CLUBS listings

EDINBURGH CLUB LISTINGS continued Chart& Party

I Carnal at ligo. I0.30ptn ~3am. £2. l2 Feb. Fortnightly. Buy a tree membership andch a tree bottle oI bubbly at this sttideiit-orientated mainstream chart party.

I The Subway at the Subyyay.

9pm 3am. Free Ior students yyith matriculation card: Ll otheryyise. Weekly. See 'l‘hu.

I Funky Underground at The Suhuay West land. 7pm 3am. Free. Weekly. 70s shenanigans \\ itlt I)J Diggler and Daddy (‘ool.



I Immersed in Music at Pit-o.

9pm -lam. Free. Weekly. 'Monkey Boy" Mark Iidmondson plays I'tinky phathack grooves for all the playa/. otit there.

I Phun-Q at (3 Bar. 9.30pm lam. Free. Weekly. l).I I)ali. Kltan and I)ttyien get Irisky with a I'tmked—tip mix or sotil and latin.

I Salsa at lil Barrio. 7pm- lattt. Free. Weekly. I.atiit dance classes. Sec 'I'hti and Classified for more into.

I Salsa Experience at Baracoa.

I0pm lam. Free. Weekly. A mystery I)J plays the I.atino grooy‘es to tnake you salsa. with dance classes from Sam.

I Salsa Viva (H Siglo. 9pm lain. Free. Weekly. Ilot tropical rhythms to enjoy with your cool tropical cocktails.


I CC. Blooms at ('.('. Blooms. l0.30pm 3am (bar from 6pm). Free. Weekly. Take a step back in tittte to 60s. 70s. S0s and early 90s times at this gay cltth.

I Fat Sam's Swing Club at ligo. Monthly. Next date 20 Feb.

I Motherfunk at The Venue.

I lptn 3am. Free. Weekly. Your one-stop shop for Tuesday clubbing. Motherl‘unk is an Iidinbtii'gh rare grooy'e. soul and Itink institution. So shotild your rank



I Air Organic 36 Kely'ingroy'e Street. 564 520I.

I Alasksa I42 Bath Lane. 248 I777. I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 204 318‘). I The Arches Midland Street t ot't‘ Jamaica Street). 22] 400I.

I Asylum 70 (‘oyy'caddens Road. 332 06SI.

I Babaza 25 Royal Iixchange Square. 204 0IOI.

I Bennet's 8t) (llassl‘ord Street. 552 576l.

I Bonkers Hope St. 248 5884.

I Brel 39 Ashton I.ane. 342 4966.

I Budda I42 St Vincent Street. 22] 5660.

I Catedonian University Student Union (Asylum) 70 (‘owcaddens Road. 332 068 I.

I The Cathouse 15 Union Street. 248 6606.

I Cleopatra's 50S (ireat Western Road. Kely'itibridge. 334 0560.

I Club Budda I42 St Vincent St. 22l 22 l 3.

I Cut De Sac Ashton I.ane. 334 8899. I Eat Drink Man Woman 34—44 King St. 552 9227.

I Firebird I321 Argyle Street. 334 0594.

I Fury Murry's ()6 Maxwell Street. 22] 65I I.

I The Garage 490 Sattehiehall Street. 332 I I20.

I Glasgow School of Art I67 Rent‘rew Street. 332 ()69l.

I Glasgow University Union 32 University Ay'eittie. 339 8697.

80 THE lIST I—IS Feb 2001

muscle start to itch it‘s best that you go ask residents (into and Friar to get their scratchy lingers otit.

I Oaxaca at I’o .\'a .\'a. llpm 3am. Free. 23 Jan. Fortnightly. I.atino tttitk night geared toysat'ds pleasing the student market.

Chart & Party

I Shagtag at (iaia. l0pm 3am. L4 t £2 ). Weekly. :\let)ll()l-lllelletl Ilirting taided and abetted by drinks promosi \ ta the inlamotts number-based introductions

sy stem. Please note there's tree tequila attd chaitipagne Ior the I'loo/ie yy ith the most requests.

I The Subway at The Stibyyay.

9pm 3am. Free Ior students yy ith matriculation card: Ll otherys ise. Weekly. See Ilttl.

I The Subway West End at the Subyyay West Iind. 7pm 3am. Free Ior students yy ith matriculation card; Ll otheryy ise. Weekly. Themed party nights every week. ollcring chart pap. clteap bottle and [)l'l/es.



I The Departure Lounge at PopRokit. l0pm Iaitt. Free. Weekly. (‘elebrity hosts Ilarry Ainsysorth and the loyer |)tisty Heights Ilt\ ilc yotl to hop aboard their interstellar e\etlrsit)tl into qtti/land. Things are hotting tip on the tttii/ shuttle this I'ot'tnight because as Irom 7 Feb. teattts ol' 4 people can start earning poitits towards the grand Iinal to take place iii The Honeycomb in March. .»\ holiday to an exotic Iitiropean location is tip l'ot' grabs.

I First Contact at l’iyo. 9pm lam. Weekly. .\Ielloyy IIIILl-W eek dl'tlltl tfi bass With the delectable 1)] Now. Please note. this is the otin drtim ck bass pi‘e—elttb so mind you take adyantage.

