Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder.

The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle I I'i *it II)Cs .\lc:\null. I'S. Ziml I Rnhcrl l)c Nirn. chc RIissn. Jancanc (iarnlaln. ‘II mms. A IllIIIl‘IHUsl} Il'UlIIC npcnlng sequence In Ihis updalc nl Ihc (ills L'éll'lrmll scIs a pla} l'uI Innc; Ihc cpnn} innus II} in}; \qllll'l'L'I and best pal mnnsc are seen I1\ Ian m an ammach unrld sulIt-rmg l'rnm l't‘t‘t'sslnl]. :\nd \shcn Ihc animach ammaIs' ncincsCs. ch h} Dc Nirn's I‘carIL'ss Leader. t‘liiss II\L'I' IIlII) IIIL‘ 'l'L'III' \MH'III. IIlL' IIIIII mnws mIn Il\t‘ ilL‘llIlll/illlllllilllUlI lL'I‘I'llUI'} nl Il'liu l-nmm/ Ruurr Rub/HI ‘. and IlI\L' IhaI IiIm iIs diaInguc Is packed u IIh cuIIuraI i't'lcrcnccs IhaI \\ III haxc aduIIs laughing IIIIIIIL'I' lIIIIII kids. SL‘L‘ In It“. (iL‘lIL‘I'III i‘clcasc.

After Life I I’( ii ‘k i ‘k i I KnI'C-L‘IILI IIirnka/u. Japan. I‘N‘H .-\raIa. Iirika ()da. Siisumu 'I‘craiima. I Ih‘ mins, In a san nl

cu i| scr\ lt't‘ hurcau I'nr Ihc dead. 32 PCUPIL‘ haw nnc \wck In select a single mcmnr) and sec ll rccrcalcd nn IiIm. \shich IhC} \\ iII Iakc u iIh Ihcm \shcn lIlt‘} cnIcr Ihc alIcrIil'c. IlirnIsa/u's hcauIil'uI Iilm reaches \s‘a} heynnd clhcrcal \xhims}. SIi'ucIurcd alnng dnt'udrama IlllL‘\. iI sliml} graViIaICs In hcing a mcdiIaIinn nn Iil'c. dcth. Inss. Incmnr} and cinema. And IhaI‘s iusI scratching th' surface. Iidinhurgh l’ilm (illlItI aI Ihc IiiImIinusu

All About My Mother I IS» *tttt II’L'dI'n Almndmar. Spain. I‘I‘NI (‘ccilia RnIh, I’cnclnpc ('ru/. :\nInnia San Juan. I(ll mms. 'I'his ma} well he Almndnxar's hcsI Iilm In dale When Madrid hnspiIaI \mrkcr NIaIIIICIais sun is kIIICII in II (III IIL‘L‘IIICIII. IIIC grit-I smelt-n \snman sCl\ nuI In l'ullil hcr snn's IasI \sIin In knms his father. and fines In Barcclniia In Iind Ihc IransxcinIc she ran aua} lrnm eighIccn )Cill'\ earlier. chnuiicd

index FILM

Dudes in stoopid hats and shorts and babes in very little just about sums up gross out comedy with the stoopidest title ever: Dude, Where's My Car?

I'nr his panra)aI nl sIrnng unmen. :\Imndn\ar pa} s IrihuIc here In Ihcn‘ capacil) In acI. In innIhcr and In t'rcaic sIrnng hnnds nl snhdaril} in the lace nI cxlrmiiiIics. Iiilmhnusc. Izdmhurgh

