. ing and strengthening shoulders had risen considerably and instead


,‘ . 1 r A _, -.‘- ~ .Wghghelpto increase the body's feeling relaxeclhl'wasastenseasacorled -, , 17].. (gmptgimportantly, to correct bad spring. Movwg’ontoaseriesofmat work .I g I a [I a r . ~ 19205 by . stretching ltlSES usrng Iatus and , _ .. A...

. .. Pilates out, of pure » weights, what surprised me the most is how "

g . . r é gug‘tohis ill health as _a child, this hard you have to-concentrate. With such , ' 1%,. Bad POStU'ev slouching‘shduflérs andagenetala; 1.." . programme has benefited many . controlled movements, you really haveto appearance-of being smallét‘rihap .', W'- 5 Wzdancers to ME, Sciatica and about your body; while focusing on your flag, a , f; are? Shamed asl am to grim '~ " t .. ,. _ Wsufierers. - . - - g 2 .. i bleathin’ggndzmusde control’at the samettimfi _ on all count; In, an eff, r- "I jg ten“; ' ' » ' » togrid me of the. a . onsof.’,the.day.f.,. y; admitit's not easy. but by. 4 _;

,declidedto'giyéigila‘fi. ,- "*'.;."Tr IiiStructortold metobreathe‘ingi,’ - - readyseeanim...

J 1 . _n .. _ _ xi 4 . ~ _ '_ a: ’J‘féw ,A

.xtteefi'agq‘inzafix gm W lithoughLButwhen 41B“: a, a. .l W ’9 'i 'I 'V- ' - 3 ’5 ‘.:r.?,‘~ ’— ' “fin . . " -' :- ' ', i, " ' .' .' L ' '__ 131. " '

, gig;- \ _. -

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walk like a peasant. . ‘- z... ,.

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{I 4 4 u :’x :71

20 THE “ST l8 Jan-i Feb 2001