I Headzeint at Iilll. 9pm lam. Free. Weekly. Hip hop. Funk and electi'obeats courtesy or Michael attd (iai'y.

I Hot Charanga Sauce at Q Bar.

ts’pm lam. Free. Weekly. Staggering thouin it may seem. the diy ine (’arlos

I Groucho St Judes Wt) Bath Street. 352 8800.

I 92 474 Sattehiehall St thehind the (iat'age). 353 3l 1 I.

I Havana 5t) Hope Street. 248 4466. I Life (basement or (‘orinthiank l9l Ingram Street. 552 I l0l.

I The Lighthouse 56 Mitchell Street. 22I 6362

I The Living Room 5 Byers Road. 339

S5I I. I MAS 29 Royal Iixchattge Square. 22l 7080.

I Nice 'n' Sleazy 42I Sattehiehall Street. 333 9637

I O'Hen 's I)rury Street. 246’ 375 l.

I Planet each 34 Queen Street. 226 8990.

I Polo Lounge S4 Wilson Street.

553 I22].

I Queen Margaret Student Union 22 University (iardens. 339 9784.

I Reds. 375 Sattehieltall Street. 33I I635.

I Riverside Club l-‘ox Street. 569 7287. I Rocksy’s Basement 4t) .‘s'eu Snetltlon Street. Paisley. 552 579l.

I The Shack I93 Pitt St. 332 7522.

I Soba l 1 Mitchell Street I.ane. 204 2404.

I Spy Bar Bath Street. 22l 77l I.

I Strawberry Fields 56 ()syyald Street. 22! 7871.

I The Studio. IOS4 South St. Scotstoun. 40l I750.

I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tago I.ane. 357 4524.

I 13th Note 260 (‘lyde Street. 243 2177

I Trash I97 Pitt Street. 572 3372.

I The Tunnel 84 Mitchell Street. 204 I000.

I Variety Bar 40] Sattehiehall Street. 332 4449.

I The Velvet Rooms Sattehiehall Street. 3320755.

l’ena attd his tour-piece combo are ltoyy sptctng tip the Q Bar on a yyeekly basis. I Made In Iguana at Iguana. 9pm lam. Free. Weekly. (‘olin .\Itllar atid .-\dam Bray illeadsptni demonstrate their ama/ing deckstertcal yersatiltty tn the fields or hip hop. ttiitk and breaks.

I The Merry Pranksters at the .\Ieadoyys Bar. 9pm latit. Free, l4 I'eb. Fortnightly. Faiited Ior their monthly strutting at Radio Babylon. I’t'atiksters Noodles atid Brains delight yy ith all sorts ol eleclt‘o ttmkyitess,

I Oxygen at ()\ygen. Spm latti. Free. Weekly. this popular bar tioyy hosts a student party pt‘e-cliib eyet'y \yeek yy ttlt ridiculously cheap boo/e atid Itmky house Irom liye ('andy ‘s ( iraeme .\Icl.eaii.

I Salsa at Izl Barrio. "pm lam. l'tee. Weekly. I.atlll dance classes Sec Hill and Classified Ior more into.

I Salsa Variations at Baiaeoa.

Spin Iaiti. Free. Weekly. I)J .\Iikay eI plays the I.atitio gt'ooyes to make you salsa yy ith dance classes iii either a ('oltimbian or ('uban style.

I Son de Rumba at (‘ellar ltar .\'o l. lllpm latti. Free. Weekly. ()tte ol tltc pioneering I.atin music nights aiid still the best selection or Itttlt-et)llllllereltll grooyes courtesy ot I).I Iiitt'ititte.

I Tango at the ()uthotise ttipstaii's i. 7pm midnight. Free. Weekly. llllttl‘lllttl tango night yy ith tree beginners class Irom 7pm.


I CC. Blooms at ('.(‘. Blooms. l0.30pm 3am tbar Irom 6pm ). Free. Weekly. .-\ spot oI midyyeek house action at this alyyays busy gay club.

I Ceratonin at Wilkie llotise.

l0pm 3am. £4. 7 Feb. Fortnightly. Stimulate your senses yy tilt a music policy or banging trance atid techno and a reel-good Iactor that iiiyo|\es massage. body painting and arotitatlterapy.

I Fat Sam's Swing Club at ligo. See Inc.

I Freefall at Wilkie llotise.

10.30pm 3am. L5. Monthly. lIighr adrenalin hip hop attd drtim ck bass yy ith

I The Woodside Social Club 329 North \Vootlsitle Rtttitl. 337 I643. I Yang 33 Queen Street. 24S S4S4.

I The Ark 3 Seinple Street. 229 7733. I The Art College I.atiriston Place. 220 3234.

I The Attic l)_\el'\ Close. ('tiyygttle. 225 S332.

I Baracoa 7 Victoria Street. 225 5846. I Bar Union 253/25S ('oyygate. 557


I La Belle Angele ll Ilaslies (lose. 225 7536.

I The Bongo Club I4 Next Street. 556 5204.

