.111. 11.25, 8.45.

113111511 1‘1 11111193123131 Charlie's Angels 1 151

llailyj 1.55. 4.111. 11.511. 15.511. Also matinee Sat: 11.51111111. The 6th Day1151

l'iri..\iun 11111: 2.1111. 5.411. \25. Sat: 1.311. 4.115, 11.411. “.25. The Grinch 11’(11

l)aily: 1.411. 4.1111. 11.25. 1545. .'\ls11 matinee 8.11: 113111111.

1111.12: 1/

111' 11"":‘117511 -1

Programme likely to he similar to the prcyiotis \s cek‘. l’ltttttc 11151 33131131115111 details and times. \eyy lilms due to open 111115112211ec:

Family Man 1 121

Pokemon The Movie 200011’(;1

\Vcslsltlc l’la/a. 1311\‘y'estet llalles RHiltl, Wester llailes.11HT11111111T11‘13. [1)]. [1i]. All tickets l1elore 1mm: £3211 standard seats; L'.‘y..\11lu.\ury seats; tarnily ticket L11 standard seats: luxury seats L13. Adults alter 1mm: 14.511staudard; 15.211 luxury. ('liildien alter 1111111 1.3.211 standard; 1.5.511 111\11ry. Student ();\1’ £5.211stai1daid. l'amily ticket £13 standard; .L15 lu\‘ury.

ABC closed: Christmas day.

Early closing: Christmas Eve and Hogmanay.


102 Dalmatians11'1 12.511. 3.15 5.511 H.111.

Bedazzled 1 121 1.511. 11.211.

Billy Elliot1151 3.311. 11.111. .sfsu Charlie's Ange151151 1.311. 5.45. 5.55.

s‘ :11

Red Planet 121 4.111. s40. The Art Of War 1 1s1 2.2 The Grinch 11’111 1.15. 5.45. 5.411.

The Little Vampire 111 1.411. 11.511. Urban Legends: Final Cut 1 151 4.1111,


s_]11, 11.111.


What Lies Beneath 1 151 2.111. 5.15. sin,

11:,1‘3; 1r. 31

102 Dalmatians 111

Daily: 12.511. 3.15. 5.411. .s‘.1111. Billy Elliot 1 151

Daily: 5.55 111111111111. 5.15. .-\lso matinee yyeekdays: 1.511. Charlie's Angels 1 151

11.1111; 1.35. 3.15. 5.55. sin. Family Man 1 121

Sat 1k Sun: 3.111. 5.411.

51111: 5.211.

Meet The Parents 121

Daily: 2.1111. 5.511. 5.511. .»\ls111.tlc 1'11 X 5.11: 111.45. Pokemon The Movie 20001111 11111: 4.111. 11.15.

Matinee Sat x 81111: 1.511. 5.511.

44 THE LIST 31.7..

Red Planet 121

111$. 8.11. .\lon 11111. 1.21‘. “.15. The 6th Day 1 1.51

l)a11y: :5“. 5.411. 5:". x\1s111alc 1'1'11K 11.112 1"..‘-’ TheArt OfWar1151

111 k 8.11. .‘ylon 11111: 3.511. The Grinch 11’111

l)aily: 1.15. 3.411. 11.111. 5.311. What Lies Beneath 1 151

Daily: 2.1‘16; 5.251111115.111. \2".


l’rogramme likely to he s1m1lar to the prey 11111s yyeek. l’hone 115101111 “11113 for details and times. \eyy ttlms due to open on l’ri :2 Dec:

Family Man 1 121

Pokemon The Movie 200011’111

35 Home Street. 11131 22K 4141. (‘1‘ hooking: 11131 2:5 4141.11ar.2411our 1111ormatio11l.ine:11131225 2.51111. [1)]. Screen 1: atternoons.L4.51111.2.5111: early ey ening 1.4.5111L'31: main eyening £5211. Screen 2 A; 3: afternoons L-11L21: early eyening L4 1L2.5111; main ey‘etting £4.75. .‘ylon: Screen 1: afternoons 12.511: eyenings L3. Screen 2 1k 3: afternoons £2; eyenings L2.511.\\'ed:L1 concs for lirst shoyy' 111 each screen. l.ate night shoyys: late night main :4 (£25111: midnight moyieL3.51111§2.5111. l)ouhle hills 181111 matinee late night 1: 1.4.511 1125.511 cones).

