THEATRE listings

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S'I'R.\'I‘ll('l.\'l)li 'l'llliA'l‘Rl-I (iRlH'l’

Rosencrantz Gulldenstern

.- Mon 5th by Tom Stoppard ' to Sat 10th February@ 7,30

directed by Aaron Paterson

'A remarkable and thrilling cantedy

- the warm '8 eye view of our most famous classical Tragedy’

Friday 2 Feb @ 9pm


Come to the launch of ’six feet up' - the debut album by the talented singer/songwriter, Helen Reeves - with her distinctive country-influenced vocals.

Tickets £4 each For Concert Only from the Ramshorn

. A A I

'A thrilling/y original work by one of the most exciting playwrights in the USA....often marvelloust comic.’ The Times

O ' '0 a 0‘ ' 'E‘ o

The Ramshorn Theatre, 98 Ingram St. Glasgow 0141 552 3489

Set during the Great Plague of 1665. this is a compelling and richly textured piece.

u: or": in; 0-? age st Cir-"=1 M iii“: a. [-1 i-:l-::ed tut ist. . .


. . . It. s. a. lo me tin 111-31

The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek by Naomi Wolloce

Previews from Friday 16 Feb Tickets from £3 (£2.50 online)

0131 228 1404



64 THE “ST l—lS Feb 200‘.



Drama is listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance is listed after drama for each city. Shows will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Drama 8: dance listings compiled by Kelly Apter. DISABLED ACCESS KEY

“A = \Vheelehatr .-\eeess; l’ 2 Parking l'aeilities; \\'(' : .\dapted 'l‘oileti \l. TICKETLINK

Tickets tor inaior \enttes in (ilasgou are amtlahle troin the 'l‘ielset (‘entre. (‘andleriggs .\lon Sat liliilain (i..‘\ltpiii; Sun noon Split in person or tiiitil ‘lpin h} phone on ill-ll 28" 55] 1. .\ti_\ 'l‘ieltetltnls lTH\ Ulllt‘t‘ can sell llL'I’sCl\ ltll' Ulllt‘l’


ll tndieates \enties \shere 'l‘heatre 'l‘olsens can he e\ehanged tor tielsets Tokens ean he bought l'roin the 'l‘ieket ('ettlt‘e. (‘andleriggs (ilasgtm. lllJl ZN" 50H); inost hranehes ot' “H. Smith. John \lL‘tt/les and James ’l'ltlll Booksellers; of h} credit eard lroin likenhne. (ll Tl Islll HHlll).



353 :\l'_L"\ IL‘ Street. (Will ()2: (HUD. I\\.(.. \VAI

Life And Death In Milton Keynes l‘ri Z/Sat 3 l‘eh. 8pm. (H). .-\etor and puppeteer eharts the rise and tall ol' doomed soap star. Jaek .\lel.eod. .\'ot stiitahle lor ehildren land _\oti thought puppets \\ ere just kids' slull‘l.

A Man With Connections Thu 8 Sat In Feb. 3pm. £6 if-ll. l-'o|lo\\ ing on ll'tllll its sueeesslul production. (TIN 'I Slum] ( '/i for I'd/ling Donn. Theatre lnl‘oriner return \\ ith this nen hlaek eoined} about a ertimhling marriage during the last da_\ s ol‘ Soviet Rttssia.

The National Review Of Live Art \Vctl lJ—Sun l.\‘ leh Britain's longest running testnal ot‘ h\ e art takes tip residenee at the neu l_\ rettrrhished Arches. \\ ith an eeleetie range ot ne\\ \xork l'roin .\le\ieo. Japan. litirope. PK and the ISA. l't‘\ll\.ll opens Wed l4 l‘el‘. 5 30pm. l:\ents until llUtl pin. l‘hti l5 .ipni lthtlpin. da} lte‘kt‘t{"_51li£5.5llt;5 da} pass £35 iiltli; 3 da_\ pass {l5 IUZI. See teature page Hi.


ll‘l (iorhals Sll‘L‘L‘l. ~13" “(’32. H). H. llvl \\'('. \\'.-\l

Filth ‘ltie h Sat 24 l'eh inot SuntMont. "3"l‘tti, {Hi i U i. i.\lain 'lheatrel. Sex drugs and \ tolenee \\ ill al\\a_\s guarantee

a certain amount ot hiiins on seats. so

HHL‘L‘ ttgttlll ll'\ llle \\t‘lslt.\ lztlL‘ Ul .l

corrupt wolieeinan returns to the (‘it/,

Faithful l'ntil Sat 3-1 l'eh tnot

Sun/Mont "Hitlpin. {Ill it'fii. iStalls

Sttidioi. Yet more se\ and drugs at the

(‘it/. this time etilled troin the

atitohiograph} ol' last-In ing ehantettse.

Marianne l5aithltill. Inspired h} the . ‘.'\tidienee \Vith' st} le TV programmes.

the pla} dehes deep into l~aithlti|l's

carnal e\ploits \\ ith \ariotts Rolling

Stones: Mick Jagger. Keith Riehards and.

ll she'd had her \\a_\. Brian Jones.

The Mysterious Mother t'nnl Sat 2-1

l-eh inot Sun/Mont. 7.30pm. (It) (EM.

t('irele Studio). l‘t'ee pre\ iexs on Wed 3|

Jan. .-\nd \\ hat‘s thisl’ li\ en more se\.

()nl} this time. the) ’re keeping it in the

latiiil} as lloraee \Valpole's I708 tale ol

incest and \ illain} linall} gets its lirst pei‘l'orinanee (apparently \\ e ean handle

this kind ol slul'l' mm ada} s l.


207 Bath Street. 237 SSI I. Ill. \\'(‘. \\'.-\l Oh! What A Night .\lon ll Sat l7 l-eh. 7.3llpin; l-‘ri tk Sat 5.3(lpin & h’. ltlpin. £7.50 £23.50. llis da) s ol large trousers. trilh) hats. paternit) suits land lor that matter. ehart hits). may he a distant mentor). hut Kid ('reole is still going


by Torben Betts

,3 'f

. If. ~I .


. . _'.s- s' ' l, ’4 " . _-." ~.<‘,-_\ '7 “its. I q“, .‘ 7'

16 January - 3 February, 7.45pm.

STU DENT TICKETS from £3.50! 0131 248 4848

oyal yceum

ltetttre / oinpany