I Cavendish \y'est 'l‘ollcross. 228 3252. I CC. Blooms 23 24 (ireettside Place. 556 933 I.

I The Citrus (irittdlay Street. 622 7036. I The City Cafe Blair Street. 220 0l25. I Club Java ('ommercial Street. l.eith. 467 3935.

I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), l’ieartly I’lace (entrance through The ()uthottse (iardens. Brottgltton Street I.ane. 47S 7434.

I Cuba Norte l92 Morrison Street. 22I 0499.

I Ego (fomerly E2K) Pieardy Place. 478 7434.

I eh1 I97 High Street. 220 5277.

I El Barrio I04 West Port. 229 ssoS. I Eros/Elite Fottntainpark. I)ttndee Street. 228 l66l.

I Gaia King Stables Road. 229 7986. I Holyrood Union IIolyrood Road. 65l 6l57.

I The Human Be-ln 2/S yy‘est (‘rosscattseyyay. 662 SS60.

I Iguana 4| Lothian Street. 220 42SS.

yottt resident allstat‘s lleckmcal llttch. l-...\.() attd Static I t‘) (ittest DI the.

I Freeform at l‘go has noyy titttshed

I Kero-Scene—KZ at Stutlio 24.

llptti 3am {I 50, Weekly lttcteasmgly popular alternattye night yyhich secs 1 eat. Wally. ltty attd Ilotig playing death. doom. heayy metal .tttd e\tieme tunes.

I Majik (formerly Rotary Funk) .u Fltc \entie ttop l'loot i. l030ptn 3am. L3 It l'cb Fortnightly ;\ ltot to tiot night ot house bieakm' titnk music ttotit residents I oittc. (‘htick atid Is’eyeal

I Nectar at Why \ot \Ionthly \e\t date 2l Feb

I Red (formerly Out To Lunch) at l’o \a \a I lpm 3am. | tee. Weekly Ill llai‘i‘y lets ( io i lioombosi pttts tltc eclectic tiito electric at this tenattied mtdyyeek staple

I Smack at lpgo. l0 30pm 3am. "2. 7 Feb. Fortnightly. \eyy student night With ltip hop in the ballroom attd tttttk in tltc doyynstaii's lounge. (‘heap boo/e a bonus.


I Skint at the \lls. Itlpm 3am L2 tltcc yy ith pt'ool ot oyetdt'alt I, Weekly 'l he tindtsptitcd king ol student nights not ottly supplies the Iitiest chart anthems btit also cares enough to pt‘oy ide dtinks at Ll all night atid Itee entry to oyetdiayyn students.

I Midweek Mayhem at the Fltlttltl Room. l0. 30pm 3am. l'i'ee Wlllt matt‘tc card betoi‘c l2. 30am; L2 othcryy ise. Weekly. (‘lieesy. cltai‘ty choons. cheap drink and good odds at coppmg oil.

I Shark at lat‘os/lzlite, 9,3Ilpm 3am. L3 tL2i bel'ore llpm; LII tL3i alter. Weekly. Student night supplying the obligatory chart pap.

I The Subway at the Stitmay.

9pm 3am. l't'cc l'ot students Wllll matriculation card; tjl otlietyytse. Weekly. See 'I‘htt.

I The Subway West End at 'l he Stibyyay West land, 7pm 3am. I'tee lot' students yy ith matriculation card; Ll otheryy ISe. Weekly. See ll llll.

I Viagraah at Reytiltllltul. Illpm 3am L4 W3). Weekly. l’tittiped tip patty ttittcs lot the Irisky students otil tliete.

I The Liquid Room 9c Victoria Street. 225 2561.

I LOCO 235 (‘mygattx 225 5-ll 3.

I The Meadow Bar littcclettch Street. 622 76S“.

I Club Mercado 36 226 4224.

I Noa 7 ()tieensleriy Street I.atie. 226 6S2S.

I The Outhouse lit-ouglnon Street l.ttlte. .557 668.

I Oxygen 35 Iiilii'titary Street. 55." 9997.

I Peppermint Lounge llIau- Street. 622 63 I l.

I Pivo 2 6 ('altoti Road. 55 I PO Na Na 26 Frederick Street. 226


I The Pond 22 24 Bath Road. 467 3S25.

I PopRokit 2 l’tcat‘tly Place. 556 4272. I The Potterrow liristo Square. 650 (“95.

I Q Bar 5/ll l.eith Street. 557 5s3ti. I Revolution 3| I.otliiati Road. 2 9 7670.

I Rush 3 Robertsoth ('lose. 55 X I Studio 24 ('altoit Road. 558 I The Subway ('oyy gate. 2256766.

I The Subway West End l.othiaii Road. 229 9197.

I The Union llerltit Watt t'niyei'sity. Riccarton. 45l 5353.

I The Venue ('altoit Road. 557 3073. I The Watershed 44 St Stephen Street. 220 3774.

I The Wee Red Bar lidinhurgh (‘ollege ()I‘Art. I.atiriston Place. 229 I442.

I NOT? l4 (ieorge Street. 624

S3l l.

I Wilkie House ('ougate. 225 2935.

3‘) .\Iarket Street.