(Ktmco closed: 1 tie Dec 1‘) and Christmas Day.

1111 112111.11 1.1

Beetlejuice1151 111111111g111.

in The Mood For Love 11’(11 2.1111, (1.5.5.

Memento1151 1.311. 4.1111. 11.311. (1.1111. 0 Brother, Where Art Thou? 1 121 4.15. 11.45.

SmallTime Crooks 11’(11 1.25, 3.511. (1.211. H.511. 11.5.5.


Meet The Parents 1 121

Daily: 1.211, 3.511, 11.311, (1.115

:\ls11 late l‘iri ck Sat: 11.411.

Small Time Crooks 11’(11

Daily: 4.1111\; (1.311111111811111. $.55. In The Mood For Love 11’111 .‘ylatinee 1"ri tk Sat..\lon»51'11u: 2.1111. 0 Brother, Where Art Thou? 1 121 11.1111: 1.35. 11.411.

Memento 1 151

Daily: 4.1111, 11.111.

.-\1so late l’ri ck Sat: 11.45.

South Park: Bigger, Longer 81 Uncut 1151

l.ate l‘ri: midnight.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace 111

late Sat: midnight.

Three Colours: Blue 1 151 + Three Colours: White 1 151 + Three Colours: Red 1151

Matinee Sun: 1.511.

'l‘giv»t' |?i\<l"r\lL/k4' .,

l’togramme likely to he similar to the l‘tey ious \scck'. Phone-11131 228 4141 for details and times. .-\ltcrnatiyely'. call the 24 hourl1otlii1e111111131 225 251111 or pick 1111a yyeekly timetable trom the cinema. l’lease note there are [10 Midnight Mtiy'ics or Sunday .‘ylatinees until lihu 41.111.

111.111'11111 1\ \L‘\\l‘.1lllL‘ l'err.1ce.111.‘~144” 4"“1. 111to11113144“ 311111.1111144" \4511. CC 111111k111gilll51 44" 4""1. Restaurant. Bar. [1)].L~l.“l11e‘111e111.11x 21. Superior lounge seats 1c111ema 11.1.5211: l’ullman seats £5,511. Supetu‘t lounge seats L52“ 1e111ema 21. L5.21'1c1nema 5 N 41. Shoyys starting hetore 11pm: £3511 (cinemas 1. 2. 5 ck 411111111 Student 1'13411().-\l’ Mon last sltoyy‘ only L.3.5111e‘111e111.1s 1 A; 21; {4.211 (cinemas 3 1k 41.

Dominion closed: Christmas Day, Hogmanay and New Year's Day.

Bruce Willis is Unbreakable and Samuel L. Jackson is the opposite (brittle-boned) in M. Night Shyamalan's terrific follow-up to The Sixth Sense

102 Dalmatian511'1 3.25. 5.45. S511. Billy Elliot1151 1.411. 4.411. ".411. The Grinch11’111 2.35. 5.1 .

Wonder Boys 1 151 2.111. 5.111. s211.

1 {11775517715 1111.3{3‘ 591 j‘ 1

102 Dalmatians 11'1

l);111y: 12.411, 3.25. 5.45. 15.15.

Billy Elliot 1 151

l)aily: 1.411.

.-\lso\yeekdays: 4.411. 5.411.

Family Man 1 121

8.11 K 81111: 4.511. 5.511.

Meet The Parents 1 121

Daily: 1.411.

.1\1.soyyeckday.s: 4.411. ".411.

.-\lo.s Sat ch; Sun: 5.11.5. 5.411.

The Grinch 11’(11

Daily: 2.35. 5.45. 8.15.

Also matinee Sat ck Sun: noon. L212 .11 1&5ij :4.

Programme likely to he similar to the [trcy‘iotts yyeek. Phone-11131 447 21111111111 details and times. Neyy tilms due to open 11111'T1231)L'CI

Family Man 1121

Ik' 1 l 11 .I

at The l’ilmhouse. NH l.othian Road. 11151 225 211155. 11111 membership £25. (iuests tickets per screening: L4.