Almost Famous I ISI *‘k‘k‘k (faint-inn (‘rnxun l‘S. ZIHII i Kale IIIidsnn. I’aIrick I’ugil. Bill} ('rudup. 123 mins. \VriIcr— dircclnr (‘rim c's auInhingraphica| rc-\ it'\\ (if America's 7Ils rnclx scene is seen Ihrnugh rnsc-Iinch shades. 'I'hnugh iI isn'I an upnsc nl‘ Ihc undcrhcll) nl rncls ‘n' rnII. it's a magical carpcl ride IhaI apprnprialcs the WM cxhiIaIaImg elements nl’ Ihc scene and makes nl' Ihcm an eiini‘iiinusl} salisl) mg. nl'Icn \‘cr_\ I'unn} drama. ('i'nuc‘s \cr} pcrsnnaI lilm. sccn Ihrnugh Ihc C) L‘s nl Iccnagc rnck inurnn William Miller I High i, IICVL‘I' lakes IIIC IIII} L‘IIL‘IICd I'nIIlL‘. nnr dnCs iI lapse inIn parnd}. “IIICII in IIIL'\L' pnsl- Spinal 'lii/i da) s. is iin mcan I'caI, .-\nd m the

Iurmnnus KaIc IIudsnn. a star is hnrn Sec rm icxs. (icncral release,

The Apartment II’(il *tttt II‘IIII} Wilder. I'S. IUnIII Jack I.L'lIIlIlUll. Shirlc} .\lacl.ainc. I‘rcd .\lac.\lurra'\. Ra} \ValsInn. I35 lllllls Splendid saIirc nn sc\. success and mnraIiI}. in \shit‘h I.cinmnn's clerk gcncraICs hi; hut‘ks h} suh-IcIImg his aparImcnI In sciiinr C\Ck'lIlI\L'\ Inr immnral purpnscs. nnl} In lind IhaI his nun giil is hax mg n nl'l' \\ iIh his hnss, IInIh ecnIraI pcrl'nrmant‘Cs arc \snndcrlul. gcnciaimg hnIh Iaru‘ and paIIins \\ iIh admirahlc suhIIcI}. (iI’I‘. (ilasgnxs.

Back To The Future II’( I) t t t t I Rnhcn [t‘lllL‘L‘IslM IiS. I‘IHSI \IIL‘IILICI I I‘iu\. l.Cil 'I‘hnmpsnn. (‘rispin (ilnwr, I In inms. Dcwrwdl} pnpulai‘ Iiinc-Irawlling IanIas} adwnIurc \\ iIh sIrch-smarI 30s Iccnagcr \\III\I\L‘tI hauls in lime Inr a IiIIIc chicancr}

\\ iIII his I'qurc parcnIs. (irnswnnr. (iIasgnix.

Beautiful Creatures I lxi * t * «Bill Izaglcsd K. IIIINH Rat‘hcl \\t‘l\/. Susan I.) nt'h. lam (iIcn, X“ iiiins St'iipIt-d h} Izdmhuigh pla}\srith/Iilininalxci Simnn |)niiald. Iliis edgy pla} IuI IaIc t‘nnt‘crns Ixsn gnigt‘nus \sniiicn di//_\ \l;lllI_\lI Mnnrnc Innk a IlIst‘ I’I'Iula (\Vt‘is/i and Inugh t'tlillslt' I)ni‘nIIi} iSusan I._\nt'hi

\xhn arc IIiI upnn llll mnrt- “ass Ihan IHII‘I h} \arinus hruIaI mcn. IIuI \shcn lL'IllPt‘IN spiral nuI nl L'IlIIlIIlI. snllicnnt‘ :Jt'l\ hurl. aI \xhich pnml I’cIIila and I)ninIh} make Ilht' 'l'hclma and I.Ulll\L‘ and lake nII \\ iIh hInnd nn lIlt‘ll' hands and mnm‘} iii lIlt'll pnckcls. Slick hnI \\ iIh an unpleasanI misng} lll\llL‘ Innc. lllt' 1mm cn IIruuu/u/ (‘n'iilunw dncsn‘I t‘tllllt‘ Ingtht-I In he Ihc grcaI mndcrn IiIm nnii iI unuld dead}


Continued over page


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1—15 Feb 2OOI THE “ST 31