8' 1113/11 1] [DEC Sleepy Hollow 1 151 111111, Meet Me In St Louis 11') 11.1111.

.1111 '1'1‘1

NH l.othian Road.11131 2:3 21188. 11.11. Restaurant. [1i]. [1)]. Main ey‘ening screenings: £5.le 113.811 51111511111 only 1. Lady liyening screenings: £4211 (£21511 8111131'111111111y1. .‘ylatinees: £3.2111L1N1 8111141'11111111ly1; l'tiday bargain mat1nees: 122111112111. '

111‘_f14‘.;{: 14131: 1. Cecil B Demented 1 1R1 3.15. 5.15.

".15. (1.15.

2. The Man Who Cried 1 121 2.511. s45.

3, Chopper 1 1s, 3,1111, 11111, 111111 Lost Highway 1 1151 11.15.


liilbfli' 151211:

1.The Apartment 11’111 2.311. “.311. Cecil B Demented 1 1H1 5.311. 111.111.

2. East West (Est-Ouest) 1 121 2.1111. “1111,

Chopper 1 1M 4.45. 11.311.

3. The Man Who Cried 1 121 5.311. s45. Secrets Of The Heart (Secretos Del Corazon)1121 11.15.

1. It's A Wonderful Life 11’111 12.311.

The Apartment11)(11 5.1111. ".311

Cecil B Demented 1 1w 5.311. 111.111.

2. East West (Est-Ouest) 1 121 2.1111.

Chopper11s1 4.45. 11.311.

3. The Man Who Cried 121 1.311. s 45. Secrets Of The Heart (Secretos Del Corazon)11211115

1. The Apartment 11’1 11 2.111.

Cecil B Demented 1 1s1 s. 111.

2. East West (Est-Ouest) 1 121 2.1111.

" 1111

Chopper11S1 1.4.5. ‘1 111.

3. The Man Who Cried 1.71 .1 111. s45, Secrets Of The Heait (Secretos Del Corazon)1 121 1115.

1. The Apartment 11’( '11 1.45. 5.111. Cecil B Demented 1S1 4.311. 11.511.

2. East West (Est-Ouest) 1 121 2.1111.


Chopper 1 1M 4.45. 11.111.

3. The Man Who Cried 121 5.311. s45. Secrets Of The Heart (Secretos Del Corazon)1121 11.15.

'1 131.513/1'1 1;? 1.11

1.The Apartment 11’111 1.45, s..‘»11. Cecil B Demented 1 1151 4.311. 11.411.

2. East West (Est-Ouest) 1 121 2.1111. ".1111.

Chopper 1 1S1 4.45. ‘1411.

3. The Man Who Cried 1 121 3.411, Secrets Of The Heart (Secretos Del Corazon)1121 11.15.

1. The Apartment 11’111 1.45. H.411. Cecil B Demented 1H1 4.311, 11.311.

2. East West (Est—Ouest) 1 121 2.1111.

A 1111

Chopper 1 151 4.45. 11,311.

3.The Man Who Cried 1 121 1.311. H45. Secrets Of The Heart (Secretos Del Corazon)1121 11.15.

1111311311111 1“: 111/.

1.The Apartment 11’111 145. H.311.

Cecil B Demented 1 1s1 4.111. 11.311.

2. East West (Est-Ouest) 1 121 21111. ,1111‘

Chopper 1 1S1 4.45. ‘1311.

3. The Man Who Cried 1 121 1.111. s45.

Secrets Of The Heart (Secretos Del

Corazon)1121 11.15.


1. The Apartment 11’( 11 1.1111. Cecil B Demented 1 1A1 5.5111. 111.1111. 2. East West (Est-Ouest) 1 121 2.1111.


Chopper 1 1S1 4.45. (1.111.

3. It's A Wonderful Life 11’111 €311,


The Colour Of Paradise 11’111 11.15.


1. The Apartment 11’111 5.1111. .511. Cecil B Demented 1s. 5 311. 111.1111. 2. East West (Est-Ouest) 1 121 2.1111. Chopper 1 In 4.45. 3.1t's A Wonderful Life .1111 3.311. s15.

The Colour Of Paradise WM 1115.
